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  1. ramonmercado

    Plantation Slavery Originated On São Tomé, According To Archaeologists

    Was this the first slave plantation? Plantation slavery was invented on this tiny African island, according to archaeologists By Kristina Killgrove published 2 days ago A 16th-century sugar estate on the tiny African island of São Tomé is the earliest known example of plantation slavery. The...
  2. ramonmercado

    DNA Shows ‘Persian Princes’ Helped Found Medieval African Trading Culture

    A tale of Persian Princes settling on the Swahili Coast and intermarrying with locals. DNA shows ‘Persian Princes’ helped found medieval African trading culture Merchants from abroad married into powerful local families on the Swahili coast 29 MAR 2023 11:40 AM BY ANDREW CURRY Medieval tombs...
  3. blessmycottonsocks

    Kasai Rex

    Does Mokele M'Bembe have a rival? Alleged theropod dinosaur (or could be a new crocodile species or some sort of large monitor lizard) reported in the Congo. Been doing the rounds on Pinterest, along with some decidedly dodgy photos. https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Kasai_Rex
  4. T

    Tracking Living African Pterosaurs

    Tracking Living (Or Recently Dead) African Pterosaurs Posted by Chris Parker Dec 17 2009 One might think that the continent of Africa would be the repository of animal fossils of all types but the number of pterosaur fossils discovered there have been few and far between. I say this with the...
  5. D

    Clippings From Ethiopia & Ethiopian Forteana

    International Forteans, I have just taken up my first overseas posting for DFID (www.dfid.gov.uk) in Ethiopia. I live now in Addis Ababa the vibrant and colourful capital of a fascinating country. Although new to the country, I know that this place will be incredibly exciting to live in and...
  6. M

    Clippings From Kenya & Kenyan Forteana

  7. M

    Africans In 17th Century Maryland?

    Requires (free) registration: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A32744-2004Nov7.html?sub=AR
  8. MrRING

    Ancient Olmecs From Africa?

    http://www.raceandhistory.com/historicalviews/ancientamerica.htm The earliest people in the Americas were people of the Negritic African race, who entered the Americas perhaps as early as 100,000 years ago, by way of the bering straight and about thirty thousand years ago in a worldwide...
  9. O

    Clippings From Swaziland & Swazi Forteana

    If you want a break from the war on iraq when you swich on your telly or read a paper at the moment one is hard to find. :( luckily I found the swaziland times. (swaziland is a small nation in southern africa where interesting things happen) heres one gem from todays edition: the times...