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conspiracy theories

  1. James_H

    Are There More Conspiracy Believers These Days?

    Earlier today I was chatting with a colleague (~25 years old) and the conversation took a turn. She'd previously said things like 'do you really believe the pyramids were built by humans?' (yes) but today she got straight onto 'my ex-boyfriend was inducted into the illuminati' and 'Sam Smith is...
  2. Kingsize Wombat

    The QAnon Conspiracy Phenomenon

    I don't think this has been discussed here - I'm not even sure it deserves a mention. But I find it strangely fascinating. http://www.newsweek.com/how-storm-biggest-fake-news-story-796725 In essence, "Q" tends to predict that the "Deep State" will be unveiled "Soon", "Next Week" or whenever -...
  3. Quake42

    The Abolition Of Cash

    There's the beginnings of a movement around abolishing cash for more than very small purchases. It tends to be couched in terms of stopping money laundering/financial crime/terrorism. Various stories being planted in the media, the most recent here...
  4. Xanatic*

    What's The Most Outrageous Conspiracy Theory You Have Heard?

    In another thread, someone was talking about the moon landing hoax. It is of course wrong, but I can see how it could be done and the motivation for it. Other conspiracy theories seem to have no such things. For me I think it would have to be the theory that the Moon doesn't exist at all. That...
  5. T

    Belief In Conspiracy Theories: Public Survey

    I can't actually find the details of how the survey was carried out or what the questions were, unfortunately. Anyway, I'm slightly surprised Area 51 tops the poll not to mention some of the omissions Top conspiracy theories Of the many conspiracy theories to surface over recent years...
  6. M

    The Georgia Guidestones

    http://www.radioliberty.com/stones.htm Whats this all about??
  7. A

    There Is No Conspiracy!

    THER IS NO CONSPIRACY! Has any conspiracy ever been proven to be anything other than a dumb ass theory? The “American government knew about in advance or was responsible for 9/11” is a good example of this. There seems to be several variations of this...
  8. A

    David Icke & His Work

    Are david ickes conspiracy theorys right wrong and why?
  9. A

    Contrails & Chemtrails

    contrails are freaking me out Is my own government out to get me and the masses in America. Are they spreading wierd biological chemicals as to prepare us for an upcoming epidemic. I have heard airplanes fly over me too often and seemingly return over and over again to spook me out. I've read...