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  1. Yithian

    Clippings From The United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) & Emirati Forteana

    U.A.E. is supposedly home to the deepest pool in the world, which I find surprising. Sixty metres down, 14 million litres! I'd assumed that some kind of naval training centre would have a deeper one, but then I suppose at some point it's easier just to use the sea. More here...
  2. Floyd

    Clippings From Saudi Arabia & Saudi Forteana

    Well it seems something is going on there. The 2012 Saudi Arabia mass trespasses, known by its instigators as The National Day to Invade Dwelling Places of Jinn (Arabic: اليوم العالمي لغزو الجن, romanized: al-Yawm al-ʿĀlamī Liġazū al-Jinn) was a campaign by a group of several Saudi paranormal...
  3. A

    Clippings From Greece & Greek Forteana

    I did not see any specific thread for Greece so I create this one. Mysterious offering at Kalikatsou Rock (Grikos, Patmos island) : I recently visited the island of Patmos, where John "the Theologian" supposedly had his dream about the "Revelation" (Apocalypse). In the south-eastern part of...
  4. SimonBurchell

    Clippings From Guatemala & Guatemalan Forteana

    There's no thread on Guatemala yet, but it's my favourite destination so I'll get this started; I don't expect it will pick up many posts but I'll try to post any Guatemalan forteana here when I come across it. To get it started, a couple of stories I was told a few years ago. I have contacts...
  5. Floyd

    Clippings From Belgium & Belgian Forteana

    Oi! Poirot, mayo with chips, moules frites and Tintin...... That's all I've got.
  6. blessmycottonsocks

    Greenland: Up For Sale?

    Probably a good investment, with all those glaciers melting and exposing prime real estate. Wonder what the locals think? Will it come as a shock to them or will they declare "Inuit all along... " https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/15/donald-trump-greenland-purchase-denmark
  7. James_H

    Clippings From Hong Kong & Hong Kong Forteana (& Macau!)

    I know they're not technically nations but seeing as they are culturally distinct and have a special political status, I feel a separate thread from 'China' is appropriate. I put them together because they're close by to each other and share a lot in terms of language, culture and identity. I...
  8. James_H

    Clippings From Croatia & Croatian Forteana

    A trip to Daksa island outside Dubrovnik, site of a massacre post-WWII. Nobody wants to take the writer there.
  9. Krepostnoi

    Clippings From Malaysia & Malaysian Forteana

    The first of what will certainly be irregular, and possibly a series: we were invited by friends to stay in Port Dickson over the weekend, PD being the closest stretch of coastline to the KL konurbation (apologies: this is the Klang valley, not the Kerrang valley). On hearing of my Fortean...
  10. ramonmercado

    Clippings From Iceland & Icelandic Forteana

    Another Icelandic saga. Ask these people anything. If you've got a question about Iceland which the internet can't answer, a new "human search engine" might be able to help. The country's tourism agency has launched a project called Ask Gudmundur in order to resolve any Iceland-related...
  11. ramonmercado

    Clippings From South Korea & South Korean Forteana

    Edit to amend title.
  12. M

    Clippings From Norway & Norwegian Forteana

    As part of he ongoing and online Fortean Traveller resource: www.forteantimes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16008 we bring you Norway: Source
  13. ramonmercado

    Clippings From Bolivia & Bolivian Forteana

    wasnt sure where to put this. maybe there is an appropriate thread? edit to change title. x 2
  14. M

    Clippings From Turkmenistan & Turkmenistani Forteana

    After the article in FT195:74-77 it does appear to an interesting topic and here is another travel report: Source
  15. M

    Clippings From The British Isles & British Forteana

    A general thread for UK weirdness. See the Local Forteana thread: www.forteantimes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16008 for more regional (or global) oddness. And something from someone we all have heard of (if not what are you doing here??? ;) ): Source
  16. L

    Clippings From Canada & Canadian Forteana

    *waves to all the newbies from Canuckistan* Emps has been collecting various geographical threads (Odd Ohio etc.) so I thought I'd start one for this place...Thought about separating it by province or region but for now we can put the bits and bobs here. Some FTMB threads which may be of...
  17. D

    Clippings From Ethiopia & Ethiopian Forteana

    International Forteans, I have just taken up my first overseas posting for DFID (www.dfid.gov.uk) in Ethiopia. I live now in Addis Ababa the vibrant and colourful capital of a fascinating country. Although new to the country, I know that this place will be incredibly exciting to live in and...
  18. M

    Clippings From Scotland & Scottish Forteana

    The page also contains lots of links off to other articles about these and related topics (and nifty resource): Source
  19. M

    Clippings From Wales & Welsh Forteana

  20. M

    Clippings From Kenya & Kenyan Forteana

  21. M

    Clippings From Indonesia & Indonesian Forteana

    Indonesia seems to be in the news from various angles so here is a thread for any general discussion. Other threads: Flores: http://www.forteantimes.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=18498 Oragn pendek: http://www.forteantimes.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1010 Kolor...
  22. M

    Clippings From The United States of America & American Forteana

    Yep thats right the whole goddamn country. For the individual states see the Local Fortean thread: http://www.forteantimes.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16008 http://www.newsday.com/news/local/wire/ny-bc-nj--weirdu.s.1016oct16,0,400267.story?coll=ny-ap-regional-wire And you can...
  23. M

    Clippings From Finland & Finnish Forteana

    As part of our occasional series of guides to odd things to do when visiting various parts of the globe............ http://www.reuters.co.uk/newsPackageArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=543342&section=news
  24. M

    Clippings From China & Chinese Forteana

  25. A

    Clippings From Poland & Polish Forteana

    Well, this time they're shipping my tired bones off to Warsaw for a week. As usual, I will have a few days of free time to look around and take in some local lore. Any sites/stories that the FT crowd thinks I should check out there? For the geographically challenged (you know who you are :p)...
  26. A

    Clippings From Taiwan & Taiwanese Forteana

    OK, it's a long-shot, but . . . I'm posted in Taipei for a brief stint. Anyone know of any good Fortean sites, stories to check out here? Hey, I said it was a long-shot!:p Stilton
  27. Bosbaba

    Clippings From Argentina & Argentine Fortena

    A Thread For Weird Stories From Argentina
  28. M

    Clippings From Brazil & Brazilian Forteana

    One would have been an accident but two is asking for trouble. http://edition.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/americas/02/06/brazil.fingerprinting.ap/index.html The again if any country is looking to imprison more Yanks then this could be an easy route ;) Emps
  29. A

    Clippings From Japan & Japanese Forteana

    This Japanses man play music to WATER ,FREEZES it ,then takes PHOTOES of the CRYSTALS(also in English transcript) http://www.hado.com Enjoy Bill.
  30. Q

    Clippings From Cuba & Cuban Forteana

    I’m off to Cuba soon, and will do the usual touristy stuff, Che’s birthplace, Havana, cigars, Fidels beard, etc. But does anyone know anything about Fortean Cuba? Anybody been there? Does the Haitian voodoo thing happen on Cuba? Any myths, legends, interesting stuff gratefully recieved.
  31. M

    Clippings From India & Indian Forteana

  32. A

    Clippings From Sweden & Swedish Forteana

    STOCKHOLM, Sweden (Reuters) -- Sweden's Lund University, one of the oldest seats of learning in Scandinavia, will take a leap into the unknown by appointing northern Europe's first professor of parapsychology, hypnology and clairvoyance. Almost 30 candidates, including a self-professed...
  33. drjbrennan

    Clippings From Spain & Spanish Forteana

    Visiting the Costa Blanca this summer and wondered if any Forteans can suggest unusual places to visit. The only Spanish Fortean site I can think of is Belmez and I don't know where in Spain it is. Any ideas?
  34. Yithian

    Clippings From Barbados & Barbadian Forteana

    Ok, looks as though my little brother has decided that the family are flying out to Barbados in November for his wedding in the sun (following much debate - Kenya didn't look so safe of late). With this in mind can anyone think of any local forteana? A quick google turns up several...
  35. A

    Clippings From Ecuador & Ecuadorean Forteana

    Police investigating gnome reports in Ecuador Police in a town in Ecuador are investigating reports of a little, green man seen walking down the street. A number of Quininde residents called police after seeing what they described as a "gnome" in the town centre. They all described the...
  36. O

    Clippings From Swaziland & Swazi Forteana

    If you want a break from the war on iraq when you swich on your telly or read a paper at the moment one is hard to find. :( luckily I found the swaziland times. (swaziland is a small nation in southern africa where interesting things happen) heres one gem from todays edition: the times...
  37. Mama_Kitty

    Clippings From Sri Lanka & Sri Lankan Forteana

    I'm off to Sri Lanka in a couple of weeks and I'm sure I read somewhere about something Fortean of interest there, but I can't remember what! I'm out there for 3 1/2 weeks and it would be nice to make it into a bit of an expedition as well as just sightseeing and sunbathing. Any ideas? Ellie.
  38. A

    Clippings From Turkey & Turkish Forteana

    Breaking News: ANKARA, Sept 28 (Reuters) - Turkish paramilitary police have seized more than 15 kg (33 lbs) of weapons-grade uranium and detained two men accused of smuggling the material, the state-run Anatolian news agency said on Saturday. Officers in the southern province of...
  39. A

    Clippings From Tuvalu & Tuvaluan Forteana

    Tuvalu is sinking - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/2219001.stm My personal theory is that it's because they sold their top-level domain *.tv a few years back. With the domain now belonging to a US company, there's no more reason for the nation to exist, so...
  40. A

    Clippings From Italy & Italian Forteana

    We're holidaying in Italy soon - specifically Venice, Rome and Florence - and was wondering if there were any particular sites of interest to a Fortean fan? P.
  41. A

    Clippings From Paraguay & Paraguayan Forteana

    This site seems to think that Sabre Toothed Cats could have survived into modfern times, and cites an apparent shooting of one in Paraguay. Google searching failed to turn anything up... has anyone else heard about this? geocities.com/neocryptozoo/cryptids/sabretooths.html (homepage of the site...
  42. A

    Clippings From Denmark & Danish Forteana

    Anyone got oany links or info about danish forteana.Been living here a while know and need to be pointed in the right direction. thanks in advance
  43. A

    Clippings From Ireland & Irish Forteana

    Does anyone have any, especialy in the Cork or Munster area?
  44. A

    Clippings From Ukraine & Ukrainean Forteana

    the giant spider of the ukraine has anybody heard of this supposdly true story,if so could anybody shed light on this because it is frighting and i would love to find news on the matter[it was in articles around the world] or even better pictures .i be very gratefal if somebody does:D