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satanism & satanists

  1. James_H

    Serial Killer Cults

    I was introduced to this subject by this excellent podcast. Basically, it seems that some serial killers have claimed to have worked for or have been part of a wider network, often a satanic cult who commit murders as sacrifices. It seems like most of these claims are paper-thin (Henry Lee...
  2. ramonmercado

    'Satanic' Murder Thread

    I'm not sure where to post this, so Mods please move if appropriate. There was evidence of "devil worship and things of that nature" at the Reyes family home I guess Death Metal albums and black clothes would count as Satanic to fundamentalist cops and prosecutors. From the quotes in the...
  3. K

    Satanic Society

    Does anyone ever think that we all live in a society run by satanists from top down. children are subliminally programmed via media, alot of movies, pop music/videos etc all have hidden subliminal messages contained with them. for example the youngsters do the spiderman sign (the mano...
  4. K


    Ive been reading a bit about Satan and I find him a very interesting character, firstly his name lucifer drives from 'Bringer of light' or 'Morning star' he was the only one of the angels who had the balls to stand up to this god character who seems to be a bit of a psycopath. I think he got a...
  5. A

    Clophill Church (St. Mary's Church, Clophill)

    There is an old abandoned church in south/mid Bedfordshire in Clophill that has all sorts of weird stories attached to it. Allegedly it was built the wrong way round, so now people hold black masses there. When I was at school my friend said she went there at Hallowe'en with a bunch of other...
  6. V

    Origin Of 'Satanic Cult' Legends

    I've noticed that alot of places in America have minor legends about some particular place where devil worshippers supposedly congregate. I'm wonder if this came up suddenly in the 80's with the "Satanic Panic" and SRA phenomena, or if it predates it. I know alot of same types of things I've...
  7. JamesWhitehead

    Satanic Abuse Rumbles On?

    Satanic Abuse? Thought this one was long dead and put down to overheated social workers fuelled on US horror tales. The following however appeared in the Middleton Guardian in July of this year. [**Actually it appeared on 27th July, 2000 - the site has a somewhat confusing layout and...
  8. A

    Spring-Heeled Jack, East-End Disappearances & Other Mysterious Characters

    East End Disappearances 1881-1890 I am trying to find information regarding unusual disappearances which began in the East End of London in 1881 and continued unsolved until January 1890. Apparently men, women and children from all classes disappeared into a 'Fortean void', never to be seen or...