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  1. Sillyhuron

    Austrailian Birds Discovered Singing To Their Eggs

    In an Incredible Discovery, Wrens Teach Their Babies to Sing Before They're Hatched Nature08 January 2024 By Carly Cassella A little over a decade ago, researchers in Australia were placing recorders in the nests of superb fairywrens (Malurus cyaneus) when they discovered something entirely...
  2. Comfortably Numb

    Robot 'Spy' Gorilla Records Wild Gorillas Singing

    Robot 'spy' gorilla records wild gorillas singing and farting, because nature is beautiful Source: livescience.com Date: 29 April, 2020 Mountain gorillas have been caught on camera as they "sing" during their supper, a behavior that has never before been documented on video. Filmmakers...
  3. I

    Human Singing: Beginnings & Evolution

    This thread was stimulated by an broadcast on Radio 4 this morning. When did we begin to sing? Not make music but to sing. Evidence for musical instruments goes back about 40 ky but we seem to have had the vocal equipment to sing for about 300 ky. Paintings in the French caverns seem to...