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the bible

  1. S

    Fragment From World's Oldest Bible Found Hidden In Egyptian Monastery

  2. MrRING

    The Ritual Of Molech

    A YouTube look at the facts and fancy of human sacrifice in terms of Biblical Molech: As it's in Hebrew with a text translation, I wonder is this historically accurate and therefor truely interesting, or is this part of some kind of weird conservative Christian group's attempt to tarnish...
  3. Swifty

    The Bible (Miscellaneous)

    Can that famous quote be pinned on/attributed to the Christian culture? .. https://biblehub.com/1_corinthians/13-12.htm
  4. Lord Lucan

    The Bible Verse That Stops Bleeding

    Faith can be a wondrous thing for those who have it, and I'm a great admirer of those who do. Whilst looking at a post elsewhere today on urban legends, I stumbled upon this fascinating article from the Appalachian Magazine on the belief that reciting a particular verse from the Old Testament of...
  5. MrRING

    The Bible: Alternate Takes

    I was reading an article in Archeology magazine about this papyrus and was intrigued about this quote: Thinking as a film fans, this got me to thinking about various alternate takes in famous films, from Han Shot First from the remixed Star Wars, to if Dekkard is a replicant or not in the...
  6. Analogue Boy

    The Invention Of Jesus

    Another article on a made-up Jesus but this time we know who made him up and why Rome has always been the centre of Christian power. listen here.. http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/20 ... 120218.php We're going to be hearing a lot more about this I reckon.
  7. A

    Darwinism, Dingos, Dogma & The Bible

    Having just spent three nights and days reading the voyage of the beagle and Origin of the species, I do have to wonder, why was there such an embargo on the idea that what he had found turned the arrow from god. Darwin was born, raised and died a christian. He only believed that there was a...
  8. Yithian

    Archaeological & Other Evidence For The Bible's Historical Validity

  9. A

    Was Jesus A Clone?

    Of course, I'm not really suggesting that he is. But I wonder whether those who believe in the Virgin Birth are committed to something like this position. After all, what genetic makeup would the Virgin Birth Jesus have? 50% Mary's genes and 50% whose? God's(!)?? 100% Mary's? Maybe Oll Lewis...
  10. A

    Enoch, The Apocrypha & The Forgotten Books Of Eden

    I'm a bit of a fortean virgin and I'm looking for some information on enochian magik/language and Glasgow's St.Enoch. What, if any, is the conection between the two?
  11. A

    Giants: Nephilim, Rephaim, Biblical Allusions

    The Nephilim/Evil Giants History Start here: http://members.aol.com/rckrol308/ Link is dead. The MIA webpage can be accessed via the Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20020406092054/http://members.aol.com:80/rckrol308/ What about the Fallen/Watchers themselves? Does this count as...
  12. L

    666 (Six Six Six): The Devil's Number? The Number Of The Beast?

    Is 666 the devils number? Personally I don't think it is. I have never had a bad experience with it as a number. As I said in a different thread I have rang it up on my mobile and nothing strange has happened. lucydru