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Alberta Haunting



Things that follow

Sorry to hijack this thread but I can't start a new one.....*sniff* (whyever not? Anyway, I've split this off and given it it's own thread. Stu)

Okay, here is a brief rundown and I would like your input.
It all started when I was about 5, reading at night around 3am I sensed an 'evil' presence coming down the hallway and it stopped outside of the door. Being 5 I was freaked and just layed there and eventually it left. We moved into a new house and everything was okay and then one day (about 2 years later) at night it happened again, I 'felt' it coming down the hallway and it waited outside of the door and once again eventually left. From that day I have had many encounters. Quite often it happens while the house was empty, watching tv during the day I would feel something coming up the basement steps, the hairs on my neck would stand and then I could feel something behind me watching. Always watching.

One night when I was about 13 I was reading in my parents room at night, being on the second floor I was frightened to realize that there was a face in the corner of the window, I looked and then ran! For years this occurred, when I would leave I would feel something watching me from my parents window it is the creepiest feeling ever. I thought this was all in my head until one night my girlfriend stayed over (I had never told anyone before, not even her) and at about 3am while we are lying in bed, "can you see him?" I didn't hear anyone come down the creaky steps but in the hallway there was a silhouette of a man-shaped figure. I said "no" and we went to sleep. Before I moved out, my sister suddenly mentioned to me that the basement was creepy and she felt like she was watched, I was so relieved to hear that from someone else.

Anyway I moved to Red Deer Alberta and nothing happened until about 3 months after moving. One night at about 2:30-3am from outside of the apartment door I suddenly hear loud Bull-like breathing that continued for about 15 seconds so I KNOW I heard it. My roommate had put a cross above the door, maybe this stopped it I don't know but my roommate reported having nightmares from that night, me too.

After a total of about 9 months I moved to Lethbridge, Alberta where I am now. In our apartment I came home (this was about 1 year ago) to hear crying. My girlfriend was in class so I went to our room and the door was shut (we had left it open in the morning) I opened it and the sound stopped, nothing. From that day I continually see fleeting figure (childsize) running past me from the corner of my eye. Ususually they are in color but sometimes just shadows. One night I dreamt there was a ghost outside of our window (fifth floor) and he was made of balloons. Uopn seeing it I uttered "what a stupid ghost, balloons? That is stupid". The ghost promptly entered throught the wall and struck me in the chest at which time I groaned in my sleep and woke up my girlfriend. My shoulder ached so bad it was almost useless for a week until verbally said I was sorry for making fun of it.

We the moved across the hall and I still see the child-things running and just last week I was reading in my room. The light was directly above me but suddenly a shadow moved across the page I was reading and remained for about 30 seconds, noone was in the room to block the light or cast a shadow..then it moved and I looked but nothing.

The last bit of freakiness happened two days ago, I woke at about 5:30 am and felt footsteps on my bed, small and light. I could move so it wasn't sleep paralysis or hypnagogia and there were about five steps and I flung the blanket off but nothing. Often when I read in bed I will feel the other side sink down...creepy.

One last addendum, I visted my parents last Christmas (same creepy house) and when I went to the basement to use the weights, I suddenly felt like I was being watched. This happened everyday I was there so I said out loud "if you won't help me, piss off" and it receded. But on the last night I was there I swear I saw it, I had the room in the basement my sister says is haunted. As I entered I saw a 'face' in the shadow, but maybe it was just a shadow. Anyways, I close the door and turn off the light and as I am puilling the cover up I suddenly and watch a man sized shadow walk past me. I watched it. I said "oyasum" (goodnight in Japanese) and promptly pulled the covers over my head.

Sometimes when I am in the Study center at night (like now) and it is empty I hear something 'call', it isn't my name clearly but I get the sensation it was calling me. Since two days ago, at night I always get this feeling of something standing directly behind me and putting its hand on my shoulder...It really makes me shiver, but of course when I look...nothing. I am not crazy, overworked (summer vacation) or tired, I get more than enough sleep. Does anyone have any thoughts on this or what I should do? When my girlfriend was here we put sea salt at the doorways and the apparitions stopped. But it is kind of hard to get sea salt (it was from OKinawa) here unless she sends it. ph34r.gif
An update
Last night while writing that post, I once again felt the presence behind me, and I saw a figure walking quickly, being alone in the study center at 5am I nearly died...
I don't know if I should communicate, they always give off a really creepy vibe as if they are not quite wholesome. Kind of like that kid in the exorcist, that is what they remind me of. My grandparents are dead but this began before they passed and they certainly didn't give off nasty vibes... Do you think I should try? I agree that they want something from me.
I remembered one thing, at my parents one night I was listening to a song 'Captain Crunch by Gwar' and it was a bunch of drums kinda like some ritual music and I kinda zoned out (in their room) and I clearly heard a voice from the closet above the music. I thought it was my brother being a dick but nothing was there...I blocked that out.
Here is one more paranormal experience I can remember. About 4 years ago I was meditating, I was studying Latin and Italian at the time and I had read that during a deep trance if I concentrate on my ears I can hear other being etc. So, being foolhardy I asked anyone 'out there' to help me. The next night in my dream I was laying on my friend's couch with a cowled monk standing over me and watching. I tried to speak and suddenly yells 'Cordere!' Which means shut up and I promptly awoke. From that night Iwhenever I calmed my mind I would instantly be overwhelmed (mentally) by at least five voices clearly speaking Italian (but I couldn't understand). This went on for five days and I couldn't bear the incessant chatter and I asked them to stop during my meditation and it left. Since then, I am a little more careful about what I wish for.
So, what techniques should I try to communicate? Any suggestions? It really wears a person down to constantly see creepy flitting images...not mention the watching and peeking. Sounds funny but why do spirits seem to always peek and watch? sad.gif
Personally, I'd seek out someone who knew more about this kind of thing. Or maybe the house needs blessing, or could a priest do a blessing on you? If it's a bad spirit, you wouldn't want to go communicating with it. :eek:
How on earth do you cope? I got scared just reading the story!
If you are going to try and contact it then I really would not recommend doing it on your own...
ouija board's are meant to be bad news too.

I'd recommend sticking with the sea salt if thats working, it should be easy to get from your nearest supermarket but failing that you could always order it off the Internet: Froogle~ sea salt search.

hope thats helpful ;)
Hi....Stop worrying!!!
You are an attractant....like it or not!!
It isn't just places that can be haunted.....it's people too.Theory is that certain folks give off a light visible only to spooks.Spooks being lonely,lost,afraid,confused et. naturally home in on the brightest light (just like anyone that might be lost).It's been happening to me since I was 3 !!I'm now 43!!My youngest son has picked it up too.My advice,for what it's worth??

1/ Don't attempt to use a oujji board or anything similar (you wouldn't go to sleep at night with your front door open assuming every passer-by is friendly would you??)

2/ Forget excorcism.........not all entities are religious!!

3/ Consider a little Feng-Shui...it can help calm down the energies around you

4/ If you want to enter into communications enroll in a reputable spiritualist church and train properly

5/ Stop worrying........they may be scary.......but they don't mean it......no more than spiders mean to be freaky!!

6/ Be grateful........it's a gift and like most gifts from the other side it is double0edged..........that needn't be a problem.

7/ You have my sympathies...but you'll learn to handle it.You may as well!

Best Wishes. xxxxx
Hi BuhiBuhi, dont worry I am 14 and I have been getting them all my life. I once had a continuall haunting by a ghost I called Baseball man (see Regular visiting ghost, Karenlilly).
You seem to give off an extra strong light. Are you slightly psychic? That could be the answer. Thats why ghost are so attracted to me, because I give off a very strong light. (psychics going through puberty usually do!!!!).
I can suggest tha circle off protection.
The circle off protection is a simple exercise to ward off BAD ghosts. Please do the following (in order).

1/ Lie in bed and completely relax your body.

2/Stick your finger in the air and draw a circle around you.
At the same time imagine a white light come out of your finger.

3/Inside the circle draw a pentacle. If you cant or dont want to, draw a star of David. Pentacle are much more effective though!!!!

4/Then imagine a white sheet come down from the rim of your circle.

Your circle of protection is now a circle with a star in it and a sheet covering your body.

Well done. And dont worry BuhiBuhi:D ;)

Keep us posted on whats going on.
Hi sorry..had to log out last night..friends due!!

Meant to say.....don't worry if you find this stuff scary..you don't have to go along with it if you don't want to..you may have a talent for Spirit Communication,but if you don't feel comfortable exploring it..that's fine!Try to trust to your instincs.There are many good books on developing psychic awareness..but there are also good methods for 'blocking out' manisfestations...here's a few.. (bye the way !!Also useful for scaring off the Fairie Folk!!)

Sprigs of Yew.....Spruce or Verbena.
Bread ( carry a small piece in your pocket)
Chinese coins indicating....luck..fortune etc.
Iron or silver crosses
Salt ( worn in a little pouch around you neck)
Garlick.....(of course )!!!!!!!
Open scissors in the shape of a cross....iron works best

If you do decide to practice contact..automatic writing is easy and usually safe but NEVER try unless you are in a relaxed frame of mind.Avoid becoming involved with any people or situations that feel uncomfortable to you.....trust your instincts and remember the Spirits do various things but sadly what they often do best is LIE!!Don't believe everything they say..use your commonsense.I do wish you the very best of luck and if you want to E-Mail me.......feel free!I know it's not easy..but you aren't alone and have far more protection than you realise!!Don't be frightened..it's not a problem..you'll be fine.