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Alleged & Suspected Mossad Machinations


May 24, 2006
I know this sounds a bit bizarre but I have a memory of reading a story in a national newspaper which concerned the arrest of two Mossad agents on the west coast of Scotland somewhere in the mid to late 80’s - possibly even the early 90’s.

For a long time I put this down to an overactive imagination or having half read and wrongly digested another story but when I brought it up recently a guy I work with said that he too remembered the story. We both agreed that we had read one report on the subject and then zilch - never repeated, never followed up.

A few months ago I was using Google to do some research on the death of Willy McRae when I came across an ultra right-wing website. (I’m not really sure why a Glasgow Lawyer and SNP activist is of interest to Neo-Nazis). Anyway this site included a reference to my half remembered news report of Mossad agents roaming Scotland. Later when I tried to follow up this story the website had disappeared.

Not wishing to rely on a bunch of inbred stiff-arms to back up my memory does anyone else remember the story and have any further details.
Its true!

I remember it but I am hazy on all the details. My mother who was an activist at the time is hazy as well but she thinks they might have been after an ex-nazi in edinburgh. That bit might be a false or broken memory and we really cant remember.

Sorry I could'nt be of more help.

...but it was true.
St.Clair said:
My mother who was an activist at the time is hazy as well but she thinks they might have been after an ex-nazi in edinburgh. That bit might be a false or broken memory and we really cant remember.

Anton Gecas was or is (not sure if he's still alive) a Lithuanian running a B+B in Edinburgh who was wanted for war crimes.

I have a feeling his case didn't really hit the press until the late 90's although of course that doesn't mean the Israelis weren't after him for a long time before that.

I think Edinburgh was also home to another man wanted for war crimes prior to the Gecas case.
I have absolutely no basis for this particular conspiracy theory I’m afraid

It came from an American correspondent on Radio 4 the Saturday afternoon of the Brit Embassy / HSBC blast in Istanbul (no name, I was in the car)

He posited that it was possible that the CIA and Mossad were complicit in the Turkish bombing because both wanted to de-stabilise the muslim / non-muslim divide, both wanted the shadow of Al Q spread to moderate Muslim countries, the CIA wanted to have Turkey welded onto US protection, etc...

Why would the spooks want to do this?

Lets look at what we know of spooks, apart from they are horrible

The CIA track record of terror in South America?

Elements in the Brit Government who colluded to keep the Troubles in Northern Ireland going because the military industrial machine was making billions from Province Proven hardware? The military itself who enjoy bigger manpower and budgets during times of strife, as do the spooks? Politicians who need a war for re-election (Regan, Bush, Thatcher)

A strife free world means spooks being reduced to industrial espionage – as they were in post Communism fall days.

So, this broadcasters words stuck in my mind. As I said, I dont have any proof, just a sneaking suspicion.

So, anybody got anything on this one?

(And please, this thread is not an attack on the Governments of Israel nor America)
Given the history of both the CIA and MOSSAD, it wouldn't be suprising to find out somewhere along the line that they could have had a hand in the event. The only problem is that the actual facts about any such operation would probably not come to light until a later date, if at all. So, the idea is interesting, but hard to pin down. It would be productive, to a certain extent, to try and cast Al Q's shadow over moderate Muslim countries, this despite the fact that alot of what is said about Al Q's operations and influence worldwide is largely speculative.

That said, the bombings in Turkey did strike me as unusual. It's police and security network is pretty strong, after years of internal repression by successive militaristic 'juntas'. It doesn't seem to have spotted an upcoming attack by the group that allegedly made it. In the same way, the bomb attack in Saudi Arabia some time before struck me as unusual, as they didn't strike a Western target. This was running parallel with rumours that Al Q was planning to attack Muslims, which on the surface sounded completely ludicrous and have since faded from discussion.
the Synagogue bomb in Istambul?

according to news reports it was common for Jews to congregate outside the doors after worship and spend time in a local square, debating and talking

yet the bomb went off during worship

Jewish casualties were therefore minimal. All the dead and injured were Muslim Turks

and HSBC was the first Western bank to develop a Muslim friendly mortgage, since Islam will not allow interest payments (not sure if this is relevent though)
While I think it is unlikely (although i would question the Al Qaeda link) you aren't the only person to be wondering about this:




Its not like they weren't warned:

Turkish daily Radikal reported that the Israeli intelligence service Mossad had warned Turkish intelligence units twice about an attack on synagogues in Turkey.

The first warning came in April, when Mossad reportedly said that al-Qaida was planning to attack the Neve Shalom and other synagogues, as well as U.S. British and Israeli consulates in Turkey, Radikal said.

A second Mossad warning, that al-Qaida was planning attacks on Israeli citizens and U.S. citizens in Turkey, came in September, Radikal reported.


But haven't Al Qaeda claimed the bombs as theirs:


Although links were questioned by the Turkish PM:


See also:


The picture from inside Turkey is still confused - what is certain is that this is a new development on the Turkish political scene, having all the hallmarks of outside influence. You see, past bombing campaigns have been low-key, rather amateurish affairs - small incendiary devises or pipebombs aimed at attacking property and making a gesture, rather than the large demolition charges the recent bombers have employed. The bombers plainly intended to cause as many casualties as possible, irrespective of creed or nationality.

Suspects have been apprehended, and have been, so far, Turkish nationals orginating in the East of the country (for the most part). Links with Hizbollah, founded with goverment support during the separatist struggles of the '80s & '90s, have been discounted. Links with Pakistan have been posited, but are not (I believe) confirmed.

Rumours of CIA, Mossad & Turkish intelligence involvement abound, but as yet nothing concrete has been shown. It is the case that Turkish security forces rounded up the present suspects rather rapidly, but then MIT are ubiquitous on the political underground scene.

Given that Turkish idealists and radicals have usually adhered to the gazi tradition of fighting as conventional volunteers in places such as Bosnia-Herzegovina, Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabagh, Chechnya & Afghanistan, I believe that the explanation may be as mundane as a rag-tag group of veterans and enthusiasts inspired to act by the late unpleasentness in Iraq.
Mossad accused over 1987 death of German politician
http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/wor ... 32787.html


Mon, Nov 22, 2010

ISRAEL’S MOSSAD secret service has been accused of involvement in the unsolved death of German politician Uwe Barschel in October 1987.

Mr Barschel’s lifeless body was found in the bath of a Geneva hotel just weeks after the state governor was forced out of office in disgrace.

A postmortem revealed a lethal dose of barbiturates in his system, leading to the assumption that the politician had killed himself.

However, one of the toxicologists involved in the case says he has new evidence suggesting that Mr Barschel was force-fed a sophisticated cocktail of drugs.

“The chemical results indicate a murder,” said Dr Hans Brandenberger to Welt am Sonntag newspaper.

“Due to the complexity of the murder scene, a professional team that was at work, not a single person.”

The claim has revived claims that Mr Barschel was murdered by Mossad because he threatened to go public about an alleged illegal sale to Iran by Israel of military aircraft, a deal reportedly funnelled through Germany.

Mr Barschel was the influential governor of Germany’s northernmost state, Schleswig-Holstein when he was forced from office at the end of September 1987.

The Christian Democrat (CDU) politician had denied involvement in a dirt-digging campaign against his Social Democrat (SPD) rival during a recent state election, but had to go when incriminating evidence emerged of his involvement.

On October 11th, 1987, his body was found in a bath of icy water in room 317 of Geneva’s “Beau-Rivage” hotel. Swiss police ruled the death a suicide, but doubts about that version events soon began to emerge.

The crime scene was contaminated, fingerprints and photographs of the hotel room were useless and Basler Zeitung daily, citing “very reliable information”, claimed that Bonn had told Swiss authorities “it would be in everyone’s interest if the case could be classified as suicide”.

Twenty-three years on, doubts persist about the official version of events.

German newspapers suggest Mr Barschel was a bit-player in the Iran-Contra scandal and that, at the time he died, Geneva was crawling with agents from several secret services.

A fresh investigation was opened into the case in June 1998 but was put on ice nine years later when no definitive evidence to prove either the murder or suicide theories.

Dr Brandenberger’s new evidence is based on fresh computer analysis of the 1987 autopsy results.

His attention was caught by a fast-working sleeping agent, Noludar, found barely metabolised in Mr Barschle’s system.

“It borders on certain that Barschle was given Noludar shortly before his death through the rectum,” said Dr Brandenberger, at which point the politician was already unconscious.

The toxicologist’s claim are backed up in a report by rogue Mossad agent Viktor Ostrovsky. In a 1994 book, he claimed that Mr Barschle was given drugged wine before a Mossad team pumped a cocktail of drugs via a tube into this stomach.

To boost the drugs’ effect, he wrote, a hypnotic suppository was administered. The German toxicologist said he was unaware of the 1994 book until approached by Welt am Sonntag .
Israel selling aircraft to Iran? That sounds weird but not entirely impossible.

I suppose Mossad would have fitted the aircraft with some devices that would allow them to track their every move? Strange stuff.
Another Mossad action? This report is from a mainstream Israeli newspaper.

Report: Malaysian Police Free Kidnapped Gazan, Arrest Mossad Agents​

According to the reports, the man is from the Gaza Strip and was kidnapped in September by Malaysian nationals who had been recruited and trained by the Israeli intelligence agency in Europe

Malaysian authorities have reportedly freed a Palestinian man who had allegedly been kidnapped and interrogated by Mossad agents in Kuala Lumpur, Al Jazeera Arabic and the New Strait Times reported on Monday.

According to the reports, the man, whose identity has not been disclosed, is from the Gaza Strip and was kidnapped on the evening of September 28 by Malaysian nationals who had been recruited and trained by the Israeli intelligence agency in Europe. A second Palestinian, who was with the alleged target of the abduction, alerted local police. Both men are reported to be computer programming experts.

Al Jazeera says that Israel accused the abducted Palestinian of having links with the armed wing of Hamas, adding that he was being interrogated by Mossad officers via video in Tel Aviv when Malaysian authorities raided the chalet in which he was being held. At least two Malaysian nationals are being held by police, the reports add.

On April 21, 2018, Fadi Mohamed al-Batsh, 35, a Palestinian engineer and member of Hamas, was killed in a drive-by shooting outside a Kuala Lumpur mosque. The Malaysian government said that “foreign agents” were responsible for the killing, while al-Batsh’s family accused Mossad of being behind his murder.

40 years ago I worked with someone who had been in Palestine for years. He was approached to do some clandestine work apparently by an agent of "that" organisation. He said it was the most terrifying experience of his life. Fortunately his company moved him to the States and he heard nothing further. He still shuddered at the thought of the memory many years later.
It is not unusual for the Mossad to arrest/assassinate leading Hamas members overseas, especially if they are experts in finance, logistics, armaments, computers.
I was wondering if this case had anything to do with the Wrath of God operation. That was still ongoing in the 1980s and people were turning up dead all over the place.

But in the majority, those assassinated had it coming to them.
And they knew it too. Imagine that, knowing that at some point the Mossad are coming for you; maybe not this week, or next month, or even next year, but eventually. That in itself is enough to induce an heart attack.
This fits here I think. Totally unsure if this is correct, but it sounds very conspiratorial. From 2020 and now reposted on Twitter:



And this is nor Mossad related but still a nice conspiratorial speculation:

US says Qatar is responsible for the terror attacks, because it hosts Hamas leaders.
Qatar responds that it's hosting Hamas leaders because the US asked it to do so!
And then quickly deleted this tweet.

Mossad poking around in West Scotland and getting their collars felt.

West Scotland is where the Royal Navy keeps its nuclear bases, isn't it? That's perhaps a credible reason for foreign intelligence services to take an interest.
Mossad poking around in West Scotland and getting their collars felt.

West Scotland is where the Royal Navy keeps its nuclear bases, isn't it? That's perhaps a credible reason for foreign intelligence services to take an interest.

Do you have a link @AgProv ? :)
Not specifically; did a quick check, and Faslane in West Scotland, where the Royal Navy garages its nukes and stations the subs, has been the centre of a few alarms about foreign intelligence people sniffing round. Most recently, suspicious drones, thought to be
Chinese; but the Russians have also figured. Another non-allied nuclear power like Israel sending its people on a Scottish holiday would be plausible.
Not specifically; did a quick check, and Faslane in West Scotland, where the Royal Navy garages its nukes and stations the subs, has been the centre of a few alarms about foreign intelligence people sniffing round. Most recently, suspicious drones, thought to be
Chinese; but the Russians have also figured. Another non-allied nuclear power like Israel sending its people on a Scottish holiday would be plausible.

I know, I live close to Faslane. What I'm looking for is a link to somehting about Mossad and the area - otherwise it's just background noise :)
On the one hand this is despiccable behavior. On the other hand this is salivatingly professional spy craft. And a story worthy of Netflix:

Long article:


The intelligence information obtained via surveillance was passed on to a secret team of top Israeli government lawyers and diplomats, who traveled to The Hague for confidential meetings with ICC officials in an attempt to “feed [the chief prosecutor] information that would make her doubt the basis of her right to be dealing with this question.” The intelligence was also used by the Israeli military to retroactively open investigations into incidents that were of interest to the ICC, to try to prove that Israel’s legal system is capable of holding its own to account.