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America Remaking Japanese & Korean Horror Movies Before They Are Released In The West



So...Ju on was already sheduled for an american remake before it was relesed in the West and A Tale of Two Sisters is geting the same treatment...The Eye is being remade and they've already redone The Ring and nowq they're going to remake The ring 2.

I know America plunders the cultural output of other nations for ideas but how low are the creative juices runing if they're remaking fimls before they've even been shown in the west?

(Reviews of A Tale of Two Sisters here: http://www.kfccinema.com/reviews/horror/taleoftwosisters/taleoftwosisters.html and here: http://www.mandiapple.com/snowblood/ataleoftwosisters.htm)
Mostly because the current american film industry couldn't pull a good idea out of it's arse if it's life depended on it. And remember this america, they have huge arses.

That's basically the same reason they spent last year remaking most of their classic horror films. They're lazy, stupid and greedy always looking for the quick buck.
River_Styx said:
Mostly because the current american film industry couldn't pull a good idea out of it's arse if it's life depended on it. And remember this america, they have huge arses.

That's basically the same reason they spent last year remaking most of their classic horror films. They're lazy, stupid and greedy always looking for the quick buck.

They're taking the bloody piss with this but!

Remakes in the pipeline before subtitled versions have been released...It's unforgivable!

It's wrong, wrong, wrong. I'm not sure why but...it's wrong.

The origionals arn't even goven room to breath before they're Americanised...wrong! :mad:
I even heard that they want to remake Battle Royale!!

How does a country which suffers such events as the Columbine massacre justify making a film like Battle Royale?!?
River_Styx said:
I even heard that they want to remake Battle Royale!!

How does a country which suffers such events as the Columbine massacre justify making a film like Battle Royale?!?

:rofl: oh god that's funny :rofl:
and you know the worst thing about it?

A few months ago a 18yo I know invited me back to watch some movies at his. when we got there he said 'I bought The Ring today.'
'Great, I've not seen it!'

He got out the remake and looked at me blankly when I asked him if he didn't have to origional...
Clearly they're all quite mad. I've always wanted to get into film manufacturing, they should just send all their money to me and I'll make horror films about something or other. I can't believe they'd think remaking Battle Royale would be a good idea, though (I saw that in a small cinema in Edinburgh with my friends a few years ago, then more recently on Channel 4)

One of my favourite anime companies is Studio Ghibli, their Japanese DVDs very conveniently have English subtitles on when they're released in Japan, I believe due to their contract with Disney (who have worldwide distribution rights for the films outside Japan, and aren't even allowed to edit them), so I can buy them pretty much as soon as they come out there :)
For a moment there I thought that story was going to take a whole other direction...Sorry.

They haven't just stopped with Asian horror though because they've unleashed that new version of The Ladykillers upon us. Nothing is safe from the americans' and their need for global assimilation.
I'm really shocked they haven't fucked around with The City Of Lost Children. Maybe they can get George Lucas to force in some CGI somewhere.
There's a long history of making remakes of Japanese movies.

The Seven Samurai became the Magnificent Seven (good), which in turn became Battle Beyond the Stars (very bad.)

Yojimbo (sp?) became (IIRC) A Fist Full of Dollars.

And The Secret Fortress became? (Answers on a postcard :) )

I'm pretty sure that it has happened in the other direction as well (though to be brutally honest I'm struggling to think if an example.)
River_Styx said:
they've unleashed that new version of The Ladykillers upon us.

atleast The Ladykillers had a chance to breath and be it's own movie first.

How menny Wetserners had saw any of the Ju On movies before the rites where bought up? A tale of Two Sisters is being premiered here in Tartin's Asia season this summer and it's already been bought up...

The movies are being strangled before they're being born. (Fior an alternitive take on the Ju On remake see the end of this review(says it's not as good as the TV movie): http://www.mandiapple.com/snowblood/juonthegrudge1.htm
But I suppose if nobody went to see them then they wouldn't make them so whose to blame?
Fortis said:
I'm pretty sure that it has happened in the other direction as well (though to be brutally honest I'm struggling to think if an example.)

I'm sure the links between Internal affairs ( http://imdb.com/title/tt0099850/ ) and Infernal Affairs (http://www.kfccinema.com/reviews/drama/internalaffairs/internalaffairs.html) runs deeper than the mearly linguistic...

boys with guns...I'll avoid it myself but if you like that sort of thing it's rather good.

Hold on...didn't I hear about it geting remade?....I'll have to check that one out...too, too ironic...
River_Styx said:
But I suppose if nobody went to see them then they wouldn't make them so whose to blame?

if people wern't scared of foreign language pictures then perhaps they wouldn't have to reamke them (though I'll argue that if your 'remaking' a film before it's relesed in the country then you're laying claim to it as your own.)

BTW: the American Ring remake earned more money in Japan than the origional...it's a sick world out there...
The Virgin Queen said:
Now this I want to see but defenatly not an American version (they've just not got a band to match Guitarwolf)

Time for a punk rock zombie flick

with UFOs!

(I've hoped for a release for this for about a year but I can't even get the band's albums in this country never mind their movie!)
Rather than the remake issue, I'm more disturbed that Disney is sitting on the films of Studio Gibli, films that have trumped most of the recent Disney releases in terms of quality.

There have always been remakes, to be sure, and some of them are international versions of American films! Have any of you ever seen the Turkish Star Wars ?

BTW VG, if you weren't already aware of itl, you may have an interest in George Romero's next film, a rock zombie musical called The Diamond Dead
Did I dream it, or is there talk of a Hollywood remake of the 7 samurai?



Oh, yes, they are. Writer is Scott Marshall Smith and it's a Miramax picture.
Just got around to watching the Japanese Ju On, "The Grudge" and found it to be a fantastic movie. It really shows the difference in talent between America and others countries. You compare The Grudge with Scream or Jeepers Creepers. Or Mushu The Warrior with Braveheart or Troy. It highlights just how little the Americans value talent, instead they re-hash the same old crap and the same old formulas. The Grudge did'nt need flashy effects, it achieved most of the tension and fear through some fine and down right chilling camera work.

Its about time the American studios actually took some risks with their horror films and actually put a stop to these tired Teen slasher pics and remakes/rip-offs. Although the Dawn of the Dead remake was good, I'd have rather seen a new film with a new take on the excellant zombie genre. The Texas Chainsaw remake I could only stomach about 10 minutes before turning it off - nasty and viscious. Resident Evil - humourless and boring.

American studios just don't understand when a theme has become stale and boring, look at the Nightmare on Elm street/Halloween films, a seemingly endless stream of rubbish sequels, we are now seeing this with the Slasher pics.

I think MTV should hold some of the blame. Someone shoots a couple of music vids and the next thing they are given $50 million and told to make a horror film, that and the bovinesque mentality of the American movie-going public. If your going to keep giving these new talentless directors money to make dull horror flicks at least make sure they have sat in front of a TV and watched Robert Wise's The Haunting, (again tediously remade), to see how a horror film is done properly.

America Studios - Hire people who can write a script, use a camera and understand pace and plot development. Stop being so narsisistic and lazy and make sure people actually have the skills to make a movie which has some originality included in it.

Hardly any American films feature in my list of top movies in the last couple of years and sadly I can't see them featuring much in the years to come.
The Virgin Queen said:
Now this I want to see but defenatly not an American version (they've just not got a band to match Guitarwolf)

Time for a punk rock zombie flick:


This was the GREATEST MOVIE EVER. And it was borrowed to me by someone on this very board. Wow, you people ARE worth a damn.

On the other hand, I find most Asian horror too lead-paced, humorless and esoteric in most cases.
that guitar wolf movie looks fantastic. I have heard the band, but not seen their zombie movie! Is it widely available?
I went to a screening of Wild Zero put on by Strange Attractor a couple of years ago, and it's on the Lovefilm site. It's... OK. I thought Ju-On came out ages ago - I picked up a copy in China on DVD in December (without really knowing what it was) and I think you could also buy something which purported to be the sequel (although, since they were also selling Pirates of the Carribean II, it may not have been real). Ju-On is also... OK. For a punky, crazy zombie film, Versus is a much better bet. Or Junk, if you don't mind a bit of cheesiness.

The thing is, with these remakes, you don't have to watch them if you don't want to, and what have you lost if you do? IMO the remake of the Ring is much better than the original anyway.

Seriously, if you like Ju-On, you should watch a Korean movie called Phone. It's ace.


Did I dream it, or is there talk of a Hollywood remake of the 7 samurai?

Have I missed something here?
:confused: :confused:
I checked it out and yes America is remaking Infernal Affairs.

It's not just horror movies then...

I read one artical where a person being interviewed was asked how llong the trend would contunue for and they said 'As long as there are movies to remake.' They have no shame :rolleyes:
Throw said:
I went to a screening of Wild Zero put on by Strange Attractor a couple of years ago, and it's on the Lovefilm site. It's... OK. I thought Ju-On came out ages ago - I picked up a copy in China on DVD in December (without really knowing what it was) and I think you could also buy something which purported to be the sequel

Well...there's the origional movie shot on video and a follow up to that and the new movie's more or less the same thing with some extra story...
Throw said:
The American one?

No: the one in the cinema just now with the big budget.

Number two was another 'shot on video' made in Japan.

They're alll suposed to be new episodes and the american one (they're already discusing a follow up made in America) will be number...4, I think...:confused:
The thing is with these kinds of remakes of foreign films, they bring the film to a whole new bunch of people who were never going to see the original.

Foreign language films have a small audience. What's the problem with bringing them to a larger audience? Film bores will always go on about the original being much better even if it's not. Film fans will always make the effort to see the original.

The fact that English-language versions of these horrors are being made seems to me to be a positive thing in as much as the studios have faith in the script and don't feel they need to see the final cut or wait and see the ticket sales before they hit the 'go' button.

The remakes I have a problem with is when they take a decent film and re-make it. Like The Ladykillers, The Italian Job. To me this is the real lazy and narcisisstic kind. Although my argument above still holds true, i think.
I've no problem with remakes but not in the same year as the origional was made, not when they can't seem to be botherd comisoning new scripts.

The only reason they're geting green lights so fast is because Asian cinema is 'in' just now: everyone's doing it since the (rather brave) remake of The Ring.
What's wrong with doing it in the same year? It's a movie, not wine. It seems to me that you have an overly sentimental concept of what a movie is.

NB Point of order - the American Ring 2 isn't a remake of anything, it's a new script.
I don't see a great deal of difference between commissioning a script from a home-grown scriptwriter and going and buying one off a foreign one.

Anyway "Ring" was a book first (Koji Suzuki)