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Are we attracting the Aliens


Imaginary Person
Feb 9, 2003
In a Liminal Zone
I only found this because I read a Daily Mail someone left on the tube. It's not a new idea, but there does seem to be an upsurge in interest in ETs.

Are the press preparing is for something :shock:

Or is it just the the Daily Hate Mail's run out of stories on Eastern European Immigrants, and has had to move off-planet to find some more? It's also a handy way of doing down the social networks which the Mail and it's sister paper seem to dislike
Hate Mail

Why beaming messages to aliens in space could destroy our planet

By Micheal Hanlon

Last updated at 4:03 PM on 08th August 2008

Thanks to the foolish antics of a downmarket TV company and a website favoured by self-obsessed teenagers, planet Earth could be in for a nasty shock towards the end of this century.

For if, in the decades to come, a fleet of flying saucers arrives with malicious intent, they will be the culprits.

This week it was announced that documentary-maker RDF and Bebo, a 'social networking site' for dippy youngsters, are to use a big radio telescope in Ukraine to send a powerful focused beam of information - 500 messages from the public in the form of radiowaves - to a nearby star called Gliese 581.

If aliens do exist they may not be friendly, as depicted in the film Independence Day

A 'mere' 20 light years (120 trillion miles) away, Gliese not only lies in our cosmic backyard but astronomers think it is also home to one or possibly two Earth-like planets which could be home to life.

The Gliese 581 solar system is, in other words, probably the likeliest home for our cosmic next-door neighbours.

Surely this is a harmless piece of nonsense? What danger could there possibly be from sending a big 'Hello' from Earth to a nearby star system?

After all, aliens are probably just a myth and if they are out there they will come in peace. That's the idea anyway.

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Let's get one thing straight: I am not part of the UFO brigade. I have seen no convincing evidence whatsoever that aliens have yet visited the Earth in person.

I know The X Files is a work of fiction, not a documentary, and I accept that those who claim to have seen flying saucers and even to have been abducted by strange little aliens are either sincerely mistaken, mendacious or mad.

I have no truck with crop circle mystics and those who believe the pyramids were built by little green men from the Planet Tharg.

We have been looking for alien life for several decades now, sending probes to Mars and Venus, and listening out for radio messages from the stars.

And, so far, we have found nothing. Not even a microbe.

And yet, I also accept that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. We have been looking for extraterrestrials for only a very short time.

Enlarge Gliese 581: Messages are being sent to the star - at what cost for future generations?

We have really considered the possibility of their existence for a few centuries at most - a tiny proportion of the time that we humans have been around.

Most of all, I accept that although we have not found aliens yet, the statistical probability that there are intelligent lifeforms somewhere out there must be very high.

There are, after all, a hundred thousand million stars in our galaxy - and more than a hundred billion galaxies besides.

Astronomers now think that most of these stars - more stars than there are grains of sand on all the beaches of Earth - have retinues of planets around them.

So far, they have discovered only about 250 of these potentially life-bearing worlds or 'exoplanets' but there are many hundreds of thousands of millions more out there.

Not all of them will be habitable, but many millions will probably be 'Goldilocks worlds' - not too cold, not too hot, not too big and not too small, but just right, in theory, for life to have evolved.

Indeed at least one of the planets orbiting Gliese 581 is maybe such a Goldilocks world.

And even if we accept that life will not evolve everywhere it can, we must also accept that on the one world we know life has emerged - our own - it did so with startling rapidity.

Fiction to reality? Could an alien invasion as imagined by Orson Welles in The War of the Worlds happen?

Life on Earth is very nearly as old as Earth itself, and this suggests that if conditions are right then biology of some form will come into being.

Of course 'life' is not the same as 'intelligent life'. The galaxy could be swarming with microbes and algae, shrubs and lichen, even rabbits, lizards and fish (or their alien equivalents).

Discovering that this is so would be interesting and marvellous, but it would not be the same as discovering fellow intelligent beings out there.

And even intelligent life does not mean 'spacefaring life'; it took us thousands of years to get from the invention of the wheel to the first space rockets and radio telescopes.

But the sheer size and age of our galaxy suggests that at least some other worlds should be inhabited by creatures at least as bright as us - creatures able to build radio telescopes and pick up messages and think about doing something about it when they do.

And herein lies the problem. One of the most plausible reasons that we have seen of no signs of aliens may be simply that they haven't found us yet.

Danger: If aliens exist, they could be hostile like those in the film Mars Attacks!
Which brings us to the fact that the most likely means of our discovery by alien life is by sending radio waves announcing our presence through space.

Indeed, there are those who point out that radio and TV signals from Planet Earth have been leaking inadvertently into space since the dawn of the radio age 86 years ago.

Surely intelligent alien lifeforms - if they are out there - would have detected these Earthly signals by now, they argue.

After all, the signals travel on through space at the speed of light, so all star systems closer than about 80 light years away could, in theory, have picked up hints of our transmissions by now.

But in reality, picking up these signals will be hard, even for the most advanced civilisation.

Weak and undirected, ordinary television and radio transmissions become almost undetectable at cosmic distances. Yet powerful, focused signals such as the one to be sent by RDF/Bebo are different - they are far easier to detect.

So far, just a handful of such signals have been sent, the first message fired out by the Arecibo radio telescope in 1974. And these have generated immense controversy.

Some scientists, notably the physicist and writer David Brin, have pointed out the danger of shouting 'we are here' to a potentially hostile cosmos.

The fact is that if a civilisation even a few centuries in advance of ours (in technological terms) were to get wind of our existence then the results could be catastrophic.

For what if Gliese is home to a belligerent lifeform with infinitely superior technology to ours? After all, the history of Earth tells us that when advanced civilisations meet technologically backward ones, the results have been, almost without exception, disastrous for the people with bows and arrows.

If we are unlucky, the inhabitants of Gliese could send an invasion fleet. Since they are 20 light years away, the signal will not reach them until 2028 and it will be some decades after that before the fleet arrives here.

It is important to remember that any aliens capable of flying across the great voids between the stars will be in possession of technology so advanced that fighting them would be like taking on a modern army with spears.

We would have no chance. So the best thing may be to keep shtum.

Or to hope that the inevitable self-obsessed triviality that is bound to comprise any message sent by the Bebo community will be enough to convince any purple-tentacled aliens who are on Gliese 581 that there is no intelligent life on Earth whatsoever - and to leave us well alone
I read the Daily Mail! It's not that bad - really! They're going Green and recycling their ideas for features! :lol:

Or perhaps there is a mighty ship about to make contact - and complain about our TV programmes! :shock:

From February this year:

Will beaming songs into space lead to an alien invasion?
Last updated at 00:42 07 February 2008

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It's not as though Nasa is beaming out the Cheeky Girls back catalogue or the collected works of Florence Foster Jenkins.

Nevertheless, scientists warn that transmitting songs into deep space could put the Earth at risk of an alien attack.

They voiced fears that advertising humanity's place in the universe - as happened last week when Nasa broadcast a Beatles track towards the North Star - could attract the attention of aliens who are less friendly than ET.

Scroll down for more...

Under fire: Aliens destroy the White House in the film Independence Day

Dr Douglas Vakoch of the SETI Institute, which has been leading the search for extraterrestrials, told New Scientist magazine: "Before sending out even symbolic messages, we need an open discussion about the potential risks."

They voiced fears that advertising humanity's place in the universe - as happened last week when Nasa broadcast a Beatles track towards the North Star - could attract the attention of aliens who are less friendly than ET.

Dr Douglas Vakoch of the SETI Institute, which has been leading the search for extraterrestrials, told New Scientist magazine: "Before sending out even symbolic messages, we need an open discussion about the potential risks."

A recording of the Beatles' Across the Universe was last week beamed in the direction of Polaris, also known as the North Star, by Nasa.

SETI - the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - plans more broadcasts from its base in Mountain View, California.

Adorable: But extraterrestrials might not be as friendly as ET

For the last 20 years, it has used radio telescopes to scan the skies for alien radio messages.

After getting nothing but static, some of its researchers have decided that listening for aliens is not enough.

Instead, they say, we should be actively sending out friendly signals to the stars.

Dr Richard Gott, an astrophysicist from Princeton University, told New Scientist: "SETI's big mistake is that it's relying on ET to do all the heavy lifting.

"We'll all just be sitting round listening, but nobody's doing any talking."

A group of scientists is calling on SETI to broadcast a simple pulsed signal that reveals the presence of intelligent life on Earth.

Others want more recordings of the type included with the Voyager and Pioneer space probes.

Nasa attached engravings depicting humans and our planet to the outside of the craft, and aboard it put tapes of voices, birdsong, music, and maps of where Earth is.

"It's very charitable to send out and encyclopaedia, but that may short-change future generations," said Dr Vakoch.

Professor Barrie Jones, an astronomer with the Open University, added that there is an "unofficial embargo" about alerting potentially unfriendly species to our presence.

"The chances are slight, but the consequences would be huge - the end of life on Earth," he said.

"When you look at the history of colonisation on Earth, it is pretty bloody awful.

"If they have the technology to cross interstellar space to reach us, they will be so much in advance of us humans that there is nothing we could do to resist them."

However, other astrophysicists point out that humanity has been advertising itself to neighbouring stars since the first commercial radio transmissions of the 1920s.

By now, those early broadcasts will have travelled nearly 90 light years - some 540trillion miles.

Radio waves, like other forms of electromagnetic radiation, travel at the speed of light - around 186,000 miles per second.

This means it would take a radio broadcast four years to reach the closest star, Alpha Proxima, which is just over four light years away.

But at least one physicist at SETI is confident that "first contact" will be more like Steven Spielberg's friendly ET and less like Ridley Scott's horrifying Alien.

Dr Seth Shostak said that if there are any extraterrestrials listening out for us, they will have already had plenty of experience of Earth's culture.

He is sanguine about the possibility of unfriendly attention, saying: "It's quite paranoid, given that the one thing we know about aliens - if they do exist - is that they are very, very far away.

"Military radar signals have already penetrated deep into space and early broadcasts of Star Trek and I Love Lucy are washing over one star system a day.
"If they're listening, they already know we are here."
Having viewed most of the indescribable crap thats on Youtube, I suspect any self respecting aliens who do eventually receive the broadcasts will ensure their star charts showing planet earth will have a warning along the lines of 'avoid these people like the Vegan flu'.
Or if as in Galxy Quest, they can't tell fact from fiction, they may be flleing the Galaxy for fear of the Daleks and the Borg...
That almost reads like a parody of the Daily Mail. It could be worse than the Mail fears/hopes - the aliens might like Earth and want to move here thus forcing house prices up. Imagine having one of them living next door to you - with their ways.
Timble2 said:
Or if as in Galxy Quest, they can't tell fact from fiction, they may be flleing the Galaxy for fear of the Daleks and the Borg...

That sounds like a great idea for a movie. Invading the Earth in order to protect the Universe from the Borg/Cybermen/Daleks/The Empire or wathever. They may wonder why this small planet seems to have so many powerful enemies that are easily defeated by a hairy guy with a sonic screwdriver, for example.
Timble2 said:
Why beaming messages to aliens in space could destroy our planet

By Micheal Hanlon

Last updated at 4:03 PM on 08th August 2008

Thanks to the foolish antics of a downmarket TV company and a website favoured by self-obsessed teenagers, planet Earth could be in for a nasty shock towards the end of this century. ........This week it was announced that documentary-maker RDF and Bebo, a 'social networking site' for dippy youngsters, are to use a big radio telescope in Ukraine to send a powerful focused beam of information - 500 messages from the public in the form of radiowaves - to a nearby star called Gliese 581.

If aliens do exist they may not be friendly, as depicted in the film Independence Day

could be worse, could be rdf and those god-awful facebook freaks! :D

i dunno what's worse, that such a ridiculous article would appear in a staple publication :snigger:, or that they would use a will smith movie to illustrate a point of danger. surely the only danger in a will smith movie is a poor movie tie-in single?
Well whilst I am not too sure that UFOs contain actually aliens compared to some sort of advanced earth dwellers. I will always err on the cautious side and believe that aliens want to kill us. Like that I won't be in for a nasty surprise would they actually turn up one day.
Bloody alien scum ;)
i dunno if we're attracting aliens, but if they look like the ones in ft this month, they'll definitely be attracting me. grrrrrrrrr!
i don't think there is rise in ufo stories in the media if we take into account seasonal adjustments...
aw, so they'll have missed all the murdoch publicity for the new x-file movie. unless, was there any in the times?
Only the strongest collimated messages will have any chance of being detected at the distance of nearby stars. So far the folowing messages have been sent;
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_to ... telligence
the one which will arrive first will not get there till 2036, and the reply couldn't get back til 2069. So we have a little time to wait...
The first time I heard from a supposedly-authorized "in the know" source that the United States Government would reveal what "flying saucers" are "within six months" was on the old American television program WE THE PEOPLE in the Fall of 1950 when I was nine years old.

The speaker was a well-respected newspaper columnist and network radio and television news commentator with an established reputation for being an unofficial government spokesman.
Perhaps they will be a parent race.

"WTF!!! I turn my back for 20 millennia and look what you have done to our beautiful planet. I new we should have stuck with the neanderthal. Back to the caves for you, young species!"

Then again perhaps they will leave us alone seeing we are a pre-warp civilization ;)
chriswsm said:
Then again perhaps they will leave us alone seeing we are a pre-warp civilization ;)

I beg to differ! We are fully as warped as any interstellar alien.