FULL STORY (With Photo of Minish's Injuries): https://apnews.com/article/alaska-bears-5448550d7cc7d770a898029f5d26cbcf10 seconds of terror: Alaska man survives brown bear mauling
Allen Minish was alone and surveying land for a real estate agent in a wooded, remote part of Alaska, putting some numbers into his GPS unit when he looked up and saw a large brown bear walking about 30 feet away.
“I saw him and he saw me at the same time, and it’s scary,” he said by phone Wednesday from his hospital bed in Anchorage, a day after being mauled by the bear in a chance encounter.
The mauling left Minish with a crushed jaw, a puncture wound in his scalp so deep the doctor told him he could see bone, lacerations and many stitches after a 4½-hour surgery. He also is wearing a patch over his right eye, saying the doctors are worried about it. ...
This Alaskan surveyor was startled to find himself within 30 feet of a brown bear while working in the field. The bear attacked, chomped on the man's head twice, and then walked away. Luckily, the man was able to call for help, though he had to wait where he lay for about an hour until it arrived. All the details are in the full story (linked below).
FULL STORY (With Photo of Minish's Injuries): https://apnews.com/article/alaska-bears-5448550d7cc7d770a898029f5d26cbcf
“That’s the one lesson learned,” he said. “I should have had somebody with me.”
Amazing footage of a teenager pushing a bear out of her garden to protect her pet dogs.
But im sure it would had killed the dogs in order to protect its cubsI saw this footage on the BBC and they described it as the Bear attacking the Dog's, in fairness it looked to me like the Bear was protecting its cubs from the dogs. I doubt the Bear was looking at the dogs as a meal.
But im sure it would had killed the dogs in order to protect its cubs
With good reason it appearsThe Japanese have always been fearful of bears.
The Japanese have always been fearful of bears.
Bear Markets: Japan summary of the findings of:
‘Japan’s illegal trade in bear products:
A threat to bears worldwide published by Japan
Wildlife Conservation Society (JWCS), February 2002.
Authors: Kumi Togawa, Masayuki Sakamoto
Contributor: Chie Iijima
Japan is one of the biggest consumer countries of bear gall and bile – there is virtually no
regulation in the current Japanese legislation to restrict domestic trade in bear gall bladders..
There are 2,000-3,000 brown bears in Hokkaido, the northern Japanese island, and about 7,000
black bears in the other areas of Japan. Populations of both species are declining as their habitats
are destroyed and fragmented. In Japan, over a thousand bears are killed annually for sport
hunting and pest control, without the implementation of proper conservation control measures. In
bear parks, bears are kept in inappropriate conditions, and some parks sell bear products, including
gall bladders.
International trade regulations covering bears were strengthened in the early 1990s, but smuggling
illegal bear products into Japan continues.
I’m not sure that the -Payback really is a bitch.
I’m not sure that the -
“…man in his 40s [who] suffered serious injuries to his chest, back and limbs after he was mauled by the bear…”
- would agree with your sentiments.
maximus otter
The bile can be harvested using several techniques, all of which require some degree of surgery, and may leave a permanent fistula or inserted catheter. A significant proportion of the bears die because of the stress of unskilled surgery or the infections which may occur.
Farmed bile bears are housed continuously in small cages which often prevent them from standing or sitting upright, or from turning around. These highly restrictive cage systems and the low level of skilled husbandry can lead to a wide range of welfare concerns including physical injuries, pain, severe mental stress and muscle atrophy. Some bears are caught as cubs and may be kept in these conditions for up to 30 years.
I wouldn’t think any other thing than This Bear Is Chewing Me To Pieces.Would you think differently if the offending bear was an escapee from one of the many that are tortured daily in a bear bile farm?
I wouldn’t think any other thing than This Bear Is Chewing Me To Pieces.
Like s Streetcar Named Desire, I am less interested in character motivation.
Would you think differently if the offending bear was an escapee from one of the many that are tortured daily in a bear bile farm?
Would he?
maximus otter
She's lucky to be alive.
An Illinois woman has been charged with disturbing wildlife after she was filmed approaching a grizzly bear in Yellowstone National Park.
A widely shared video showed Samantha Dehring approaching the bear and two cubs to take a photograph. Ms Dehring only walks away after the mother bear runs at her. She now faces several charges, as well as "violating closures and use limits". Park visitors are forbidden from coming closer than 300 feet from bears.
Ms Dehring was among a group of tourists that encountered the female grizzly and her cubs in the Roaring Mountain section of park on 15 May. Witnesses later told investigators that she ignored warnings to return to the group's vehicles until the bear charged at her.
FULL STORY: https://www.livescience.com/highly-predatory-brown-bear-kills-38-reindeerBrown bear wakes up from hibernation and kills 38 reindeer calves
A "highly predatory" brown bear woke up from hibernation and killed 38 reindeer calves in a single month, then 18 young moose the next month, according to a new study.
The unnamed 13-year-old female was one of 15 brown bears researchers tracked in northern Sweden to understand how the bears use their landscape. They found that the bears change habitats to target reindeer and moose calves in spring. The exact spaces bears occupied varied depending on how many calves they hunted, with some bears like the unnamed female killing more than others.
Why are some bears more predatory? "It must be a combination of different factors," study co-author Antonio Uzal Fernandez, a senior lecturer in wildlife conservation at Nottingham Trent University in the U.K., told Live Science ... , "such as innate behaviour related to personality (for instance, some people are more aggressive than others)."
The researchers don't indicate these "highly predatory" bears pose anymore of a threat to humans. ...
Recent research in Sweden demonstrates brown bears vary in how predatory they are when arousing from hibernation and perhaps how they behave year round.
FULL STORY: https://www.livescience.com/highly-predatory-brown-bear-kills-38-reindeer
PUBLISHED STUDY (Abstract): https://www.mdpi.com/1424-2818/13/12/678
There's some other things I'd like to know, for instance, how does she bring herself in and out of hibernation so frequently ...
Sorry, I don't know why I read it the way I did.The bears tracked in the study weren't going in and out of hibernation. The study data was collected from tagged bears during the 3-month period starting when they normally emerge from hibernation each year (i.e., April through June).