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Gone But Not Forgotten
Aug 18, 2002
But Sydney's on the Pacific Ocean, not the Indian. And Darwin is actually closer to Jakarta than it is to Sydney. (It's a bit under half the distance listed above.) So I'm not sure what the reference to Sydney there is supposed to be.
Anome_ said:
But Sydney's on the Pacific Ocean, not the Indian. And Darwin is actually closer to Jakarta than it is to Sydney. (It's a bit under half the distance listed above.) So I'm not sure what the reference to Sydney there is supposed to be.

Not sure myself,but it is not looking good,this merapi is still on going.
Satellites tracking Mt Merapi volcanic ash clouds
15 November 2010
Since its latest series of deadly eruptions, Java’s Mt Merapi has been spewing volcanic ash clouds into the air. Satellite data are crucial for assessing the eruption’s danger to air traffic and public safety.

Awful. For once I'm not making buffet jokes. :(
Counting votes can kill.

More than 270 election workers in Indonesia have died, mostly of fatigue-related illnesses caused by long hours of work counting millions of ballot papers by hand, an official says.

Arief Priyo Susanto, spokesman of the General Elections Commission (KPU), said 1,878 other staff had fallen ill. Some seven million people were helping count and monitor the 17 April vote. Staff were expected to work through the night in sweltering conditions, which took a hefty physical toll on many.

The elections were the first time the country of 260 million people combined the presidential vote with national and regional parliamentary ballots, in order to save money. Around 80% of the 193 million eligible voters cast their votes in more than 800,000 polling stations.
