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Re: New Info On Circles...?

The infrared beam can penetrate storms or cloud cover, so the test can be done any time anywhere during the growing season.

The above quote demonstrates why the story is highly unlikely. If the guy is who/what he says he is, with the technical background that he claims, he would know that you can't shine infrared through clouds. Cloud is sadly opaque to IR. He's probably confusing it with the ability of IR imagers to look through smoke. A completely different problem, and if he was what he says he was, he would know this.

Basically bunk, I'm afraid.
Incidentally, this was mentioned on BBC breakfast news (19/8) when reviewing days papers. It was in the Daily Mail/Express and the presenter mentioned the film "Signs", as in "just a coincidence that this circle appears just before the film comes out"
crop O's

they are amazing no matter who did 'em-I saw On tv, films(on fox news "bill O'reilly show") of Orbs circling and leaving crop circles .what the heck are those! Even Bill O'reilly thinks its not of this earth /to many and "the Orb's. also there was talk about energy detected above crop circles ,this was a new study being done, scanning above (50 ft or so.) crop circles.:spinning
Crop Circles (a possible answer)

US defence satellites and modern day crop circles. Is there a connection? First lets look at the satellites. They are huge some weighting up to 40000 pounds and have antenas up to 50 feet in diameter capable of producing multiple spot beams made of low level microwave radiation. These beams are used for communications and for transfering data to any place on the earth. These antenas using phased array technology and electron beam stearing are capable of handling over 10000 watts of power. Combining these antennas with technology created for the Airborn Laser it is now possible to compensate for the distortion caused by the earths atmosphere. The combined results of this technology enable a satellite to produce a very powerful beam of low level microwave radiation that can be focused into a very narrow beam of energy that leaves a small ground footprint. These narrow beams allow communications and data to be passed to soldiers in remote areas without being picked up or jammed by the enemy. Today most modern commercial satellites are at least 10 years behind in capability compared to US military satellites. Now lets go back to modern day crop circles with the elaborate detail thats been found the past 20 years. Research done a few years ago into crop circles found in England showed that the stalks were effected by radiation which caused the plant to fall to one side. These test were done on crop circles that were not made by people on the ground and became an easy way to tell a real crop circle from a fake one. The effects of the radiation focused just off the ground on just a few layers of plant cells causes the cells to burst and the result is that the plant lays over. By varying the energy level of the beam and focusing more than one beam on the same spot it is possible to create the patterns in crop circles that we see today. The question now becomes why would they do this? The simplest answer is to test and callebrate there system. It's no different than running a test program on a computer printer. The printer will generate elaborate patterns exercizing the printer to spot a problem with the system. The answer to crop circles may not be exterestial or sinister intent. It's just an easy way to test and callebrate a system thats classified. Since it's classified military information the true answer is clouded in secrecy. The same level of secrecy thats covered up military projects for more than 50 years. They are very good at it and just think of the fun they must have while they play with their toys and perpetuate the hype thats been the center piece of the crop circle myth.

PS:we use LOW RADITATION MICROWAVE BEAMS in every day life EX:Mobile Phones.
If one can change the MOLECULAR STRUCTER of Corn from Earths Orbit ,then think of the other possibilitys!!!!! ;)

You can also send you'r insperations to [email protected]
Okaaaaay - two points:

1) Who, exactly, has claimed to have found these radiation sources? Cereologists, or someone more qualified/official? And has anyone done a geological survey of the areas where circles have been found to rule out any above normal background radiation (think - radon).

2) Why test such classified technology on crop fields in such an obvious way? I very much doubt that it has anything to do with any sort of calibration - but if it does, why not test it over a remote area in the US somewhere?

Sorry, but IMHO, the last thing anyone involved with such hi-tech secret technology is going to do is leave evidence of it's use in such a very obvious way. Rather than look for such exotic, nay illogical, explanations, why not just assume that it's *gasp - shock! horror!* some pretty clever people doing it on the ground, for reasons of their own? ;)
There are a number of problems with the satellite hypothesis. ;)

Just one or two of them.

1) Why have these effects not been noticed near higher power terrestrial transmitters?

2) Why did the US concetrate on a few fields primarily in a small area of the south of England?

3) The spot size required to do the job would be of the order of 1 cm in order to give a sharp delineation of the crop pattern. At the wavelengths that you are talking about, this would require an *extremely* big antenna, with (if you are talking about a phased array) interesting problems with side-lobes.

4) In terms of the beam intensity, the beam is likely to be "in-focus" for a range of many metres above the ground. (Think about it the other way. To photograph the earth from space you would find very little difference in camera setting between focussing at the surface of the earth, and focussing at infinity.) This means that you would not be able to get the control needed to zap the stalks just above the ground. (You would end off heating the whole stalk evenly)

There are other problems with the satellite hypothesis, but my money is still on "The plank did it!" :)
Sorry, but not ALL crop circles are pranks or made with boards. We had one
in Paulding County in Ohio, and had the Ohio State University experts on
crop mutation come up from columbus ohio, and they found that the [wheat]
stalks had been microwaved enough with a high intensity microwave to
actually change the genes of the plant to cause them to grow sideways! And
some of the joints of the plants exploded outward from the heat buildup!
After taking plants back to OSU with them, the decision was made that for
this to be man made, 50 HUEYS would have had to be used and all with
microwave generators on them and all focused on the same spot at the same
time to get the same results. No records of any "choppers" could be shown to
have flown within 100 miles of this place.
So the questions bodes...who made this one? no tracks were seen from the air
and it was directly in the middle of the field, an equal distance from all
sides and plainly visible from the house and three county roads that are
traveled with heavy traffic and no one was seen doing this or could be shown
to so this.
Was it "aliens"? Don't know,,, but I do know that science has proven that
this was NOT made by human pranksters and never could be.
Thanks, Bill! Got it the first time. :)

[MD is refering to a long post which Bill posted twice - the second one has now been deleted. rynner (Moderator)]
Bill - this still doesn't explain why supposedly secret technology is being tested in such an overtly graphic manner. Who exactly were the experts that were used for the instance you described (aside from being 'experts on crop mutation')? Any material published by them about this particular event? I ask only because the word 'experts' tends to get bandied around alot, when it can be a bit of a misnomer ;)
I've done a bit of rooting around to try and track down the story that you quote. (I found a copy at http://www.langa.com/newsletters/2002/2002-08-22.htm )

As far as the OHU researcher goes, he reckons that it is a hoax.

Jim Beurlein, a horticulture and plant specialist at Ohio State University, concluded the circle was man-made. He said testing showed no tissue damage to wheat inside the circle.

(Ref: http://www.thecourier.com/issues/1996/Aug/081296.htm#story2 )


A crop circle found in a northwest Ohio wheat field may have been the result of weather conditions, a Massachusetts scientist said.

Nancy Talbott, a biophysicist, disputes the claim of an agronomist and others that the 93-foot circle was man-made.
Talbott is field research coordinator for BLT Research, a Cambridge, Mass., laboratory that is studying how the Ohio crop circle may have formed.

I'm guessing that this is the "scientist" referred to in the post. A bit of further digging reveals that BLT Research are a crop circles research group. ( http://www.bltresearch.com/ ) Whilst it would perhaps be cynical to say that they have a vested interest in crop circles being "genuine", unfortunately it is true.

My own money is still (safely I hope ;) ) on the plank. :)
The Bottom Line.

The idea behind cooking food with a microwave oven is simple,you move the molecules so fast that it makes friction inside the food ,to cook it.

Now if you apply this method(IN AN HIGHLY ADVANCED LEVEL) of moving molecules and then build a device that can be used in earths orbit to project multiple low level radiation microwave beams down onto a field, just enough to change the molecular structure of the corn in a designated spot,enough to cause molecule mutation,Then picture this!

Take a field,but instead of having corn growing you have people standing ,you beam down onto the field of people
and those that are touched by the beams would have there molecules changed or should i say::: they would be cooked:::

We are talking about a weapon of mass destruction(to all living life forms)we are talking D.A.R.P.A.

I should remind you that when the Atom bombs were dropped on Japan,the people were deep grilled as they sat in there in there own back gardens and there was mass structural collapse.

The new method of mass extermination can be controlled,even down to one individual.

Saddam Hussein is being used as a scapegoat in order to take away the attention of what is really going down((( politicians are good at diverting the worlds media away from the truth)))

When you read the unfolding story of Iraq,remember the real Weapons of Mass Destruction are being made in America.

My mission is completed,thank you all for reading this.

PS:a moderator has put forward a point about finding dead animals in crop circles,well the size of circle compared to the size of a vole or field mouse are two different things and besides you are not looking for dead animals,are you.

Now is the time (know what you are looking fore)
again Peace.
Re: The Bottom Line.

Bill said:
We are talking about a weapon of mass destruction(to all living life forms)we are talking D.A.R.P.A.

Saddam Hussein is being used as a scapegoat in order to take away the attention of what is really going down((( politicians are good at diverting the worlds media away from the truth)))

My mission is completed,thank you all for reading this.

Leaving aside the fact that there is no evidence to show that such technology exists why would the govt. make circles in crop fields...? DARPA...? Never heard of it, can you cite a valid source that it exists?
And what does Sadam Hussein have to do with circles?
What is your 'mission', btw...?
Bill how come you sent your post to me in a private message? it seems a bit random?
I ran these theories past a friend of mine who's an aerospace physicist, and has also worked with laser systems. To put it politely, he thinks it's 'nonsense'. A mircrowave beam of such power would need a very large power source - say, the size of the space shuttle. If not bigger. Secondly, if you want to kill an individual, it's far easier and less expensive to use something less expensive - i.e. a soldier with right training.
Lastly, if attention needs to be diverted in any way, why test your brand new death ray in a crop field for all to see, more or less over the same time period every year, and using a variety of different designs?
How does the microwave theory explain the different orientations of the crop bending in a crop circle/pictogram?

If anything, one might have assumed that the orientation would be dictated by whichever side of the stalk was "directly" illuminated by the microwave beam. A bit difficult to make those fancy designs then. (Particularly when a plank does such a good job ;) )
Something missing ....?

Is it just me or are there several missing posts in this thread....?
Keep looking.

'The nature of things is in the habit of concealing itself.'
Dark Detective
Cold Case Cop

Registered: Sep 2001
Location: The Phantom Works

Tesla's "Death Ray"
Below is a link to a document which contains half of the FBI declassified files on Nikola Tesla, which is mostly addressing requests from learned fellows trying to get hold of his research after he kicked the bucket, only to get the stock answer "That's not out department."
Anyway, there are some interesting news clippings and articles contained therein (it's about 4-5 Meg) one of which sounded a bit like Bush's missile shield and recent news items on airbourne lasers, a death ray claiming to be able "melt" incoming enemy planes (Page 4-ish, from the NY Times) and provide an impregnable air defence shield. I believe the UK government took him seriously enough to chat before WWII, though never took it any further.
So, was Tesla a fruitcake in his latter years or what? If not, I would have thought we'd have felt the ramifications by now....


"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...."

Thanks DD::: I know things you wouldn't believe:::
It would be kool rapping with you.
See you on the other side of the coin.
More Tesla

The "conspiracy" version has it that his plans to use the Earth as
a giant battery, supplying nearly-free and clean power were
scuppered by Capitalism. US Government agents are said to have
appropriated all his papers - including the Death Ray - when he
died. Well, if they did, they seem to shown unusual restraint in
its use! Unless of course . . .

There is plenty of material on Tesla. The problem is that the average
reader can't really sift through scientific papers and say what was
mad and what was just ahead of its time. The non-specialist should
however be well able to see that some of Tesla's notions were of
the grandiose and Messianic kind.
Thanks James for you'r help.
GRANDIOSE==(to do things on a LARGE scale)
POWER==(to have control over everything on a GRAND scale)
AMERCIAN GOVERMENT==power in a GRANDIOUS scale that wants controll over everthing and will do anything to get it.
SO!!! what happened to the paper work that the Amercian Goverment confiscated AND the the death ray???
Whitch brings us back to LOW RADITION MICROWAVE BEAMS.
Ball on you'r side of the court.
Well, you still haven't answered the question about why such super-secret death rays need to be tested in such obvious ways in Wiltshire crop fields...
JerryB said:
Well, you still haven't answered the question about why such super-secret death rays need to be tested in such obvious ways in Wiltshire crop fields...

LOL...and he won't either....Bill is a paranoid conspiracy theorist....logical items are not to be discussed.
Some more fuil for the fire.

Will try and send you some link to open,this is a bit of the main subject but still in Earth Orbit(there is only a bit of the main transcript here)
Greetings ECHELON: America's Secret Global Surveillance Network
Copyright 1999/2000 Patrick S. Poole

Read this previous Privacy Paper by Patrick Poole:
Inside America's Secret Court: The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

Read some of the press clippings on this ECHELON report:
National Post/Canada (February 19, 2000): The New Space Invaders
NY Times (May 27, 1999): Lawmakers Raise Questions About International Spy Network
La Monde Diplomatique (Jan. 1999): How the United States Spies on us all
Federal Computer Week(Nov. 17, 1998): EU May Investigate US Global Spy Network
Inter@ctive Week (Nov. 16, 1998): ECHELON: Surveilling Surveillance
WorldNetDaily (Nov. 12, 1998): Push for Hearings on ECHELON
Wired (October 27, 1998): Spying on the Spies
Baltimore Sun (October 18, 1998): Putting NSA under scrutiny

Executive Summary

In the greatest surveillance effort ever established, the US National Security Agency (NSA) has created a global spy system, codename ECHELON, which captures and analyzes virtually every phone call, fax, email and telex message sent anywhere in the world. ECHELON is controlled by the NSA and is operated in conjunction with the Government Communications Head Quarters (GCHQ) of England, the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) of Canada, the Australian Defense Security Directorate (DSD), and the General Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) of New Zealand. These organizations are bound together under a secret 1948 agreement, UKUSA, whose terms and text remain under wraps even today.

The ECHELON system is fairly simple in design: position intercept stations all over the world to capture all satellite, microwave, cellular and fiber-optic communications traffic, and then process this information through the massive computer capabilities of the NSA, including advanced voice recognition and optical character recognition (OCR) programs, and look for code words or phrases (known as the ECHELON “Dictionary”) that will prompt the computers to flag the message for recording and transcribing for future analysis. Intelligence analysts at each of the respective “listening stations” maintain separate keyword lists for them to analyze any conversation or document flagged by the system, which is then forwarded to the respective intelligence agency headquarters that requested the intercept.

But apart from directing their ears towards terrorists and rogue states, ECHELON is also being used for purposes well outside its original mission. The regular discovery of domestic surveillance targeted at American civilians for reasons of “unpopular” political affiliation or for no probable cause at all in violation of the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution – are consistently impeded by very elaborate and complex legal arguments and privilege claims by the intelligence agencies and the US government. The guardians and caretakers of our liberties, our duly elected political representatives, give scarce attention to these activities, let alone the abuses that occur under their watch. Among the activities that the ECHELON targets are:
The Space Station.

Forgot to mention the Space Station that has been up there for some years(the size of 3 football pitches).
If you live in the Northern Hemisphere it come up in the East(early morning 5/7am)goes over Europe, the English midlands and on over the North Atlantic,is brighter than Jupiter and stands alone in orbit.
So what goes on up there???
ECHELON has nothing to do with crop circles. And the international space station, whilst pretty big, is mostly made up of solar panels, etc.. It certainly does not house a power system for a microwave 'death ray'.

I ,am just trying to point out to those Earthbound people that there is more happening up there than they know about BUT we are still talking Earths Orbit and what happens up there.
And just how many people are aware of Echelon anyway.
Thank's for the comment ;)