Are david ickes conspiracy theorys
and why?
and why?
his main problem is he believes everything
He probably also had some vague memories of "V" - that silly 80's sci-fi TV series. If you don't remember, it featured an alien race of shape-shifting giant lizards who came all the way to Earth because they were running short of hydrogen to fuel their space-ships, and our planet, unlike all the other planets in the local galactic cluster, is chock full of water (which can be broken down into hydrogen).Justin Anstey said:Was that it? He looked at a couple of books about the incas?
Spook said:... Some people add colour and interest to our world - Icke can fall under a frigging bus.
Cujo said:David Icke bugs me. His theorys are just the latest in a long line of theorys that abdicate all responsibility for the ills of the world. He thinks that everything is the fault of space lizards. The Jehova's Witnesses say that all the bad stuff is caused by satan running the world.
Jehovahs Witnesses were also persecuted by the Nazis. Another thing Icke has in common with them. Oh dear...am I beginning to sound obsessed?Fortis said:If you go to Icke's website, you'll discover that he believes that the Jehovah's Witnesses are also involved in his Meta-Conspiracy.
lucydru said:If he is right about the space lizards then I am a gerbil!
I'd say that we have plenty of real evidence that there is all sorts of evil in human beings.dot23 said:It's odd how we can believe all sorts of evil in human beings - without any real evidence, yet we laugh at the idea that aliens live amongst us