JerryB - we could argue this forever.
Your position as sceptical enquirer (ho ho) is entirely correct and I would not argue against it for a moment ...
"I feel more connected."
"I know it works."
The verb in the first statement is as wishy-washy unprovable subjective and inexact as anyone could want, and despite the apparent stern confidence of the verb in the second, there is no objective assertion there ... what I know isn't necessarily what you know - or what is "correct".
My point is exactly this I do NOT know whether any of this is to do with external realities or psychosomatic suggestion. I honestly do not know - it's not discursive rhetoric, I really have no idea.
I am open to the possibility that there are external forces at work .... afterall, surely FT and this message-board are mainly about the possibility of such possibilities ......
However it is equally Fortean (and also falls within my world view) to be prepared to accept the possibility that the human mind is capable of amazing things we do not fully understand ......
(I have always been as fascinated with what would make someone decide to perpetrate a hoax, or what shared delusional experiences say about the human species as with the possibility of the objective reality of e.g. aliens ... ghosts ......... magic(k)).
As I have said, my thinking on the subject of the outside/inside possibilities of what is occuring changes from moment to moment.
When I read the tarot do unseen discarnate forces determine what card turns up where, sending me a message across unknowable dimensions ... and if so are we talking collective unconscious, souls of the dead, demons, angels, pixies, god?
or is my souped-up monkey brain seeing the patterns that make most sense to it in a random selection of images with suitably vague meanings arbitrarily attached, like seeing a face in running water? (heh heh cold reading myself!!)
I do not know.
All I know is that it means something to me.
And the more I believe that it will mean something, the more it does.
So I choose to believe that magic(k) works.
Sometimes I believe that I am in the presence of the one all-knowing almighty god(dess) (who I have down more in a buddhist-y oneness-of-everything kind of way, rather than some bad tempered guy with the beard), and sometimes I think I am metaprogramming my mind, trying to instill new patterns of behaviour that will make me happier by a rather elabourate process of self-hypnosis ..... or even just spending some quality time with myself in a quiet room for half an hour a day, doing something no one is making me do (rare enough treat!) and everything else is coincidence and self-delusion.
I really don't know.
All I know is ...... (wait for it) .... it works!