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Email Notifications (Alerts) Not Received


Devoted Cultist
Dec 27, 2020
East Midlands, UK
This weekend, some of my watched thread notifications have not made it through to my email. I use Outlook (Hotmail), have nothing in junk and don't use the focused messages option.

I noticed it with the Humour thread as I should get an email daily.

Could it be because I'm watching too many forums?

Edit: If I go to Forums > Watched, all of the email boxes are unticked but I am definitely getting some notifications.
I've found the same thing, getting only a few. I thought the same as you that I had too many.
This weekend, some of my watched thread notifications have not made it through to my email. I use Outlook (Hotmail), have nothing in junk and don't use the focused messages option.

I noticed it with the Humour thread as I should get an email daily.

Could it be because I'm watching too many forums?

Edit: If I go to Forums > Watched, all of the email boxes are unticked but I am definitely getting some notifications.

Sorry for the delayed response.

Your permissions and preferences all look perfectly regular to me, and you do indeed have a hotmail account registered.

I don't think that it's possible for you to watch 'too many' threads/fora.

In the case of Humour, was your last post to that thread a long time ago or fairly recently?
This weekend, some of my watched thread notifications have not made it through to my email. I use Outlook (Hotmail), have nothing in junk and don't use the focused messages option. ...

The Microsoft evolutionary / ownership / branding progression for what was once Hotmail is as follows:

Hotmail -----> Outlook -----> Office365

Assuming this is a known XenForo issue ...

There are known problems with XenForo push notifications being blocked / filtered out by the email subcomponents of Outlook / Office365. The emails are not getting through because of something (settings; spam filters; whatever) on the Microsoft (Outlook / Office365) end.

This can happen in both personal and company MS Outlook / Office365 installations. It's never been clear whether or to what extent these blockages / failures can be overcome by tweaking things on the MS (receiver) end.

The only known guaranteed fix is to switch from an MS-controlled email service to something else (e.g., gmail).
There's another conceivable possibility for the confusion ...

When you go to your Watched (threads) listing, all the checkboxes labeled should be unticked, whether or not a label 'Email' appears beside them. Here's why ...

The appearance of an 'Email' label beside a checkbox can be understandably interpreted as meaning the checkbox is strictly related to email notifications. However, this is a misinterpretation.

The 'Email' label is a separate interface component from the checkbox, and these two components cue you to two different things.

The checkbox is a persistent affordance that you can proactively use to signify selections for further action. If you select (check) one or more checkboxes, this cues the system these are the ones to be manipulated using the options in the drop-down menu to the lower right of the listing (entitled 'With selected').

The 'Email' label is a system cue flagging which of the checkboxes are associated with Watched items for which you've requested email notifications.

If you click on 'Select all', then choose 'Disable email notification', all the 'Email' labels / cues disappear. If you then 'Select all' and choose 'Enable email notification' the 'Email' labels appear again.

If you're seeing a mix of 'Email'-labeled and non-labeled checkboxes, this means some of your Watched threads are not designated for email notifications.

If you're only seeing 'Email'-labeled checkboxes, this means all your Watched threads are designated to issue email notifications, and any failure to receive them is most probably caused by something on your end (e.g., the Outlook / Office365 issue noted above).
Have been getting more emails but many are from Monday and ones I've already read. Probably ms. They did something to my other email and now I have to use webmail.
Yesterday, I went through most of my unread watched threads (Forum > Watched) and got up to date. Today, the notifications have restarted so hopefully the system just got in a temporary muddle.

Yithian, my last post to Humour... was a good while ago.