@cjdelphi Just wondering;
Why would aliens decide to abduct you?
A linguist, or say a nurse or roofer I can understand- very useful people to them. But what information do you have that they would want?
There are 4,697 people on this forum alone, (asides from you and me) of whom I'm sure they would glean far more important 'information' from - (unless they want superior knowledge about Led Zeppelin or Mötley Crüe) - than you or I could ever give them.
I've got to ask; did you wake up with a sore arse perchance?
I think someone homophobic started the anal joke, I think it came straight out of the scepticism for dummies book and straight men with questionable sexuality have repeated it ever since
Why me? I have a few good reasons, but I'm not going to list then, instead I'm going to say why not me?
A person who has cancer will ask the same, why them? .. it has to happen to someone