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Foreign Objects Lodged In The Genital / Urinary Organs

This happened again in the UK in September 2021.

Teen gets USB cable stuck in penis in backfired attempt to measure length

A UK teen had to undergo emergency surgery after a bananas attempt to measure his manhood resulted in him getting a USB cable lodged in his urethra.

The phallic fiasco reportedly began after an unnamed 15-year-old boy was “triggered by sexual curiosity” and inserted a USB wire into his urethra, per a wince-worthy study published in the medical journal Urology Case Reports.

The sexperiment backfired when the cable became lodged in the curious teen’s scrotum like an electronic catheter. Despite attempts to extract it himself, the USB cord became tangled so terribly that both ends were left hanging out of his wired willy. ...

Subsequent X-rays revealed that there was a veritable Gordian Knot of USB wire inside the teenager, which required surgeons to make an incision in the region between his genitals and anus to yank it out. They pulled the spooled end through the hole first, cutting it free from the rest of the wire before removing the remaining bits — literally pulling the plug.

Thankfully, the boy recovered without incident and was discharged from the hospital the following day. ...
FULL STORY: https://nypost.com/2021/09/17/teen-gets-usb-cable-stuck-in-penis-in-attempt-to-measure-length/

PUBLISHED CLINICAL REPORT: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214442021002904

They insert things and then don't stop - a usb cable and a skipping rope? I'd thing that the first sign of discomfort would stop them. Sad to say, but sometimes it seems the saying that a man's brain is in his penis is apt. The above mentioned males certainly aren't thinking with anything else.
I do know that the vagina is great (?) for smuggling things:chuckle:, but my wonderment at males inserting things into penises is that these things often travel to the bladder and cause even more problems.

Often, when things are inserted into vagina they don't travel elsewhere. The one eg. of a woman putting 15 stone massaging balls in and not finding one, may be that she put it into her urethra. Course this is all supposition on my part.
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I recon that's a fake, parts seem to be outside the leg and non in the place
you would expect.
I like the comments section:

"No officer it's not my gun". "No I don't know how it got there". "No I wouldn't know whose fingerprints are on it" "No I can't say how long it's been there, I've never seen it before". "This is where I keep MY gun....."

Speaking of insertions... I was recently listening to a podcast about Vlad the Impaler, and they talked about how people were actually impaled at that time. According to the podcast, men were impaired through their rear entry point and out the neck/mouth... but for women, they were impaled through the genitals to the neck/mouth. Is this a true fact?

Boy, 12, needs key-hole bladder surgery after shoving thermometer up penis

The unnamed 12 year old boy from Chengdu central China inserted the medical device into his penis while masturbating, and suffered excruciating pain for nine hours after it got stuck.

X-rays showed the thermometer was so far up the urinary tract that it had entered the boy’s bladder.

Doctors decided they had to perform key-hole surgery as they were worried that simply yanking the item out would damage the boy’s organs.

The boy admitted to medics that he had inserted the thermometer for sexual pleasure.
See if you can spot the thermometer.


Shear stupidity.
As usual with the Metro, it’s a bit light on detail. If he was arrested after some misdemeanour, did he have the scissors already inserted, or did he have advanced warning of arrest & think ‘I know, I’ll take some scissors with me'? I mean, it must be somewhat uncomfortable, & would you be able to sit down with those up yer jacksy?