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Forteana & Weirdness On YouTube


Apr 12, 2005
The Netherlands
I got the following e-mail and watched the video. Actually - it achieves a nice spooky effect with cheap and simple means :D
But how did the author find me?

Do you have any more Fortean Youtube links?

phobbs14610 wants to share a video with you:

Video Description

Peter Hobbs: This is meant to be a modest contribution to the study of psychedelic
ritual. It is inspired by Jack Smith, Boris Karloff and Carlos Castaneda.

Personal Message

Let me know if I'm on the right track.

Right track ? :shock:
Re: Weird YouTube e-mail (+ video)

uair01 said:
Do you have any more Fortean Youtube links?

These are the YouTube links that I found weird enough to put in my own Favorites:

Stupid tricks:

Mysterious place:

Phone cam magic tricks:

Cool science:

Nothing happening, but still funny in it's own way:
Re: Weird YouTube e-mail (+ video)

uair01 said:
Do you have any more Fortean Youtube links?

1) Hey, did you never find anything weird on YouTube? Do you have no links that might surprise me? You mean ... you people actually have a life? ;)

2) There used to be a thread with weird web links, but I can't find it anywhere. Do you know where it is?

Anyway, more YouTube weirdness, from two nice idle evenings of searching and browsing:

Artist almost drowning himself:

Weird (paranoia):

Mysterious scenery + poetry:

Mysterious moving islands:

David Lynch lookalike?

Charming white cat video (bites into leg at 2:35):

Bum hand:

What is this poetic movie all about (why the dogs?)?

Rather nasty 3d simulation SF piece:

Sick hidden cam situation (real or not?)

Electrical appliances and baths (art film in German):

Jorg (probably everyone knows this one already:

An innovative Christian message (connecting with God):
Some more weird YouTube links:

Stalker video ( I don't trust that this is real, but it is interesting):

Diving accident caught on the diver's own camera:

A freediver (no artificial air) dives in the same place (?)
Now I know where the mermaid myth comes from!

Hang Drum (weird musical instrument, but nice):

Silbury Hill combined with a nice mystic tale by Robin Williamson:

A place of power (the power is not really visible):

A funny song by a foul-mouthed fiddler:
There was a large You Tube links thread in Chat, sure it's still there somewhere...?

EDIT: Sorry tonyblair11, didn't see your post last night. Oops! :)
cardinaluk said:

First travel back in time to 1997 - 1998. It was an Channel 4 series IIRC, presented by Lionel Fanthorpe.
cardinaluk said:

First travel back in time to 1997 - 1998. It was an Channel 4 series IIRC, presented by Lionel Fanthorpe.
I had a quick look on youtube and found some videos, dunno if they're full episodes or what as I didn't look because I hated Fortean TV! :lol:

Great thanks all. That's my Friday night sorted, along with 4 cans of Pilsner.

Oh I just spotted this:


Isn't that some of the most genuinely convincing sounding witnesses to what seems to be a VERY strange sighting?

Can anyone shed anymore on this footage?
Maybe it's my monitor but I can't work out what they're looking at. It's not our old friend Bigfoot, is it?
It's here we find out the grey shapes are amateur filmmakers who have uploaded "ghost" footage of the ones who made the video across the field to YouTube.
That must have happened at least once in the history of filming the supernatural.

I'm thinking kids in graveyards seeing a figure with a flash and a red dot floating around. Man with camera who claims he has seen ghosts of children dressed all in black with sunken eyes. Goths.

both put footage on youtube. Instantly get over 100,000+ hits. Fox News cover it.

But that footage in the video has something genuine about it to me.
OneWingedBird said:
Proper ghost stories. Not dubious out of focus cctv. Much spookier.

Am most of the way through that one and have to say, I highly recommend it. :D

Yep. One of the best I can remember seeing. I linked to it myself sometime back. Some proper shivers to be had - especially as the people telling the stories seem so down to earth. (Somewhere in there there's a story about Hyde Park Corner station which, for some reason - although I don't think a whole lot happens in it - I found particularly creepy.)

I remember talking to a mate of mine's dad some years back - a proper old-school Londoner who had worked on the Underground for decades. I said that I expected a few tall stories got told about the place - his reply was something along the lines of, 'No, son - you never get so used to the place that it stops being spooky so people tend to avoid telling shityerpants stories just for the sake of it - generally speaking, if someone tells you something happened to them you can more or less bet your life it did.
Spookdaddy said:
OneWingedBird said:
Proper ghost stories. Not dubious out of focus cctv. Much spookier.

Am most of the way through that one and have to say, I highly recommend it. :D

Yep. One of the best I can remember seeing. I linked to it myself sometime back. Some proper shivers to be had - especially as the people telling the stories seem so down to earth. (Somewhere in there there's a story about Hyde Park Corner station which, for some reason - although I don't think a whole lot happens in it - I found particularly creepy.)

I remember talking to a mate of mine's dad some years back - a proper old-school Londoner who had worked on the Underground for decades. I said that I expected a few tall stories got told about the place - his reply was something along the lines of, 'No, son - you never get so used to the place that it stops being spooky so people tend to avoid telling shityerpants stories just for the sake of it - generally speaking, if someone tells you something happened to them you can more or less bet your life it did.

:lol: epic story Spookdaddy!
Watched the London Underground Doc, entertaining and unnerving in equal measure.
I gather from that there are people whose job it is to walk alone through the tunnels at night? I don't care how much they pay - nothing could induce me to do that!
Eponastill said:
If you want a good ghost documentary on youtube, you simply cannot beat this one about the london underground.


Proper ghost stories. Not dubious out of focus cctv. Much spookier.

That first story has already sent a chill down my spine... :shock:

If only we had access to the CCTV footage for that one!

I have to say actually there is something about the LU. I worked in London for about 5 years in the early 00s and commuted daily on the system, I worked shifts so was there late and early and when you find yourself walking a deserted tunnel late at night there is something very unsettling about the place.

By contrast I've lived in Paris the last three years and take the Metro system there every day at all hours and I don't find it spooky in the slightest. It's not quite as old and the tunnels nowhere near as deep but it is curious how one subterranean transit system can feel so ominous and oppressive while another does not bring out anything like the same feelings.
Re: What's the name of the doco?

cardinaluk said:
What's the name of the documentary as the youtube link doesn't exist?

Is it this one:


That's the one - I wish there were more out there like it.

I was never quite sure about the electric chair story, though. It's so utterly bizarre it certainly deserves the label Fortean (if not Ghost) - but ever since I first watched the film I've had an unshakeable feeling that I've seen that image elsewhere.