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Four Famous Time-Slips Explained By Physics

Bampton; here there's a fact not repeated which casts doubt on this being anything other than the Roberts having simply failed to find Bampton again the following day. And it's worth pointing out that this ever having been strange in the first place relies on us deciding to forget that getting lost on a driving holiday is a daily if not hourly event, and finding the place you were the day before is not always all that easy.

To recap, it's supposed to be strange that the Roberts found the village full of flowers and looking beautiful on their first visit, presumably the inference is that this corresponds to the sign which said 'Bampton, Best Kept Village of 1976' while next day, presumably firmly now back in 1993, all the flowers had gone.

This is very strange, not because the flowers were there the night before, but because they'd gone the day after. Can anyone guess which village won the RHS National award for best village in bloom in 1993? Yes it was Bampton. Here's a link which shows all the other years that it won too. http://www.bampton.org.uk/achievements.html

So given that to win this competition, and at a national level and not just a regional heat, would have required flowers and lots of them, the question would seem to be where were they the following day? So given that, the 'timeslip' must have actually occurred on their return trip. Making the details of the watches, and the unburnt map irrelevant, which of course they always were, as how plausible is it that they both checked their watches, agreed the time, and rechecked when they left? In any case, unless they were both wearing digital watches the 'few minutes' it took them to pass through the village would represent an almost imperceptible transit of their minute hands, especially as they had at that time no reason whatsoever to be careful about noting the time. This represents evidence that they might have embellished their accounts, albeit unintentionally afterward. And the unburnt map? cigarettes might land on their tips, but they don't stay that way they drop on their sides and as someone whose dropped many over the years, I know you can normally retrieve them before they mark the surface they land on, and the smoke they 'remember' is nothing surprising from a burning cigarette and not necessarily anything to do with the map it landed on. Again, that they see this detail as worth recounting suggests they've been carried along with their story.

And if you think about it, if it wasn't for the sign the whole premise collapses, but it could only have been put after the competition had been decided (unless it was a timeslip within a timeslip) and last year the results were released in October, so this is means that a timeslip into the summer of 1976 was never on the table in the first place.
"I cannot waste my time with persons writing FALSE THINGS. Sorry, this is the end of discussion."

This reminds me of what happened a year or so back. Someone joined the forum to post his account of a claimed Nessie sighting, but then threw a tantrum when his views were challenged.
"I cannot waste my time with persons writing FALSE THINGS. Sorry, this is the end of discussion."

This reminds me of what happened a year or so back. Someone joined the forum to post his account of a claimed Nessie sighting, but then threw a tantrum when his views were challenged.
never did get to see that photo

Thanks for posting your theory.
It was a possible explanation I had not previously considered.

I do not think your paper prooves anything.

But I found it interesting, and a possible explanation for time slips, ghosts and UFOs.

I look forward to the day when we can know for sure what causes these phenomena.

Thanks for posting your theory.
It was a possible explanation I had not previously considered.

I do not think your paper prooves anything.

But I found it interesting, and a possible explanation for time slips, ghosts and UFOs.

I look forward to the day when we can know for sure what causes these phenomena.
I second that, but I'm afraid that day is a long way off!
Interesting examinations and refutations of the OP, but no quibbles here about these incidents being the "top four well-known"? I would have thought the Liverpool/Bold Street policeman's weird shop account would be more prominent.
Interesting examinations and refutations of the OP, but no quibbles here about these incidents being the "top four well-known"? I would have thought the Liverpool/Bold Street policeman's weird shop account would be more prominent.
An interesting topic for another thread maybe? There are so many Liverpool cases similar to the one you cite that it would be hard to choose. Maybe what would be the top ten cases?
Hello everyone!

Following the great and unexpected interest and feedback found, after my publication of the study of 4 famous time-slips, I’m pleased to inform you that I published now a new study https://www.academia.edu/35793984 with new detailed physical and mathematical proofs in order to better and more precisely explain the “paranormal” phenomenon of time-slips.
As a study of physics, it requires a good command of physics, and yet all the main concepts are explained in a straight and understandable way, even for non-specialists, no obscure and too long formulas!
In my opinion this study is 10 times more interesting than the 1st study, simply because for the first time a “paranormal” and apparently “unbelievable” phenomenon is fully analyzed according to the known physical laws.
Contrary to common belief, the mysterious “time-slips” – as described by many reliable witnesses – are neither “hallucinations” nor “fraud”. These strange paranormal phenomena can indeed be wholly – or almost wholly - explained by today’s physics and QM, and can even be “taken apart”, piece by piece, at all stages of their development, as follows:

1) A location whatever on Earth emits energy - (not only electromagnetic, but also PSI + information: see prologue)in a “time A” - that is normally traveling forward in deep outer space
2) In very rare situations, on a random basis, this energy is undergoing, in time B of future a quantum fluctuation in specific regions of deep outer space, where vacuum permittivity and permeability are lower (see section 3, and the model of Marcel Urban’s team of Laboratoire de l’Accelerateur Lineaire of Paris ) making this energy suddenly become tachyonic, for the duration of this vacuum fluctuation.
3) Then tachyonic energy of the “time B” of deep outer space is instantaneously entangling with its own tachyonic energy of the past “time A”, in the same location where it was emitted, and also with the new “bradionic” energy of the “time B” of that location, thereby producing a time-slip (or time-soliton), a quantum “mixed state” that is described by a reduced density matrix ( see section 4)) operator of QM.
4) People involved in this phenomenon of entanglement of time A (past) with time B (future) can normally interact and exchange messages in a “non-local” faster-than-light way, as described by the CHSH temporal inequality (Bruckner/Vedral) and Miatello temporal inequality (see section 4)
5) The sudden tachyon energy is producing a quantum Zeno effect and suppression of decoherence of the entangled times A and B, lasting for the duration of vacuum fluctuation.
6) The entanglement of a tachyonic (v) energy A with a bradionic (c) energy B is producing a surplus of energy, according to the energy/mass equivalence (Lorentz factor) in the shape of strong electromagnetic fields.
7) Once the fluctuation is over, both times A and B return again as they were before the entanglement, as described by the reduced density matrix, and this quantum behavior is fully consistent with narrations of persons who experienced time-slips, who reported an amazing impossibility to keep with them anything pertaining to the “other time”.

So, good reading, any further feedback is highly welcome!
Just a final little piece of advice…
Physics is entirely based on mathematics, calculations, experiments, coherent models, etc.
One could deny that F = ma , but he/she would be forced to prove why in physical/mathematical terms. Unfortunately physics is not like discussing whether Cristiano Ronaldo is better than Lionel Messi, or whether a valilla ice cream is better than a chocolate ice cream = only a matter of taste.
So, if someone can suggest a better physical explanation than mine of time-slips he/she is welcome. But he/she has to use mathematics to prove it, not simply words such as: “I like, I dislike”.
Physics is NOT a matter of taste.

Thanks a lot in advance
Alberto Miatello
Very difficult to sift through the posturing on the nature of physics to *find* reference to those 4 cases within. But I suppose it's positive to see a Timeslip Thread focusing purely upon scientific posturing, rather than derailing all other discussion on the subject, for a change... ;)
I fear that nobody here can really grasp the complexity of your theory, including myself. One point that does need clarifying is that quantum physics deals with the behaviour of tiny particles, whereas time slips involve one or more human beings with countless billions of constituent particles. People remain complete after their time slips, with no missing parts, so I am puzzled how this can be achieved. In rare cases they can interact physically with objects or other people within the slip, eating and drinking, buying things, etc. Can your theory also explain that?
Hm. Another non-standard format non-peer reviewed paper. Well, it might all be true in which a career in a top physics university beckons. For myself, I'll take a cognitive shortcut and not bother. :hoff:
The slight problem with this is that tachyons are hypothetical particles, no-one has any evidence that such things exist (outside of Star Trek and Doctor Who), and if they did they couldn't move slower than the speed of light. Consequently. any tachyonic interactions are entirely hypothetical (or completely imaginary).

And the paper's structure is a complete mess, no peer reviewed journal would touch it.
@ Timble2

It seems you’re totally unfamiliar with recent researches by Prof. Marcel Urban and his team, from Laboratoire de l’Accelerateur Lineaire, of Paris University . He convincingly proved that tachyon particles can exist in deep outer space, due to quantum fluctuations of vacuum. Tachyon particles are also at present studied by DOZENS of quantum physicists, but I understand that your knowledge of them does not go beyond your memory of Star Trek movies, not exactly what one should expect from a “quantum physicist” :) , maybe even from a high-school student! And with ref. to the structure of my paper, the problem is not that it is a “mess”, the problem is that you lack the basic physical background to understand it. Forget “peer review” (you clearly ignore that ALL the most fundamental discoveries in modern science have never been “peer reviewed” by anyone - as systematic “peer review” started just a few decades ago, as a way to censor researches that could “disturb” the scientific establishment - and at first they were mostly underrated or even totally disregarded), the problem is that your behavior is like that of fox from the tale “The Fox and the Grapes” by Aesop. When someone is unable to grasp something, the commonest reaction is to DESPISE what he/she does not understand.
Please, I don’t want to seem rude or discorteous, but if you purport to discuss subjects you clearly don’t know, even to the point of “judging” in 3 words complex researches, that’s the reply you can expect. Sorry.

@ Carl Grove

I deeply explained the point regarding the problem of interaction between 2 quantum MACRO STATES, in the last sections about the problem of DECOHERENCE in quantum macro states, as those occurring in time-slips of human beings, in our everyday reality.
It is not correct what you wrote: “quantum physics deals with the behavior of tiny particles, whereas time slips involve one or more human beings with countless billions of constituent particles.” This is an over-simplification of QM. And yet, after the EHRENFEST THEOREM and the CORRESPONDENCE PRINCIPLE it is well known that QM reproduces CLASSICAL PHYSICS, and there are no rigid boundaries between them.
The slight problem with this is that tachyons are hypothetical particles, no-one has any evidence that such things exist (outside of Star Trek and Doctor Who), and if they did they couldn't move slower than the speed of light. Consequently. any tachyonic interactions are entirely hypothetical (or completely imaginary).

And the paper's structure is a complete mess, no peer reviewed journal would touch it.

That's untrue, they had them on Blake's 7 too.
If I knew I'd discovered a great truth I'd do everything possible to politely talk people through it and simplify any points I thought would be a stumbling block to their understanding; not insult them.
I find people usually have a hissy fit because they suddenly realise that their target audience is more astute than they thought...
An interesting topic for another thread maybe? There are so many Liverpool cases similar to the one you cite that it would be hard to choose. Maybe what would be the top ten cases?
The Rougham case(s) would be number one for me Carl, but I don't know of as many timeslip reports as you do!