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Free Electricity



This invention has been known about in the USA for at least 8 years and has been extensively demonstrated in 48 States . Any device which has the potential to reduce Global Warming and does not rely on fossil fuels surely needs investigation in UK? This outstanding invention is known as 'Sundance Generator/Humming Bird Motor' package; a picture of which may be seen on the website at - freelectricity.com

Have a look and let me have your comments please. ...
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From, ClarkPublicUtilities.com: Free electricity machine: Part 2 August 2002


In Washington, the electricity machine proponents have had an equally hard time. According to an article in the Spokane Spokesman-Review (8/28/2001), an injunction was filed by Spokane Court Commissioner Royce Moe, blocking a workshop by electricity machine promoter Dennis Lee. Spokesman-Review writer Kevin Blocker reported that lawyers with the Washington state attorney general's office say Lee is a charlatan.

According to the article, "Lee has been barnstorming the country, looking for investors to help him finance the Hummingbird/Sundance generator. The device is described on his corporate Web site as a possibly free electricity machine. Lee is soliciting $15 memberships and the opportunity to buy one of 2,000 dealerships for the product. Dealerships cost $30,000 to $100,000."

Lee's companies, plus an organization called the National Union of American Families, are involved in a project to attract 1.6 million people into a scheme to become registered locations for an electricity machine. According to their literature, as soon as 1.6 million people have signed up, the companies will release the technology to the public, or at least to the "witnesses" who agree to pay to be dealers or demonstration locations.

One UCSA dealer newsletter says the first 10 percent of the witnesses will receive their electricity machine for free, and the next 14.4 million will have to pay $2,000. If you want to join the National Union of American Families, it's about $15 initially plus about $8 per month in union dues. According to the NUAF brochure, union members might get their electricity machine for free if they recruit nine members who pay $2,000 for their machines.


Free Electricity, only using "permanent magnets and gravity"? Sounds a bit too much like "Perpetual Motion".
Ask them, “If” a person conclusively demonstrated a permanent magnet motor that took only 400 watts of power from a set of batteries to run, and they could measure an output from that motor of 2300 watts of mechanical energy, could they imagine a way to use such a motor to make free energy?

Sounds like another variant on the generator connected to an electric motor type of "perpetual motion" machine.

Most of the rest is a fairly literate version of the old "the wicked oil/electricity/gascompanies are supressing this technology" paranoia, with hints of conspiracy.
Ah. A good old-fashioned con.

There truly IS a sucker born every minute :roll:
I have no problem accepting that the wicked oil/gas/ electrical and scientific, medical and numerous other companies and government bodies are suppressing quite a lot that would be of benefit to many in society (by force and untimely death when they deem it necessary).
again said:
I have no problem accepting that the wicked oil/gas/ electrical and scientific, medical and numerous other companies and government bodies are suppressing quite a lot that would be of benefit to many in society (by force and untimely death when they deem it necessary).
But, probably not this time.
For every technology that has been supressed by the oil companies, there must be thousands that just don't work.
Yes, this Dennis Lee is a pretty well-known con artist. If his machine works, the simplest and most effective publicity would be for him to show everyone his electricity bills for the past few years.
But he's never done that. Obviously, his elctricity company is suppressing them.
"wicked oil/gas/ electrical and scientific, medical and numerous other companies and government bodies are suppressing quite a lot "

I haven't actually seen an example of this - have you?
Suppressing is actually quite difficult, especially in the face of capitalism and democracy.

On the other hand, I have seen plenty of examples of 'not invented here' and other informal ways of ensuring that we only give contracts to people like us, which is not the same at all...
Wembley said:
"wicked oil/gas/ electrical and scientific, medical and numerous other companies and government bodies are suppressing quite a lot "

I haven't actually seen an example of this - have you?
Suppressing is actually quite difficult, especially in the face of capitalism and democracy.

On the other hand, I have seen plenty of examples of 'not invented here' and other informal ways of ensuring that we only give contracts to people like us, which is not the same at all...

I did read an article which said that people like Shell had been pumping a lot of R&D money into alternative energy even though none of it has seen the light of day.

It makes sense for the big oil companies to do this and it is currently not economically viable to roll them out yet...

If they've also bought up some viable patents to use later does that count as supression? Not really.

It does make a great excuse for various people to pass of the blame for unworkable inventions ;)
Wembley: Major drug companies and individuals within the medical fraternity denied for years that Prozac, Roaccutane and Hormone Replacement Therapy caused harmful side-effects. It was later shown it had been known even prior to release that these drugs were dangerous.
... This outstanding invention is known as 'Sundance Generator/Humming Bird Motor' package; a picture of which may be seen on the website at - http://www.freelectricity.com/ ...

The linked website is dormant. If you go there you'll get this message:

The site owner has determined that the Free Electricity Program once offered here is no longer a viable offer. Therefore applications to register for free electricty will no longer be accepted. Those who registered in the program through this site are still active and will still be contacted if the free electricty program ever happens. However, it is the opinion of this site owner that the free electricity program will not ever happen.