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Biological Taxonomy / Cladistics Thread


Aug 19, 2003
Linnean naming system faces challengers

A band of renegade biologists is taking on a mammoth task that threatens to upset a status quo that has been unchallenged for almost 250 years. Put simply, they want to change the way scientists name every living organism on the planet.

These rebels say that our system of naming plants, animals, fungi and bacteria, famously introduced by Linnaeus in 1758, is frustrating efforts to understand the living world. They want to replace it with a more rational scheme they call the PhyloCode.

Critics have slammed their proposal, arguing that it will be a waste of time and effort that will hinder the urgent task of cataloguing the thousands or even millions of as yet undiscovered species before they go extinct. It could also compromise laws designed to protect biodiversity, placing endangered species at unnecessary risk.

Linnaeus developed the now familiar binomial system of nomenclature, in which the name of each species includes its genus. This identifies Homo sapiens, for example, as a member of the genus Homo.

That system has since been expanded, so that every identified living species is also placed in a hierarchy that stretches from phylum at the top, down through class, order, family and genus.

Loosely sorted

For instance, the genus Homo belongs to the family Hominidae, which is part of the order Primates, which in turn belongs to the class Mammalia, which is a member of the phylum Chordata.

Because this scheme sorts organisms loosely into just a few hierarchical divisions, it tells us relatively little about how they are related in evolutionary terms. And that, advocates of the new naming scheme say, is hindering our understanding of the natural world.

"The whole endeavour of trying to understand and communicate about the diversity of life is being compromised by a naming system that is outdated and has bad consequences," says Michael Donoghue, an evolutionary biologist at Yale University.

Under the Linnaean system, a taxonomist who wishes to name a group of organisms must also assign that group a rank, such as genus or family. But there are not enough of these to cope with the increasingly complex branching of the evolutionary tree now being discovered. To keep up, taxonomists have been inventing a confusing raft of new ranks, such as phalanxes, infracohorts and supertribes.

Changing ranks

Even worse, biologists who identify a new group may find they have to change the ranks - and therefore the names - of several other groups in order to maintain some semblance of consistency.

This, Donoghue claims, discourages people from naming groups as they are discovered, and thus limits the progress we can make in our understanding of how different groups of animals or plants are related to each other.

For example, Donoghue and his colleagues have recently discovered that the genus Potentilla, which belongs in the rose family, does not form a natural evolutionary group, technically known as a clade. A clade is made up of an ancestral species and all its descendants; think of it as that part of an evolutionary tree that would fall off with a single saw cut.

One subset of Potentilla does form a clade, but other Potentilla species arise elsewhere in the tree, while plants placed in other genera lie on intermediate branches.

To fix the problem, taxonomists would either have to group these other genera within Potentilla - which would mean renaming hundreds of species, including familiar ones such as the strawberry - or restrict the name Potentilla to members of the smaller clade and find new genus names for the rest. Either option involves a huge amount of work shuffling species in and out of genera.

No obligation

The PhyloCode would eliminate the need for that by abolishing genera, families and every other rank above the level of species. Instead, taxonomists would be free to define and name any clade they discover.

Donoghue's team could assign a name to the clade they found in Potentilla, but they would be under no obligation to name or rename any other clades at the same time. That will allow naming to track our understanding of biodiversity more closely, says Philip Cantino, a botanist at Ohio University in Athens.

Cantino and Kevin de Queiroz, a lizard expert at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC, have drafted a set of rules governing PhyloCode names. At a meeting in Paris in July, PhyloCode proponents began the task of applying this code to the Earth's living things.

The meeting will form the basis of a book to be published in two or three years' time that will mark the official beginning of PhyloCode names - "the way Linnaeus was the starting point for the other codes," as Donoghue puts it.

Though the new system will change the way taxonomists name organisms, PhyloCoders hope that everyone else - even other biologists - will notice little difference. Today's familiar names should still apply.

Humans, for example, would be a species called sapiens in a clade called Homo, so we would continue to call ourselves Homo sapiens. The only change is that the clade would no longer have the rank of genus.

As innocuous as it sounds, the idea has provoked angry protests from most taxonomists.

Tragic waste

Taxonomists, already thin on the ground, are frantic to catalogue as much of the world's biodiversity as they can before it disappears. "We're the last generation that will have access to this enormous diversity of species, and to piddle away our time implementing a new system is a tragic waste," says Quentin Wheeler, an insect taxonomist at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

The implications are more than just academic. The machinery of conservation, from laws like the US Endangered Species Act to international agreements such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, is based on the existing system of names.

"Trying to change that system of naming right now would be utter chaos," says John Kress, a botanist at the Smithsonian Institution who works extensively with government agencies on biodiversity issues.

Savvy traders in endangered species would be quick to exploit any ambiguities during the changeover, says Dennis Stevenson of the New York Botanical Garden, who serves on the cycad specialist group for the World Conservation Union (IUCN).

Donoghue concedes that the transition may bring some uncertainties. "The prudent thing to do is to experiment with this," he says. "Then we'll understand the pros and cons much better and we can either modify things or decide not to do it at all. But my guess is that once we've done the experiment we'll end up strongly preferring the PhyloCode."

Given the hostile reception PhyloCode has received so far, they have a lot of convincing to do.

Bob Holmes

DNA barcoding method put to the test reveals new cryptic bird and butterfly species | By Nick Atkinson


Two studies published this week by the University of Guelph's Paul Hebert and colleagues appear to confirm DNA barcoding as a powerful tool in taxonomic diagnostics. But claims and counterclaims about just what the method can and can't deliver continue unabated.

In the first study, published in PLoS Biology, Hebert and colleagues present an analysis of 260 known North American bird species. DNA barcodes—a 648-bp region of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase I (COI)—are either identical or very similar within species, but differ between species. Of the 260 species examined, all were distinguished using barcodes, and four new cryptic species were discovered.

The second study, appearing this week in PNAS, uses the same technique to demonstrate that the neotropical skipper butterfly Astraptes fulgerator is actually a species complex consisting of at least 10 species. According to Felix Sperling, who was not involved in either study, Hebert's work is "an excellent demonstration of the power of DNA barcoding to make sense of a confusing welter of ecological and color pattern variation."

A comprehensive library of DNA barcodes should aid species identification in the field, Herbert said. "Single gene reads will deliver an unambiguous species identification in more than 95% of [animal] cases within a decade," he told The Scientist. Very young species might prove the stumbling block, though, for which additional sequences might be informative. "However, a move to multigenic systems for species diagnosis makes no more sense than invoking a scanning electron microscope to separate species that can be recognized by eye," he added.

But Sperling, a taxonomist at the University of Alberta, has reservations concerning some of the claims made by proponents of the technique. "Some of the barcoding apologists have done a disservice to systematics and especially taxonomy by overselling the strengths of the approach in such a single-minded fashion," he said.

"That has created an unrealistic set of expectations among people who are not aware of the weaknesses of the approach, but who have used it to justify replacing classical taxonomy rather than supplementing and strengthening it," Sperling continued.

Craig Moritz and Carla Cicero, authors of a commentary in PLoS Biology, echo these concerns. In what the University of Georgia's John Avise describes as an excellent review of the pros and cons of DNA barcoding, the authors attempt to damp down some of its hype. "The field, as it currently stands, tends to be structured around merely one gene, which for many well known reasons can be misleading about biological connections and discontinuities in nature," said Avise.

A practical difficulty with the approach is to capture molecular geographic variation within each species, said Avise, who was not involved with the studies. "This is especially important for low-dispersal or geographically structured taxa, which probably include the majority of the world's species," he said, adding that Hebert's bird analysis might have fallen foul of this difficulty. "Birds tend to be vagile creatures, and therefore less likely—all else being equal—to show substantial geographic variation than more sedentary species, such as snails or small mammals," Avise explained.

David Schindel, executive secretary of the Consortium for the Barcode of Life, sees the real impact of DNA barcoding as its ability to address applied problems. "Many fields need to draw on systematic expertise for the reliable identification of species, but these potential users have limited access to taxonomic experts. Genetic barcodes provide a kind of interface between taxonomy and the users of taxonomic data," he said.

However Charles Godfray, professor of evolutionary biology at the Natural Environment Research Council Centre for Population Biology, feels that DNA barcoding itself will evolve. "It will complement rather than replace a 250-year tradition of Linnean taxonomy. Whilst studies using the COI sequence are an excellent place to start, the rapidly advancing pace of molecular techniques makes it hard to predict what methods will be used in 20 or even 10 years' time."

Godfray believes that it's up to both camps to shift their positions. "Claims that molecular techniques are a panacea for all taxonomy's ills are overblown," he told The Scientist. "However, the subject must embrace and absorb new methods if it's to stay in touch with the real needs of the people who use taxonomic information."

Links for this article
Paul Hebert

M.L. Blaxter, "The promise of a DNA taxonomy," Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 359:669-79, April 2004.
[PubMed Abstract]

P.D.N. Hebert et al., "Identification of birds through DNA barcodes," PLoS Biology, 2:e312, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020312, October 2004.

P.D.N. Hebert et al., "Ten species in one: DNA barcoding reveals cryptic species in the neotropical skipper butterfly Astraptes fulgerator," PNAS, DOI:10.1073/pnas.0406166101, September 2004.

Felix A.H. Sperling

C. Moritz, C. Cicero, "DNA barcoding: promise and pitfalls," PLoS Biology, 2:e354, DOI:10.1371/journal.pbio.0020354, October 2004.

John C. Avise

Consortium for the Barcode Of Life

Natural Environment Research Council Centre for Population Biology
(This was the start of a diversion into taxonomy so it has been moved to its own thread, the original thread is at https://forums.forteana.org/index.php?threads/strange-fish-washes-ashore.53743/)
The confusion arises as 'monkfish' used to refer to a species of Angelshark Squatina squatina, due to overfishing it is now critically endangered and cannot be taken. Hence the term has now been applied to Angler Fish as a substitute, Lophius sp.

As said above, the two look quite different:


Squatina squatina

AnonymousUnknown author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons



This is why the tedious system of Latin species names works so well - they are constants in a world of changing common names (I originally studied life sciences).

I have no Fast Show references to make, but would be grateful if you could get your knickers on and make me a cup of tea.
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The confusion arises as 'monkfish' used to refer to a species of Angelshark Squatina squatina, due to overfishing it is now critically endangered and cannot be taken. Hence the term has now been applied to Angler Fish as a substitute, Lophius sp.

As said above, the two look quite different:

This is why the tedious system of Latin species names works so well - they are constants in a world of changing common names (I originally studied life sciences).

Just been having a conversation about this sort of thing and firstly it’s not tedious it’s bloody brilliant and I do believe in said conversation I did say something about god help anyone who calls them Latin names. Scientific names not Latin names.
Just been having a conversation about this sort of thing and firstly it’s not tedious it’s bloody brilliant and I do believe in said conversation I did say something about god help anyone who calls them Latin names. Scientific names not Latin names.

I'm with you here ;) I love all things Linnaean!

But generally I've found that 'people at large' do find it tedious and Latin.

Species scientific names are rather helpful to anglers and fishermen - a mackerel in the UK might not be the same mackerel in Jamaica for example.
I'm with you here ;) I love all things Linnaean!

But generally I've found that 'people at large' do find it tedious and Latin.

Species scientific names are rather helpful to anglers and fishermen - a mackerel in the UK might not be the same mackerel in Jamaica for example.
People at large are wrong on both counts! Latinised I will accept but not Latin. There are something like 50 different plants in the U.K. alone called King Cup and they are all different species. Even England vs Scotland the bluebell is a different plant.
I must admit I hate where common names are made up for species simply because they don’t have a common name. If they don’t have a common name it’s because normal people don’t need to distinguish between them. So if you’re making up a common name then only people interested in that group will come across it and they are more likely than not wanting to use the scientific name for clarity as you say.

A hobby horse, whatever do you mean?
Going off topic here a bit, but following up on gordonrutter's comments...

I'm getting more and more irritated by people who take the common name equivalent of various levels of taxonomic classification (e.g. fish, monkey, bear, spider) and insist that we only use those common names when they agree with the scientific names. Those things we called starfish since long before I was born? They're now sea stars because they're not fish. Apes? They're not monkeys - even though in some languages (like French) the same word is used for both. The panda bear? Call it a giant panda, you jerk - it's not a bear. Oh, sorry, more recent research says they are bears. And I guess I'll let you call tarantulas spiders, as long as you make it clear that Araneomorphae are the true spiders.

Consider the brontosaurus. For a long time, nitpickers insisted we call it apatosaurus, because the genus Brontosaurus had been eliminated and the former Brontosaurus species reclassified as Apatosaurus. Then, magically, they were re-reclassified Brontosaurus again. But "brontosaurus" worked just fine as a common name all the while.

My point is that scientific names do serve a purpose in providing clarity when you want to pinpoint what species you're talking about - even when there's some reclassification from time to time - but things are given common names as well, and there's no reason to force taxonomy on those names. I'm sure the folks in England and Scotland know what their own bluebells are. In the U.S. we often call sweet potatoes yams; we don't mean the yams grown in Africa and elsewhere, and we're not about to change. As long as we know there is a difference when it makes a difference, let the language be alive.

By the way, I sometimes like to refer to mahi-mahi as dolphins (another common name for them) just to make the uninformed freak out that someone is eating the mammals of the same name.
Going off topic here a bit, but following up on gordonrutter's comments...

I'm getting more and more irritated by people who take the common name equivalent of various levels of taxonomic classification (e.g. fish, monkey, bear, spider) and insist that we only use those common names when they agree with the scientific names. Those things we called starfish since long before I was born? They're now sea stars because they're not fish. Apes? They're not monkeys - even though in some languages (like French) the same word is used for both. The panda bear? Call it a giant panda, you jerk - it's not a bear. Oh, sorry, more recent research says they are bears. And I guess I'll let you call tarantulas spiders, as long as you make it clear that Araneomorphae are the true spiders.

Consider the brontosaurus. For a long time, nitpickers insisted we call it apatosaurus, because the genus Brontosaurus had been eliminated and the former Brontosaurus species reclassified as Apatosaurus. Then, magically, they were re-reclassified Brontosaurus again. But "brontosaurus" worked just fine as a common name all the while.

My point is that scientific names do serve a purpose in providing clarity when you want to pinpoint what species you're talking about - even when there's some reclassification from time to time - but things are given common names as well, and there's no reason to force taxonomy on those names. I'm sure the folks in England and Scotland know what their own bluebells are. In the U.S. we often call sweet potatoes yams; we don't mean the yams grown in Africa and elsewhere, and we're not about to change. As long as we know there is a difference when it makes a difference, let the language be alive.

By the way, I sometimes like to refer to mahi-mahi as dolphins (another common name for them) just to make the uninformed freak out that someone is eating the mammals of the same name.
If it came across as me being against common names I’m not, even if the same common name refers to different things. If you want clarity we have scientific names, if you want to talk like normally we have common names. Use the appropriate terminology, simples.

Should we break this off into a geeky taxonomy thread on chat? :)
If it came across as me being against common names I’m not, even if the same common name refers to different things. If you want clarity we have scientific names, if you want to talk like normally we have common names. Use the appropriate terminology, simples.

Should we break this off into a geeky taxonomy thread on chat? :)
I didn't mean to imply you were against common names. I was just trying to amplify what you said. I'm no expert on taxonomy, but I'm more than willing to discuss my disgust with sea stars and the like on a separate thread!
I didn't mean to imply you were against common names. I was just trying to amplify what you said. I'm no expert on taxonomy, but I'm more than willing to discuss my disgust with sea stars and the like on a separate thread!
I’ll plead guilty to having been a professional taxonomist.
The binomial system is wonderful for ensuring that when you say "buttercup" and I say "buttercup" we can check that we are both actually talking about Ranunculus repens but in recent decades there has been an irritating trend of moving species to new genera too frequently which can harm the usefulness of the system.

The genus to which certain plants have been classified has changed historically - the genus Malus was created out of Pyrus historically, for instance. This is fine, Linnaeus classified apples into a genus he felt was ancestral to the apple i.e. he saw apples as more specific varieties of pear-like fruit. Scientific progress has since determined that the genetic relation is most likely much more complex with horizontal gene transfer from other clades. Even by 1768 it was apparent that Malus was distinctive enough to need a genus. That's fine and the changes were slow enough that people were able to adjust and to know that someone who was talking about Pyrus malus was talking about Malus sylvestris.

Cladistic reorganization has, however, radically altered many genera often more than once per generation. This leads to people having to constantly re-learn the accepted names for species. I suspect one of the reasons botany and life-sciences in general made such great strides in the last few hundred years was that the binomial system was sufficiently complex to communicate effectively while not being so obscure as to reduce the circle of participants to a handful whereas today only a relatively small group of people will remain "caught up" with the changes to the accepted names that the circle of participants (and possible participants) will get smaller and smaller.

Traditional classification always attempted to convey relationships to a degree but the current obsession with trying to make the binomial name directly match the cladistic relation seems to be misguided to me, if for no other reason than life isn't that straightforward anyway - horizontal gene transfer happens sometimes. The tree of life will always have crossed branches.
Traditional classification always attempted to convey relationships to a degree but the current obsession with trying to make the binomial name directly match the cladistic relation seems to be misguided to me, if for no other reason than life isn't that straightforward anyway - horizontal gene transfer happens sometimes. The tree of life will always have crossed branches.
It also seems arrogant to me that every time a species gets moved/renamed it's like the scientific community is saying "this is exactly where this species belongs in the evolutionary chain." Of course there's no absolute way of knowing this, so the sands shift every time there's new evidence, and (almost) everyone says "now we have it right." As you say, there is value in showing evolutionary relationships, but this is hardly the only reason for taxonomy.
Of course there are some people who will just lump ervery together or split everything up just for the hell of it and some who do these moves just to up their publications.
It also seems arrogant to me that every time a species gets moved/renamed it's like the scientific community is saying "this is exactly where this species belongs in the evolutionary chain." Of course there's no absolute way of knowing this, so the sands shift every time there's new evidence, and (almost) everyone says "now we have it right." As you say, there is value in showing evolutionary relationships, but this is hardly the only reason for taxonomy.

I've long mused on the notion it's a good thing Linnaeus' static (contemporary snapshot) taxonomic scheme was developed and widely adopted before evolutionary theory arose to dominance in the biological sciences. At least there was a single accepted framework which could be re-edited / updated to reflect new discoveries and inter-connections.

On the other hand ...

I often wonder what the prevalent taxonomic scheme would be if this canonical status hadn't been established until after speciation was contextualized with respect to evolution.

In other words ... What might the mainstream taxonomic scheme look like if it had been based on a dynamic evolutionary phenomenon rather than something more like a presumptively static inventory of contemporary organisms alone?
I've long mused on the notion it's a good thing Linnaeus' static (contemporary snapshot) taxonomic scheme was developed and widely adopted before evolutionary theory arose to dominance in the biological sciences. At least there was a single accepted framework which could be re-edited / updated to reflect new discoveries and inter-connections.

On the other hand ...

I often wonder what the prevalent taxonomic scheme would be if this canonical status hadn't been established until after speciation was contextualized with respect to evolution.

In other words ... What might the mainstream taxonomic scheme look like if it had been based on a dynamic evolutionary phenomenon rather than something more like a presumptively static inventory of contemporary organisms alone?
Probably phylogenetic nomenclature, attempting to reflect the 'tree of life'.

I personally find the current drive towards monophyletic taxa useful. It can be a bit annoying when changes keep occurring, but I've learned much from those changes. For years, I was happily telling folk that my favourite animals, the lemurs, where not monkeys but prosimians. Then suddenly, the term 'prosimian' isn't being used; it's not monophyletic. Blame the tarsiers. Now I know that, while hardly a 'common' name in the sense that it's well known, 'prosimian' still has a use, describing primates which retain certain ancient features as distinct from monkeys, apes and humans. But somehow I now can't find it in me to continue to use the term knowing it doesn't reflect natural history. Yet, the abandoning of the term has taught me something about tarsiers, so that's good.
... I often wonder what the prevalent taxonomic scheme would be if this canonical status hadn't been established until after speciation was contextualized with respect to evolution.

In other words ... What might the mainstream taxonomic scheme look like if it had been based on a dynamic evolutionary phenomenon rather than something more like a presumptively static inventory of contemporary organisms alone?

It seems I spoke too soon ... It would appear we're about to find out, now that genetic analysis indicates the Linnaean tree of life may be full of errors from relying on appearances.
Convergent Evolution Has Been Fooling Us: Most of Our Evolutionary Trees Could Be Wrong

Scientists say convergent evolution is much more common than previously thought.

An evolutionary tree, or phylogenetic tree, is a branching diagram showing the evolutionary relationships among various biological species based upon similarities and differences in their characteristics. Historically, this was done using their physical characteristics — the similarities and differences in various species’ anatomies.

However, advances in genetic technology now enable biologists to use genetic data to decipher evolutionary relationships. According to a new study, scientists are finding that the molecular data is leading to much different results, sometimes overturning centuries of scientific work in classifying species by physical traits.

New research led by scientists at the Milner Center for Evolution at the University of Bath suggests that determining evolutionary trees of organisms by comparing anatomy rather than gene sequences is misleading. The study, published in the journal Communications Biology on May 31, 2022, shows that we often need to overturn centuries of scholarly work that classified living things according to how they look. ...

Since Darwin and his contemporaries in the 19th Century, biologists have been trying to reconstruct the “family trees” of animals by carefully examining differences in their anatomy and structure (morphology).

However, with the development of rapid genetic sequencing techniques, biologists are now able to use genetic (molecular) data to help piece together evolutionary relationships for species very quickly and cheaply, often proving that organisms we once thought were closely related actually belong in completely different branches of the tree. ...
FULL STORY: https://scitechdaily.com/convergent...ost-of-our-evolutionary-trees-could-be-wrong/
Here are the bibliographic details and abstract from the published research report. The full report is accessible at the link below.

Oyston, J.W., Wilkinson, M., Ruta, M. et al.
Molecular phylogenies map to biogeography better than morphological ones.
Commun Biol 5, 521 (2022).

Phylogenetic relationships are inferred principally from two classes of data: morphological and molecular. Currently, most phylogenies of extant taxa are inferred from molecules and when morphological and molecular trees conflict the latter are often preferred. Although supported by simulations, the superiority of molecular trees has rarely been assessed empirically. Here we test phylogenetic accuracy using two independent data sources: biogeographic distributions and fossil first occurrences. For 48 pairs of morphological and molecular trees we show that, on average, molecular trees provide a better fit to biogeographic data than their morphological counterparts and that biogeographic congruence increases over research time. We find no significant differences in stratigraphic congruence between morphological and molecular trees. These results have implications for understanding the distribution of homoplasy in morphological data sets, the utility of morphology as a test of molecular hypotheses and the implications of analysing fossil groups for which molecular data are unavailable.

SOURCE: https://www.nature.com/articles/s42003-022-03482-x