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God virus?



Dammit, I am a hypochondriac and just rememvered that at some point somewhere I read that being "into" god can be contagious!
Apparently soemthing to do with a virus that attacks certain parts of the brain where we deal with believe and deities. Oh yeah, it was in the New Scientist.
However, I don't like the sound of it, as a hardend Satanist; but I always wondered why "believers" have a facial expression like me after several spliffs.
Could that be a sign of infection?
Has anybody heard anything more about it, or something similar?

Better go and get myself a vaccination...
:cross eye
but if you were vaccinated you ought to be a ruthless agnostic relativist - after all this is just strong beliefs and fixed ideas, right? a specifically christian virus would be a hell of a thing, although maybe some american right-wing billionaire will read this and start a research lab and genetically engineer one and infect the world and become the next bond villain! actually a 'everyone in the world send me 50p in the post' virus would be my choice:cool:
In order for you to be a Satanist, surely you have to have some belief in a God? Or am I wrong?
Nope! Because Satanists don't believe in the Satan that christians made up but in the concept of freedom to be human and live the way they want without remorse. Religions force yourself to waste a good (in this case interesting, fulfilling, exciting) life by putting on restrictions and guilt on everything that is in human nature so that you can have a "nice" afterlife.
So considering there is no god and no afterlife I am not going to be one of the sheep but prefer to be the wolf!:devil:
Funny you should mention the "happy" looks on the faces of the believers Dingo, (at least I think your reference to spliffs meant this).

I can remember a debate on the existance of God, where someone remarked later, that the Christians taking part, all looked happier than the atheists.

On reflection, why shouldn't they? Their belief in a God means that they can dump all their worries/sins on their deity, with the belief that they would be sorted out/forgiven & there was a better world coming.

The atheists are totally on their own & this life ain't no preperation for the next, 'cos their ain't gonna' be one!!!!
Dingo said:
Nope! Because Satanists don't believe in the Satan that christians made up but in the concept of freedom to be human and live the way they want without remorse. Religions force yourself to waste a good (in this case interesting, fulfilling, exciting) life by putting on restrictions and guilt on everything that is in human nature so that you can have a "nice" afterlife.
So considering there is no god and no afterlife I am not going to be one of the sheep but prefer to be the wolf!:devil:

Yes, I read statements on the Church of Satan's website to this effect. Surely, then it is a misnomer to call oneself a Satanist if one does not worship Satan? Perhaps the correct term would be something like 'hedonistic humanist'?
I think that some people call themselves Satanists just to shock Christians and mundane people. People are less shocked by the terms 'humanist' and 'hedonist'.
Judging by your definition (and that of the Church of Satan), I am a Satanist! :D
Yeah, definitely a bad move by LeVey. But still, evberybody who worships other gods is a satanist by definition.
But no, Satan is not a name. It should rather be seen like an acronym for an ancient force, older than earth, older than the universe. However, every force needs a name and as the christian satan seems to catch the meaning of it all pretty well...why not. Afterall it stands for something that doesn't care nor is even aware of our worldly existence. We are on our own and I like it. No one to answer...no guilt to fear! And are christians so helpless and scared of life that they still need looking after?

People always find something to argue about Satanism (or anything else really). I care little about this, because as a Satanist, I accept that everybody is going to believe what they feel is right for themselves anyway.
As long as I am not being forced into a believe system, people can worship a pound of turds for all I care. :cross eye
As someone who has occasionally lived outside of all moral constraints I find it hard to understand your statement:

So considering there is no god and no afterlife I am not going to be one of the sheep but prefer to be the wolf!

Being the wolf is not a lot of fun and hedonism is a blatant cop out. I think that the implied abandonning of guilt and morality is a very dangerous pursuit: guilt and morality are institutionalised forms of empathy, intended to prevent behaviour damaging to others, and a person who can not empathise is a psychopath.
People who live outside morality, even if its just their own morality, are cowards. I think I know where youre coming from but careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwatter.
Dingos sacrificed my baby!:eek!!!!:

ps and dont get me started on the Marquis De-f**cking-Sade
I andmire what you are saying!
I do not live against the law and I do not intent to kill anybody. However if the situation would ask for it I would do both of the above...which makes me one hell of a lot more honest as all the do-gooders that talk about morality and fantasy societies in which everybody is an altruistic sheep.
Get real, humans are still wild animals (dressed up in clothes), pretending that they are "masters" of all other life...
And as a member of beasts I want to live hedonistic, not care about every single body exept for my nearest and dearest and hate, revenge, love only those who deserve it. I want to laugh at disturbing jokes, other peoples mishaps and be able to watch anything I see fit on TV.

Still I am a member of society, not a psychopath as those people have a frontal lobe disconnection. Their emotions are not getting attached to learned social skills. There is no hope in their cases.
However in a society full of people like me, the disruptive outsider would soon get eliminated and peace would be restored.

I could go on for hours like that but I actually found out why christians look so dreamlike.
I've got this from the horses mouth so to speak ( from a real christian working with me).
Apparently the worst cases are reborn christians, they have received the holy spirit when babtised. As soon as this spirit inhabits the person, they behave as if drunk. I was told that some even slur their speech, are unattentive, forgetful and generally "out of it".
I find it quite amazing, that it is supposed to be "good" to be intoxicated with some ghost, but less so when on drugs...

durriti said:
People who live outside morality, even if its just their own morality, are cowards. I think I know where youre coming from but careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwatter.

Which pretty much is why I have a low opinion of those who define themselves satanists. A satanist is, from what I understand of christianity, someone who not only disbelives in god but also rebels against god. Someone, whom I respect, once told me that a true satanist worships satan as a substitute for god, for they believe that god is dead. Well to believe in god's demise you must have first been convinced that god was alive to begin with. Those on this list who deem themsleves satanists do not seem to hold with that conviction.

When Le Vey (the Bill Gates of occult circles, as another friend terms him) chose the name Satanism for his philosophy precisely to appeal to the sort of rebellious post-teens that make up it's core. It has the potential to become a powerfully benign and constructive force but is prevented by firstly by it's name and secondarily by the mastabatory morons that it attracts; like the Hellfire club of old...

Personally I take responsibility for my own actions, I believe in my own abilities (most of the time) and I work towards my own gratification, as well as those I care for. I am not a satanist because I do not term myself such, nor do I wish to handicap my philosophy by hobbeling it to outmoded christian artifacts. I see myself taking a step forward away from the past and into a potentially glorious future, a future that we could build if it were not for the anticts of those short sighted tossers who are quite happy to sit back and let the current state of affairs continue.

If they spent less time spent less time jerking off and actually working :eek!!!!: towards building a better world, the sort of world that they'd like to live in instead of hiding from the latrine of a world we have due to their inaction, no due to their persistant wanking and that of all those short sighted sh!ts, the politicians, the fanatically religious, the sheep who spend their time gazing at the great god Televison or worshiping at the temple of Money. The Bankers, the editors, the business men who think first of the bottom line, secondly (make that rarely) of their customers and never of the poor smuckts who work for them. Those who think that they have something to gain by the current status quo and those who let them. Well if those people just throw themselves, lemming like, off a cliff; O'd on something that will make them die in utter ecstacy, just autoeuthanise themselves off the planet so that that minority of people who do want to make a better world can get on making it so without their constant interferance then we can get on with it...

Niles "Too Much of the Wrong Christmas Spirit" Calder

Postscript: The author wishes to acknowledge that he should stear clear of computers while intoxicated since it leads to little or no proofreading and thus result in inaccuracies and poor clarification of issues. The above post has thus been edited to correct inappropriate language, since many of the people to whom the author was refering to lack the imagination to read these boards. If you were offended in anyway then please contact the author with your name and address so that he may make repriations. Any persons that may later arrive to brutally beat you are unconnected to the author or this website and are just nature's way of correcting any Karmic imballance you may have accrued during your life. The author wishes you better luck in your next. The MGT.
Whoa, you have an opinion!
Will it in any way affect my life?
(Makes an unmistakable gesture with her left hand and leaves the stage head high; already thinking about something much more interesting - Herself of course! ;)
Dingo said:
Makes an unmistakable gesture with her left hand and leaves the stage head high; already thinking about something much more interesting - Herself of course! ;)

...and has hardly a moment to blink as she disappears through the trap door which has opened unseen before her. Oh dear. The moral of this story is (wheel of morality, turn, turn, turn; tell us the lesson that we should learn): the problem with walking around with your head in the air is that you are unable to see the prat falls where you are placing your feet. Hmm that one made sense, rather than the one about not sending mircowavable burritos back in time...

Niles "Now Knows What Microwavable Burritos Are Made Of...:eek!!!!:" Calder
After I left the stage, I didn't fall anywhere but had a very pleasant evening! ( I wonder what we can learn from THAT?)

However as this is a discussion forum and not a chat room I'll better put some discussable things down.
First of all as much as I enjoy it when people try and find something wrong with Satanism, it makes no sense. Mostly because it is the ACCEPTANCE of the way all creatures are rather than believing in something that will change us the way we would LIKE to be!
Secondly, everybody has the right to find flaws in Anton LeVeys Satanic Bible as it is meant to be only a sceletal outline of Satanism. There are as many different Satanic views as there are Satanists. It even states in the SB that if you disagree with anything...change it! (That simple)

After all, if all Satanists would follow everything exactly as it is written in the SB, we would be no more than another herd of sheep following something somebody made once up!

Well and last but not least. I know it is much more fun to "bring Neil (sorry, The Satanist) down" than to discuss the neurological side of christianity. I nevertheless found out that if you join a herd of christians in a large tent, where they are hopping and clapping like toddlers at a Tweeny play...apparently you will be drawn into the mood!!!!
That sounds similar to the ecstatic dancing during a vodoo ceremony or going to a club. So why can't we discuss the absurdity of the holy spirit instead?

It even states in the SB that if you disagree with anything...change it! (That simple)

So Satanism is just a label you can attach to any old shite?
Ha, ha, ha now that made me laugh!
If you care about reading my previous entries you will be able to answer that question yourself (thats what it is all about, using your own brain).
And if you understand any of it, live with it!
For the time being, if your naive attempt to call any "old shite" Satanism makes you happy...be my guest (It's a free world).

Any more advances on my original thread question?
Sorry Dingo la, that last post was a bit confrontational (i ws FUBARed last night). Still think ive a point tho. I think u should work in a morgue, we need more role-playing, gothy satanists working in morgues.
Ta, I love a good argument... :D
Sorry to drift again to my oiginal thread but I just purchased the newes issue of the UFO Magazine and strangely enough they have a whole article about my question in it.
Here is a little example:
"Equally provocative is research conducted by Michael Persinger, from Laurentian University in Ontario. He has found a way of inducing religious experiences, or a sensed presence, simply by bathing the skulls of volunteers in a mild but precisely controlled electro-magnetic field called the "Thomas pulse", named after the resercher who developed it. Four out of five of those who don the magnetic laden helmet in Persinger's human conciousness lab report some kind of mystical experience.
"The last illusion, or delusion , is that we are special creations who are looked after by some someone in a big parent sort of way..."(UFO Magazine Jan2002).

See thats the kind of thing I am interested in!
That thing is what has also been called the God Machine. It has been around for a few years. Apparently there is also a possibility of it giving an epileptic attack. But I've heard many if the people who have had visions have later turned out to be frontal lobe epileptics.
from some of the satanist sites ive been on it seems to me most of it could be put underanother name "common sense" i find it strange people need to put a label on it that brings it critiscsm

Magnetic fields in the lab are one thing, but who or what is creating them 'in the wild', so to speak, if we are to assume that all paranormal experiences are reactions of the brain to these fields?

There is an amusing sort of paradox here - if nuts and bolts UFOs exist, they may well utilise strong e/m fields, and hence produce mystical illusions in witnesses; these illusions tend to detract from the witness evidence, although really they should add to it!
Some people also claim that the reason why anomalous EM-fields have been found on ghost sites is that ghosts travel via them. But Occam's Razor says otherwise. What causes the strange EM field I don't know, but I doubt it is uncommon to happen.
Xanatic said:
Some people also claim that the reason why anomalous EM-fields have been found on ghost sites is that ghosts travel via them. But Occam's Razor says otherwise. What causes the strange EM field I don't know, but I doubt it is uncommon to happen.

Localised fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field perhaps? Caused by shifts in the earth's core?
Bisto said:
from some of the satanist sites ive been on it seems to me most of it could be put underanother name "common sense" i find it strange people need to put a label on it that brings it critiscsm


I have to agree, pretty much. From what I've read about Satanism, I'd say I have few problems with what they appear to be about. I just think the name (and unpopular image) needs to go. Then, maybe they'd get a few more members...

Sorry, Dingo. You've made some pretty good points on this thread, and they're well observed.
I just want to point out that no organized belief system can exist which says, 'If you don't like it, change it.' If you take 'Satanism' and just go about changing everything, it's not Satanism anymore. Plus, the very nature of 'If you don't like it' says that not everyone will agree, so everyone goes off with their own personal beliefs. They can still then call themselves Satanists, but won't subscribe to the actual beliefs associated with that label.

Most of the criteria mentioned (do what you want, help yourself, take justice into your own hands) sound like they don't have much to do with religion at all. Instead of Satanism, it might be better labeled Anarchy. I think anarchy is more of a 'If you don't like it, change it' kind of thing.

And be careful, it may be bacterial, not viral. People are too quick to get those confused.
I am still amused at the image of someone lying in bed going "Help me doc, I think I am becoming religious!"

Apparently Buddha said something along the lines of "Of course you should not listen to any of what I say if it does not stand up to your own logic and reasoning."
Xanatic said:
Apparently Buddha said something along the lines of "Of course you should not listen to any of what I say if it does not stand up to your own logic and reasoning."
This is very true.

But I'd like to know which translation of Occam's Razor you were using earlier - I don't recall it saying anything about ghosts and e/m fields! IMHO, OR is vastly over-rated: it has no scientific justification or empirical evidence - how could it? It is just a suggestion about how to use our puny brains in complicated cases, but this could result in throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

Someone on this MB recently quoted Fort as saying something like "Having an opinion is rejecting some of the evidence" - that's what OR might do.
I think the quote is something alike "The only way to form an opinion is if you are ignorant of some of the facts."

As for OR, I think it is a good rule of thumb. What I mean is that some people say ghosts travel using EM-fields. That would mean that the reason why we have anomalous EM-fields is because ghosts create them. But we have shown that the EM-fields can create sensations of ghosts.

So does ghosts appear that then create something which can create hallucinations of ghosts again?
Or are the fields created and then causing the hallucinations of ghosts?