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Is The Moon An Artificial Structure? Claims & Theories


Gone But Not Forgotten
Aug 3, 2001
This is something that has been hanging around for years and is just too strange not to share :)

Spaceship 'Moon'
Link is dead. Here's the text from the MIA webpage.



by Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, scientists

Although people long ago began to wonder whether the "canals" on Mars
were the creation of cosmic engineers, for some odd reason it has not
occurred to look with the same eyes upon the peculiarities of the lunar
landscape much closer at hand. And all the arguments about the
possibilities of intelligent life existing on other celestial bodies
have been confined to the idea that other civilisations must necessarily
live on the surface of a planet, and that the interior as a habitat is
out of the question.

Abandoning the traditional paths of "common sense", we have plunged into
what may at first sight seem to be unbridled and irresponsible fantasy.
But the more minutely we go into all the information gathered by man about
the Moon, the more we are convinced that there is not a single fact to
rule out our supposition. Not only that, but many things so far considered
to be lunar enigmas are explainable in the light of this new hypothesis.


The origin of the Moon is one of the most complicated problems of cosmogony.
So far there have been basically three hypotheses under discussion.

HYPOTHESIS I. The Moon was once a part of the Earth and broke away from it.

This has now been refuted by the evidence.

HYPOTHESIS II. The Moon was formed independently from the same cloud of
dust and gas as the Earth, and immediately became the Earth's natural

But then why is there such a big difference between the specific gravity of
the Moon (3.33 grammes per cubic centimetre) and that of the Earth
(5.5 gr.)? Furthermore, according to the latest information (analysis of
samples brought back by the U.S. Apollo astronauts) lunar rock is not of the
same composition as the Earth's.

HYPOTHESIS III. The Moon came into being separately, and, moreover, far
from the Earth (perhaps even outside the Solar system).

This would mean that the moon would not have to be fashioned from the same
"clay" as our own planet. Sailing through the Universe, the Moon came into
Earth's proximity, and by a complex interplay of forces of gravity was
brought within a geocentric orbit, very close to circular. But a catch of
this kind is virtually impossible.

In fact, scientists studying the origin of the Universe today have no
acceptable theory to explain how the Earth-Moon system came into being.

OUR HYPOTHESIS: The Moon is an artificial Earth satellite put into orbit
around the Earth by some intelligent beings unknown to ourselves.

We refuse to engage in speculation about who exactly staged this unique
experiment, which only a highly developed civilisation was capable of.


If you are going to launch an artificial sputnik, then it is advisable to
make it hollow. At the same time it would be naive to imagine that anyone
capable of such a tremendous space project would be satisfied simply with
some kind of giant empty trunk hurled into a near-Earth trajectory.

It is more likely that what we have here is a very ancient spaceship, the
interior of which was filled with fuel for the engines, materials and
appliances for repair work, navigation, instruments, observation equipment
and all manner of machinery... in other words, everything necessary to
enable this "caravelle of the Universe" to serve as a kind of Noah's Ark
of intelligence, perhaps even as the home of a whole civilisation envisaging
a prolonged (thousands of millions of years) existence and long wanderings
through space (thousands of millions of miles).

Naturally, the hull of such a spaceship must be super-tough in order to stand
up to the blows of meteorites and sharp fluctuations between extreme heat and
extreme cold. Probably the shell is a double-layered affair--the basis a
dense armouring of about 20 miles in thickness, and outside it some kind of
more loosely packed covering (a thinner layer--averaging about three miles).
In certain areas--where the lunar "seas" and "craters" are, the upper layer
is quite thin, in some cases, non-existent.

Since the Moon's diameter is 2,162 miles, then looked at from our point of
view it is a thin-walled sphere. And, understandably, not an empty one.
There could be all kinds of materials and equipment on its inner surface.
But the greatest proportion of the lunar mass is concentrated in the central
part of the sphere, in its core, which has a diameter of 2,062 miles.

Thus the distance between the kernel and the shell of this nut is in the
region of 30 miles. This space was doubtless filled with gases required for
breathing, and for technological and other purposes.

With such an internal structure the Moon could have an average specific
gravity if 3.3 grammes per cubic centimetre, which differs considerably from
that of Earth (5.5 grammes per cubic centimetre).


The most numerous and interesting of the formations on the lunar surface are
the craters. In diameter they vary considerably. Some are less that a yard
across, while others are more than 120 miles (the biggest has a diameter of
148 miles). How does the Moon come to be so pockmarked?

There are two hypothesis--volcanic and meteoric. Most scientists vote for
the latter.

Kirill Stanyukovich, a Soviet physicist, has written a whole series of works
since 1937 in which he expounds the idea that the craters are the result of
bombardment of the Moon for millions of years. And he really means
bombardment, for even the smallest celestial body, when it is involved in one
of those fastest head-on collisions so common in the cosmos behaves itself
like a warhead charged with dynamite, or even an atomic warhead at times.
Instant combustion takes place on impact, turning it into a dense cloud of
incandescent gas, into plasma, and there is a very definite explosion.

According to Professor Stanykovich, a "missile" of a sizable character (say 6
miles in diameter) must, on collision with the Moon, penetrate to a depth
equal to 4 or 5 times its own diameter (24-30 miles).

The surprising thing is that however big the meteorites may have been which
have fallen on the Moon (some have been more than 60 miles in diameter), and
however fast they must have been travelling (in some cases the combined speed
was as much as 38 miles per second), the craters they have left behind are
for some odd reason all about the same depth, 1.2-2 miles, although they vary
tremendously in diameter.

Take that 148-mile diameter crater. In area it outdoes Hiroshima hundreds of
times over. What a powerful explosion it must have been to send millions of
tons of lunar rock fountaining over tens of miles! On the face of it, one
would expect to find a very deep crater here, but nothing of the sort: there
is three miles at the most between top and bottom levels, and one third of
that is accounted for by the wall of rock thrown up around the crater like
a toothed crown.

For such a big hole, it is too shallow. Furthermore, the bottom of the crater
is convex, following the curve of the lunar surface. If you were to stand in
the middle of the crater you would not even be able to see the soaring edge--
it would be beyond the horizon. A hollow that is more like a hill is a
rather strange affair, perhaps.

Not really, if one assumes that when the meteorite strikes the outer covering
of the moon, this plays the role of a buffer and the foreign body finds
itself up against an impenetrable spherical barrier. Only slightly denting
the 20-mile layer of armour plating, the explosion flings bits of its
"coating" far and wide.

Bearing in mind that the Moon's defence coating is, according to our
calculations, 2.5 miles thick, one sees that this is approximately the
maximum depth of the craters.


Now let us consider the chemical peculiarities of the lunar rock. Upon
analysis, American scientists have found chromium, titanium and zirconium in
it. These are all metals with refractory, mechanically strong and
anti-corrosive properties. A combination of them all would have envitable
resistance to heat and the ability to stand up to means of aggression, and
could be used on Earth for linings for electrical furnaces.

If a material had to be devised to protect a giant artificial satellite from
the unfavourable effects of temperature, from cosmic radiation and meteorite
bombardment, the experts would probably have hit on precisely these metals. In
that case it is not clear why lunar rock is such an extraordinarily poor heat
conductor--a factor which so amazed the astronauts? Wasn't that what the
designers of the super-sputnik of the Earth were after?

From the engineers point of view, this spaceship of ages long past which we
call the Moon is superbly constructed. There may be a good reason for its
extreme longevity. It is even possible that it predates our own planet. At
any rate, some pieces of lunar rock have proved older than the oldest on
Earth, although it is true, this applies to the age of the materials and not
of the structure for which they were used. And from the number of craters on
its surface, the Moon itself is no chicken.

It is, of course, difficult to say when it began to shine in the sky above
the Earth, but on the basis of some preliminary estimates one might hazard a
guess that it was around two thousand million years ago.

We do not, of course, imagine that the moon is still inhabited, and probably
many of its automatic devices have stopped working, too. The stabilisers
have ceased functioning and the poles have shifted. Even though the moon
keeps that same side turned towards us, for some time it has been unsteady on
its own axis, on occasion showing us part of its reverse side which were
once invisible to observers on the Earth--for example, the Selenites
themselves if they made expeditions here.

Time has taken its toll. Both body and rigging have disintegrated to some
extent; some seams on the inner shell evidently diverged. We assume that
the long (up to 940 miles) chains of small craters formerly ascribed to
volcanic activity were brought about by eruptions of gas through cracks
appearing in the armour plating as a result of accidents.

No doubt one of the most splendid features of the lunarscape--a straight
"wall" nearly 500 yards high and over 60 miles long--formed as a result of
one of the armour plates bending under the impact of celestial torpedoes and
raising one of its straight, even edges.

The Moon's population presumeably took the necessary steps to remedy the
effects of meteorite bombardment, for example, patching up rents in the
outer shield covering the inner shell. For such purposes a substance from
the lunar core was probably used, a kind a cement being made from it. After
processing this would be piped to the surface sites where it was required.

Not long ago astronomers discovered variations in the gravitational fields
near the large "seas". We believe the reason to be this: the Moon's dry seas
are in fact areas from which the protective coating was torn from the armour
cladding. To make good the damage to these vast tracts, the installation
producing the repair substance would have had to be brought immediately
beneath the site so that it could flood the area with is "cement". The
resulting flat stretches are what look like seas to the terrestrial observer.

The stocks of materials and machinery for doing this are no doubt still where
they were, and are sufficiently massive to give rise to these gravitational

What is the Moon today? Is it a colossal necropolis, a "city of the dead,"
where some form of life became extinct? Is it a kind cosmic Flying Dutchman?
A craft abandoned by its crew and controlled automatically? We do not know
and we shall not try to guess.


We have put forward in this article only a few of the reasons--unfortunately
the evidence is so far only circumstantial--for our hypothesis, which at
first glance may appear to be crazy.

A similar "crazy" idea was put forward in 1959 by Professor Iosif Shklovsky,
an eminent scientist, in relation to the "moons" circling around Mars.
After carefully weighing up the evidence he concludes that they are both
hollow and therefore artificial satellites.

We feel that the questions we have raised in connection with our Moon provide
sufficient food for serious thought on the matter; the result may be the
illumination of our many lunar riddles.

Now, of course, we have to wait for direct evidence to support our idea. Or
refute it.

Probably there will not be long to wait.

Salvaged From The Wayback Machine:

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Just one small problem: -

From siteHYPOTHESIS I. The Moon was once a part of the Earth and broke away from it.
This has now been refuted by the evidence.

But the moon was created about 4.5bya when a mars sized planetary body collided with earth. A big chunk of proto earth (hence why all moon rocks are ancient and of the same age) then accreted to form the moon.

Granted the sun-earth-moon alignment during eclipses is slightly odd, but it's merely coincidence :)
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Don't see any problem with the shape of the meteor strikes, if many happened when the moon surface was not quite solidified, i would expect the craters to have the shape that they have.
"That's no moon... It's a space-station!"

Inspiration for the Death Star anyone?

I really like the idea. I'll suspend commenting on the 'truth or lack of' in this matter, because that's not the way I think.
David Icke mentions in "The Biggest Secret" that the moon was part of the Earth that has broken away. His Evidence? - "If you took all the water out of the Pacific you would be left with a big hole!" Well I'm convinced.
Re: "That's no moon... It's a space-station!"

August Verango said:
Inspiration for the Death Star anyone?

I really like the idea. I'll suspend commenting on the 'truth or lack of' in this matter, because that's not the way I think.

I'll go along with you on that August!

I recall the same thing being said for Phobos and Deimos. If any of this were true it would make our solar system one big interstella scrapheap :)

Niles "Fly me to the moon..." Calder
I object. The moon clearly does exist, because it's a spaceship.
Link is dead. The MIA webpage can be accessed via the Wayback Machine:

Here is the relevant text from the MIA webpage:
SPACECONSPIRACY: Moon, where are you from?

By Yingzhong Lu, selected from The Crown, 499, September 1995

Twenty-six years have passed since the first moon landing, yet human
beings are no wiser than before about the moon. On the contrary, scientists
are now perplexed by the data gathered by the instruments left on the moon.
When we look at the moon at night, we a have familiar yet strange feeling.
We can't help but ask, "Dear moon, could you tell us about your true self?"

At present, there are three theories to explain how the moon
originated. The first one is that the dust and gaseous clouds from the
universe formed the moon, just like our earth, 4.6 billion years ago. The
second theory is that the moon was thrown off from the earth and the Pacific
Ocean is the place from which it came. The third theory believes that the
moon was an independent planet that was captured by the earth's
gravitational force when passing by, and it has been revolving around the
earth ever since.

Most scientists initially believed in the first theory, although some
favoured the second one. Yet, analysis of the moon soil samples brought
back by astronauts indicates that the composition of the moon is different
from that of the earth. The earth has more iron and less silicon deposited
in it, while the moon is just the opposite. In addition, the earth has very
few titanium ores, whereas the moon has many. These findings show that the
moon was not separated from the earth. By the same token, the first
hypothesis is also shaky. If the moon and earth were formed through the
same process, at around the same time, then why are they so different in
their composition? Scientists have abandoned the first theory, which leaves
only the last theory. If the moon entered the solar system from outer
space, it should have flown towards the Sun instead of being held by the
earth, because of the sun's much stronger gravitational pull.

None of the three hypotheses proposed by orthodox scientists answers
all of the questions or holds up to scrutiny. The origin of the moon still
remains a mystery. There is plenty of room for people to propose new
theories on the origin of the moon. No matter how ridiculous the theories
may seem, they should not be lightly labeled nonscientific. ...

The Moon is a Hollow Spaceship

In 1970, Russian scientists Alexander Scherbakov and Mihkai Vasin
proposed a shocking Spaceship Moon hypothesis to explain the origin of the
moon. They believe that the moon is in fact not a natural satellite of the
earth, but a spaceship created by intelligent beings that modified and
reshaped a planet. There are a lot documents regarding their civilization
stored inside the moon, which was intentionally placed above the earth. All
of the discoveries of the moon are in fact the outstanding work of the
intelligent beings that live inside of it. Of course, the scientific
community is scornful of the theory, because they have not captured any ET
yet. Nonetheless, it is undeniable that the moon has been shown to be
hollow by data gathered so far.

What perplexes scientists the most is the data gathered from the
instruments left on the moon which measure the quake activities of the
moon's crust. The data indicates that the quake waves spread from the
epicenter along the surface of the moon only, but not into the center of the
moon. This shows that the moon is hollow and it is nothing but a crust. If
it was a solid planet, the quake waves should also propagate toward the
center. How could they only go along the surface?

Reconstruct New Theories About the Moon

Let's construct a new theory about the moon. It is hollow and has two
layers of crust. The outer crust consists of rocks and mineral ores.
Meteorites can only hit through this crust. The known craters are no deeper
than four miles. Thus, this outer crust is at most five miles thick. The
inner crust is a hard, artificial alloy shell of unknown thickness-probably
several miles. Its metal elements include iron, titanium, chromium, and
others that resist high temperatures, high pressure and corrosion. It is an
alloy unknown on earth.

The moonquake data indicates that moonquake waves propagate along the
moon's surface but not towards its center. This means that the moon only
has two layers of crust. Thus the moon must be artificial, rather than
naturally formed. Intelligent beings must have conducted accurate
calculations to transport the moon from their star system to the solar
system and to position it where it is in order to provide light to the earth
at night. In conclusion, none of the three traditional theories of the
origin of the moon is correct.

The beings that constructed the moon allow only one side of the moon
to face the earth because there are many observation devices on the earth.
They themselves live inside the moon closer to the back. Because the
surface temperature of the moon varies from 127( C at noon to -183( C at
night, the inhabitants live inside the moon.

The moon-making beings have invented flying saucers and they often fly
out to do research, maintain their surface devices, or to watch the
earthlings' activities. They are thus sometimes seen by astronauts from
earth or observed by telescopes on earth. We don't yet know what kind of
aliens they are or how long they have been there. Perhaps before long,
earthlings will find out the truth about the moon.

We have constructed this theory to explain the origin and structure of
the moon by using the lunar phenomena that cannot be explained by
traditional science. This theory perfectly solves each and every mystery
surrounding the moon. Who would argue that our approach is non-scientific?

FULL STORY: https://web.archive.org/web/2003070...com.au:80/~wlangy/moongate/spaceship-moon.htm

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This one doesn't seem to want to go away - Christopher Knight has a book out on it:

newdawnmagazine.com/Article/Who%20B ... 0Moon.html
Link is dead. See later post for the MIA webpage's content.

wunderkabinett.co.uk/damndata/index ... -Moon.html
Link is dead. Article is almost wholly excerpted from the New Dawn article cited above. It's quoted in a later post within this thread.
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I don't know how old that first item is, but there was a book Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon, back in the 70s which covered a lot of hollow moon built by aliens and secret bases territory and was very silly. I've not read it since then and it's long out of print.

There's an old FT article on the subject. Alein Moon
quote="_schnor"]Just one small problem: -

From siteHYPOTHESIS I. The Moon was once a part of the Earth and broke away from it.

This has now been refuted by the evidence.

But the moon was created about 4.5bya when a mars sized planetary body collided with earth. A big chunk of proto earth (hence why all moon rocks are ancient and of the same age) then accreted to form the moon.

If there was a meteorite big enough to knock off a chunk of the planet, wouldn't it have altered the orbit of the Earth?
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The theory that a Mars size hunk of rock knocked earth and ri[pped enough material out to form the moon is just that, a theory. So far astronomers are not 100% on it but say its the best theory yet, Ill buy it for now.
I have searched and searched but I can't find a thread about this, even though I seem to vaguely remember one...
Anyway, as crazy as it seems, I really like the 'artificial Moon' theory. I even bought a book [but the first bit is unreadable. Only gets interesting when the numbers and measurement are mentioned].
Obviously I do not believe this but I also don't quite want to chuck this in the bin with a sneer. So, is our Moon artificial, was it build? :roll:

Yes yes yes, I know.

Here is a confusing outline:


And here a simple one:


I really really like that theory, its got a certain 'je ne sais quois' to it! [Literally ;) ]
Interesting stuff.

Have to say I think it is probably just a big rock BUT the theory that it was built by aliens in order to facilitate life on earth is kind of neat.

Really has that feel that the Galaxy is just some humungous alien kid's science project and that time and millenia for us is seconds to it, any minute now, billenia for us, he will come back from lunch and chuck the project in the bin.

Ooo - I did a GCSE English oral presentation based on 'Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon' (many moons ago!) Happy days :D
wairddeb said:
Ooo - I did a GCSE English oral presentation based on 'Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon' (many moons ago!) Happy days :D

Cool, what conclusion did you come to ;) ?
Here's a site I stumbled across a few weeks ago:

It was quite an interesting read, but as to how scientifically accurate it is I can't say.

All I'm sure of is that the current theories of lunar formation "feel wrong" to me. Something doesn't fit, but I'm not sure what it is.
Number_6_uk said:
It was quite an interesting read, but as to how scientifically accurate it is I can't say.

"Riddled with errors" is how scientifically accurate it is.
Dr_Baltar said:
Number_6_uk said:
It was quite an interesting read, but as to how scientifically accurate it is I can't say.

"Riddled with errors" is how scientifically accurate it is.

Like this little gem...
By examining tracks burned into Moon rocks by cosmic rays, scientists have dated them as billions of years old. Some have been dated back 4.5 billion years, far older than the Earth and nearly as old as the solar system.
Current scientific estimates, based on multiple, and sound measurements etc, put the Earth's age at around 4.567 billion years. Hmm. And I've only read a few lines! :roll:
Clifford Simak once published a science-fiction story which postulated that the planet Pluto had been manufactured as a construction shack for the assembly of the Solar Syatem.
Book review from Cabinet of Wonders:

We have all heard about the Hollow Earth theories but this is a strange and odd one. It has been previously suggested that one of Mars' moons, Phobos, might be hollow but our very own Moon...?

In Who Built the Moon?, Knight and Butler raise some fascinating and challenging questions, foremost: Could it be that the Moon is artificial? Could it even be hollow? And does the Moon really exist through some happy accident, or is a blueprint apparent ? and if so, who was the architect?

New Dawn recently spoke with Christopher Knight about his controversial new book and his astonishing conclusions.


CHRISTOPHER KNIGHT: The Moon sits very close to the Earth yet it is widely regarded as the strangest object in the known universe. It is a bit like knowing that every person in the world is completely normal except the person you live next door to, who has three heads and lives on a diet of broken razor blades.

The book lists the strangeness of the Moon, which includes the fact that it does not have a solid core like every other planetary object. It is either hollow or has a very low-density interior. Bizarrely, its concentration of mass are located at a series of points just under its surface ? which caused havoc with early lunar spacecraft. The material the Moon is made from came from the outer surface of the Earth and left a shallow hole that filled with water and we now call the Pacific. This rock left the Earth to produce the Moon very quickly after our planet had formed around 4,6 billion years ago.

The Moon is not only extremely odd in its construction; it also behaves in a way that is nothing less than miraculous. It is exactly four hundred times smaller than the Sun but four hundred times closer to the Earth so that both the Sun and the Moon appear to be precisely the same size in the sky ? which gives us the phenomenon we call a total eclipse. Whilst we take this for granted it has been called the biggest coincidence in the universe.
[The moon is drifting slowly further from Earth because of tidal forces. So this 'coincidence' only applies to our era: a few million years ago, the moon was closer, and in the future it will be further away than it is now.]

Furthermore, the Moon mirrors the movement of the Sun in the sky by rising and setting at the same point on the horizon as the Sun does at opposite solstices. For example, this means the Moon rises at midwinter at the same place the Sun does at midsummer. There is no logical reason why the Moon mimics the Sun in this way and it is only meaningful to a human standing on the Earth.
[This is bollocks: the Full Moon does rise roughly opposite where the sun sets - so a midsummer moon rises south of East as the sun sets north of west. The reason is not only logical, it's unavoidable - it's simple geometry! However, the moon's orbit is inclined at 5 degrees to the ecliptic, so its rising and setting points can be quite different from exactly opposite the corresponding setting and rising points of the sun, depending on the observer's latitude.]


Not only is the Moon an apparently impossible object, it has some unique benefits for us humans. It has been nothing less than an incubator for life. If the Moon was not exactly the size, mass and distance that it has been at each stage of the Earth?s evolution ? there would be no intelligent life here. Scientists are agreed that we owe everything to the Moon.

It acts as a stabiliser that holds our planet at just the right angle to produce the seasons and keep water liquid across most of the planet. Without our Moon the Earth would be as dead and solid as Venus.


The question of why the Moon had to be built is easy to answer: To produce all life, especially humans. As to who did it ? well that?s a lot tougher! We give the three possibilities we can think of, namely: God, aliens or humans. The only one of these that is 100% scientifically possible is the last one. Time travel is universally accepted as being physically possible and a number of scientists are close to sending matter back in time. We can envisage that machines could be built in the future that could be sent back to remove matter from the young Earth to construct the Moon ? probably using mini black hole technology.

http://www.wunderkabinett.co.uk/damndat ... -Moon.html

A dubious theory with a way-out explanation!
rynner2 said:
The Moon is not only extremely odd in its construction; it also behaves in a way that is nothing less than miraculous. It is exactly four hundred times smaller than the Sun but four hundred times closer to the Earth so that both the Sun and the Moon appear to be precisely the same size in the sky ? which gives us the phenomenon we call a total eclipse. Whilst we take this for granted it has been called the biggest coincidence in the universe.
[The moon is drifting slowly further from Earth because of tidal forces. So this 'coincidence' only applies to our era: a few million years ago, the moon was closer, and in the future it will be further away than it is now.]

And it's also not "exactly four hundred times smaller than the Sun but four hundred times closer to the Earth".

The question of why the Moon had to be built is easy to answer: To produce all life, especially humans. As to who did it ? well that?s a lot tougher! We give the three possibilities we can think of, namely: God, aliens or humans. The only one of these that is 100% scientifically possible is the last one. Time travel is universally accepted as being physically possible and a number of scientists are close to sending matter back in time. We can envisage that machines could be built in the future that could be sent back to remove matter from the young Earth to construct the Moon ? probably using mini black hole technology.

http://www.wunderkabinett.co.uk/damndat ... -Moon.html

A dubious theory with a way-out explanation!

Yes, who's running the paradox machine (© Doctor Who) that allows us to go back and create ourselves?
... it does not have a solid core like every other planetary object. It is either hollow or has a very low-density interior. Bizarrely, its concentration of mass are located at a series of points just under its surface – which caused havoc with early lunar spacecraft.
This isn’t at all true either, is it?

A friend of mine owns and believes in this book, by the way, along with gems of wisdom such as "Gizah Power Plant".
bosskR said:
Bizarrely, its concentration of mass are located at a series of points just under its surface – which caused havoc with early lunar spacecraft.
This isn’t at all true either, is it?
Well, the moon does have mascons;
Type examples of mascon basins on the Moon are the Imbrium, Serenitatis, Crisium and Orientale impact basins, all of which possess prominent topographic lows and positive gravitational anomalies.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_conce ... (astronomy)
ramonmercado said:
Well, the moon does have mascons

Just drop the c and you have masons...

And masons were orginally stone-carvers, and the moon is made of stone--so all this makes perfect sense.

I thought everyone knew the Mayans mined the core of the moon 5000 years ago...

They needed the iron to build their massive starship to travel to Mars and teach the Martians to build pyramids.
If the Moon was not exactly the size, mass and distance that it has been at each stage of the Earth?s evolution ? there would be no intelligent life here. Scientists are agreed that we owe everything to the Moon.
So if this is fact, it doesn't hold out much hope that there is inteligent life elsewhere in the galaxy, unless there are similar moons in similar positions orbiting similar planets in similar orbits around similar suns.
"If the Moon was not exactly the size, mass and distance that it has been at each stage of the Earth?s evolution ? there would be no intelligent life here."

The Moon has created tides, which probably helped get life to move onto land. Maybe it even shielded us from some meteors. However that could have been done by any decently sized moon at a decent distance.

"It acts as a stabiliser that holds our planet at just the right angle to produce the seasons and keep water liquid across most of the planet."

It is supposed to help stabilize our orbit. I don´t see that removing it would change the average temperature of Earth though, so we would probably still have liquid water. In fact having liquid water might be what´s causing the wobble in the first place.
This conspiracy is a new one on me but has just been covered by The Black Bag (link to page) blog on Gawker
Top theorists living in basement bunkers far and wide allege everything we know to be true about the moon—that it formed four billion years ago from debris left over after Earth collided with a Mars-type planet, and that it hangs in our orbit unassuming and without controversy—is either misinformation or a deeply entrenched government coverup—or both. How can this be? The Earth's only, and most precious, satellite is a lie. Moon not real?

The theories are varied, numerous, and almost impossible to understand because many people on Earth have at best a marginal connection with reality. Some claim that the moon is a "hollowed out planetoid" inhabited by alien beings, while others theorize that what we know to be the moon is actually a hologram, behind which the government performs shady experiments on a different moon-like planet. Others claim that the moon is real but not what we thought: it is instead a playground for aliens and the home to an underground system of tubes. To do what? You tell me, brother.

Below, I've presented the strongest evidence that we have, formulated by the most skilled and dedicated moon truthers, to give power to those who ask, "But seriously, is the moon real?" You've come to the right place.
The article follows with quotes from several web sites that really seem to believe this stuff