intaglio said:
I have never understood why Jesua bar Josef was executed by the Romans in the manner described. The punishment for blasphemy against the Temple was (I think) stoning, not crucifiction.
Jesus's trial was a political hot potato in jurusalem the best surviveing account comes from the Gospel of Jhon. heres what happened and how he came to be Sentenced.
1) Jesus, after his arrest, was first sent to a former high priest called Annas who was the father in law of the curent high priest Caiaphas who had come up with the idea of killing jesus in order to stop the romans from pesecuting the Jewish church as the greaks had done before the romans came (the greaks had erected a big statue of Zeus in the temple in an attempt to quell posible rebellian by the jews by trying to do away with their religian).
2) Jesus was taken for questioning to Caiaphas after Annas's questioning could't pin anything on him. Caiaphas decided to take him to see the roman govenor Pilate.
3) Pilate was intreged by jesus and couldn't work out what to charge him with because the guy appeared to be of no theret to the roman empire when he questioned him and pilate had no doubt heard all the roumours about the jewish messiah that had come into town last sunday exactly the way that had been prophisised and had no doubt heard about what jesus had said about taxes and that while you use roman coinage and enjoy the benifits the romans give to you you should pay them taxes.
Pilate interveiwed jesus untill he was satisfied that he could be of no thret to the roman state and in order to stop possible inserections it may be an idea to keap him around.
4) The fly in Pilate's ointment was the Pharacies (the most powerfull sector of the jewish church) who were convinced jesus should be put to death because he had pointed out that they were currupt and were totaly missing the point of the jewish religian just to feather their own nests (jesus's protest at the money lenders was one of his critacisams of the pharacies), however the church could not put people to death without the goveners permition which pilate would not freely give because he was convinced jesus was better off alive and free (!).
5) The bargin was somehow reached by pilate and the jewish church that as one prisoner was relesed every passover that there would be a choice between 2 chriminals one perseved as a threat to the Jewish church but not to the Romans (Jesus) and the other percived as a threat to the Romans but not to the jewish church (Barabbas, a zealot freedom fighter) the loser would be crusified by the roman state.
The reson therefore that Jesus was crucified was that he had to be Condemed to death under Roman law in order to be relesed by pilate. Pilates plan backfired how ever when he thought he would up jesuses chances of release by refreing to jesus as the king of the jews, which was offensive to many jews as acording to urban legends the messiah was ment to crush the romans with amazeing superpowers not be advocated by them!
However Jesus did posthumusly 'crush the romans' so it just gos to show a little patiance go's a long way