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John Titor would be 17 years old now. He would actually exist....one wonders if he could be located?
Does anyone else remember Al Bielek who was thrown into the far future by complications arising from the Philadelphia Experiment? He used to crop up on Coast to Coast AM and the like. The future seemed to be some kind of socialist paradise, with giant trains that had ballrooms in them. Also I think there was a room where you could talk to God, or something like that.
Does anyone else remember Al Bielek who was thrown into the far future by complications arising from the Philadelphia Experiment? He used to crop up on Coast to Coast AM and the like. The future seemed to be some kind of socialist paradise, with giant trains that had ballrooms in them. Also I think there was a room where you could talk to God, or something like that.

I remember the stories about and interviews with him in the late 90s, early 2000s. he was also talked about in the connection with the Montauk Project conspiracy at the same time. Interesting stuff, but not really believable.
Max Headroom's son?
"Captain Disillusion's latest video..."

Excellent! Funny and intelligent, with good technical presentation. More of this kind of thing!
Really good summary of all things Titor in this video, some quite good detective work in there and possibly the best segue into the sponsors plug I ever saw.

Matheny comes up as one of several alleged self confessed Titors, although the dates he claims to hae been active don't seem to cover all of the posting. This may or may not just be an error.

Titor ye not!
I came to this thread as I yesterday dreamed that John Titor had been shown to be an actual time traveller. Now I'm sad he actually wasn't.

Are you sure?

Many-worlds interpretation
""The many-worlds interpretation is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that asserts the objective reality of the universal wavefunction and denies the actuality of wavefunction collapse. Many-worlds implies that all possible alternate histories and futures are real, each representing an actual "world" (or "universe"). In layman's terms, the hypothesis states there is a very large—perhaps infinite[2]—number of universes, and everything that could possibly have happened in our past, but did not, has occurred in the past of some other universe or universes. The theory is also referred to as MWI, the relative state formulation, the Everett interpretation, the theory of the universal wavefunction, many-universes interpretation, multiverse theory or just many-worlds........."
Quote source:

If a time traveler from the future tried to convince you that you did not exist ever - Would you accept it?
- Hopefully not.

Now say you are this John Titor, and just say, for the sake of argument you are real - After you travel to another
time line, a parallel reality, is it not possible that what you did had consequences not considered?
Might you not want to void the consequences by falsifying your own story - To make things right?

They used to say 'don't believe everything you read in the newspapers' and today might say don't believe
everything posted on the internet - But don't be too quick to allow professional debunkers to debunk
stories either - On the internet truth can be, and often is, manipulated.
- And so might time be manipulated ?!?!

The Real John Titor 'Time traveller' from year 2036

Here is my take on time travel - Notice the word 'fictionalism' is used in a relativistic manner:

Check out this picture:

View attachment 63697


View attachment 63698

from http://www.anomalies.net/time_traveler/john.html

This is an obvious fake, since the beam from the laser bends, but no other light in the picture is bending. If it was, then surely the device doing the bending would appear as if in a 'silver bauble' or in some other distorted fashion.

Hmmm. Nice try, but this is quite obviously a very clever hoax.

As one wag writes elsewhere, it's a shame that camera resolutions are so shite in the year 2035.



I was wondering what people thought of this website?

Visiting that site is an experience in time-travel itself.

Multiple links now repaired on this thread.
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Fascinating - has there been a decision made on whether this 'John Titor' actually did travel time?
Fascinating - has there been a decision made on whether this 'John Titor' actually did travel time?

It's quite obviously a hoax and not a very elaborate one, it never ceases to amaze me that some people actually fall for this nonsense
I could never understand how the future society had the technology to construct time machines yet was unable to build or emulate an ancient computer.
That's exactly what I was wondering - the inability of the future to construct a piece from an older computer, sounds implausible.
But if someone does come to our time from the future, will anyone really believe it?
Or perhaps there have been some time travellers, we are just unaware of them?
Regarding John Titor, I have one conclusion -

Titor claimed to have been born in 1998 in Tampa, Florida. We should be able to track him down. Then we can kill him and rewrite the timeline. No pandemic or boxing day tsunami anymore.