Yes, but is it really so difficult to actually set your alarm clock/radio/phone manually?
This obsession with 'must have' SMART technology is getting utterly crazy. I find Siri and Alexa bad enough, and would never have one, in fact I read somewhere recently (sorry cant remember where), that some home insurance companies in the US were reviewing wether or not to cover homes that had them because of the potential for thieves and house breakers to hack into them and find out when the house was empty. Anything that is connected to the internet can be hacked. As far as I'm concerned SMART is an an acronym for
Unfortunately the majority of people love the latest gadget and technology, and big business is happy to oblige with the most ridiculous consumer products, a SMART shower you go!........a Smart frying pan, prob.......have a look at this BBC link to see just how mad this has become, and it's going to get worse. It's all linked to the Internet Of Things, which is one reason for the massive roll out of 5G, all these SMART devices need constant and fast connection to the internet, so they'll continue to cut down much needed urban trees, and have 5G relay boxes every few hundred yards just so as your SMART frying pan can tell you when to flip your eggs.