London-based occultist Kenneth Grant has suggested a possible source of Lovecraft’s ideas. He likens Lovecraft’s perception to a faulty lens receiving distorted images; in this case, distorted by Lovecraft’s personal fears and conscious rejection of the information which was transmitted to him in dreams. Grant likens Lovecraft to the notorious British occultist Aleister Crowley, and makes explicit connections between the entities Crowley claimed to have contacted using his own methods of dream control and the entities of Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. Whilst concrete evidence for this assumption is negligible, interesting comparisons can be drawn from examination of Crowley’s and Lovecraft’s personal attitudes, and it is possible to conclude that had Lovecraft possessed Crowley’s aptitude for magick, he may have presented us with a similar picture to that of Crowley’s New Aeon, or Age of Horus; the age of Force and Fire, in other words, the Nuclear Age.