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Justified & Ancient
Jan 15, 2017
He was shot dead on February 21st at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights, New York.
(Previously Malcolm Little, then Malcolm X, he was known as El Haj Malik El Shabbazz at the time of his death).

Three men, all members of The Nation of Islam, were charged with the murder and imprisoned for many years.

But in November 2021, Muhammad Abdul Aziz and Khalil Islam (formerly Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson) were exonerated from their murder convictions, following a review that found the FBI and the New York Police Department withheld key evidence during the trial.

The other man, known variously as Thomas Hagan/Thalmadge Hayer/Mujahid Halim, confessed to the murder at trial.
He was paroled in 2010.

There are rumours of an NYPD Cop confessing of his involvement with the murder, on his deathbed.
There is the background of the FBI and it's COINTELPRO programme to disrupt some civil rights organisations.

The murder was said to be pre-planned, by elements within the Nation of Islam, an exclusively African-American organisation Malcolm had been a main organiser and preacher in, but had left to form his own group, the Organization of Afro-American Unity, and himself became more closely aligned with Sunni Islam.
He was said to have held "dirt" on the group's leader, Elijah Muhammad, and was seen as threat by them, as skilled and visually prominent orator.

There was no doubt Malcolm knew someone was out to get him, as evidenced by this famous photo of him guarding his home shortly before his murder.


Who killed Malcolm X and why?
Many moons ago I read an article about one of Elijah Muhammad's meetings, where he preached to the faithful, and would boast that he had Malcolm X murdered in a "So watch what you say about me!" warning kind of way. He also had meetings with the Ku Klux Klan about black and white separatism. No matter what Public Enemy said, maybe he's not such a great guy.

Malcolm X's security guard says black leader's killer was 'definitely working' for US government

Mustafa Hassan, 84, a member of Malcolm X's security team at the time of his assassination, claimed that he saw the man who shot the civil rights activist in 1965 but has never been interviewed by police and that he heard NYPD officers ask each other if the shooter was "with us."

During a press conference at the cultural center in Manhattan's Washington Heights district, Hassan said he believed the man "was definitely working for some government establishment."

Hassan explained what he saw while working security for Malcolm X when he was shot. "I saw a man running down the aisle towards the exit, where I had been posted, with a gun in his hand," he said. "I managed to knock this person down, and I continued towards the stage, where Malcolm X was lying on his back surrounded by his followers."

"I would later see the same man outside as he was being beaten by Malcolm's followers while a group of policemen who suddenly showed up on the scene asking, 'Is he with us?' While at the same time, holding back Malcolm's followers from beating him."

"From my vantage point, this was an attempt by the police to assist him in getting away," Hassan added. "Rather than allow the man to escape, I reached out and grabbed this man by the collar to prevent him from escaping."


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