A couple of nights ago I was int back garden, having a smoke, as you do, gazing upwards like usual, and I spotted a sudden bright light that was visible for about 1 - 2 seconds, travelling at a fair chat, west to east.
"Oh" I thought "that'll be one of them iridium satellites". It was yer typical iridium sudden brief flare.
But then I saw another one follow exactly the same path, with the same starting point.
"That's odd" I thought, but dismissed it as either me not observing correctly, or JOOTT (just one of those things).
Or maybe there were 2 satellites, closely following each other.
However, I then saw a 3rd identical light following exactly the same path for the same amount of time, like I was watching a replay of the first sighting, for a third time.
And then a few seconds later a 4th one!!!
My cigarette long extinguished I was now stood there, watching the sky, expecting to see multiple more. But no.
And no it wasn't starlink - I regularly use the online tracker and had a look and none were even near to flying over here at that time.
They weren't meteorites either - too slow....much too slow.
They weren't civilian aviation of any sort either. No flashing navigation lights, too quick and too brief.
"Oh" I thought "that'll be one of them iridium satellites". It was yer typical iridium sudden brief flare.
But then I saw another one follow exactly the same path, with the same starting point.
"That's odd" I thought, but dismissed it as either me not observing correctly, or JOOTT (just one of those things).
Or maybe there were 2 satellites, closely following each other.
However, I then saw a 3rd identical light following exactly the same path for the same amount of time, like I was watching a replay of the first sighting, for a third time.
And then a few seconds later a 4th one!!!
My cigarette long extinguished I was now stood there, watching the sky, expecting to see multiple more. But no.
And no it wasn't starlink - I regularly use the online tracker and had a look and none were even near to flying over here at that time.
They weren't meteorites either - too slow....much too slow.
They weren't civilian aviation of any sort either. No flashing navigation lights, too quick and too brief.