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My house is haunted


Gone But Not Forgotten
Aug 2, 2001
Incredible news!!!

I could have a ghost in my house!!

The other night I had a friend stay in my spare room, and when I got up the next morning I found him on the sofa in the front room. I asked why he was there and he said that he wouldn't sleep in that room again as he could hear someone shuffling round. This guy isn't scared easily. He said it was like someone shuffling across the carpet.

When I've plucked up the courage, I'm going to stay in the room myself, but I do scare easily when it's my house and I live alone.

It would be dead exciting, if I wasn't such a big girls blouse!!!!

I'll try to keep you posted, if I haven't moved out.
Perhaps it's just a nice little rodent infestation.
I had a really REALLY bad dream about your ghost Beast......

How bad a dream? REALLY bad, or REALLY BAD?!!!

If it's REALLY BAD, please allow me a few minutes to cower behind the sofa before you begin.
Emmy, don't tell the beast how bad a dream till afterwards:) That way you can compare notes on if you had a premonition. Unless it was a really really really bad dream, then maybe...
Okay Emmy, Ninjacat's right, don't tell me.......yet.

I'll stay in the room one night this week, and we'll compare notes afterwards.

Unless you saw me being brutally murdered, then for god's sake tell me beforehand.

I did survive in your dream, right?:confused:
I'm bringing this bad boy thread back to life, cuz I want to know how it turned out....

Beast? Emmy? What's the scoop gang?
....the night spent in the room didn't cause an abrupt end to this thread, did it? Oh God!!! Why were the contents of the dream not revealed...???!!!

Or, maybe nothings happened yet...:mad:

Just to alay fears, I haven't died at the hands/claws/fangs etc...of some malevolent entity in my spare room.

I also haven't stayed in the room yet.


Well there are a lot of socio-economic factors to consider. One of which being that I'm a chicken-Sh*t!!!:confused:

However, I am going to stay in there tonight (Thursday 28 Feb) and will report tomorrow about how it went.

Why tonight? Simple. I have friends staying tonight, so they can stay in my other spare room.

I am not afraid to say that I'm a big jessy, of the highest order.

Incidently, if anyone else has any dreams/premonitions that appear to be less than comforting, or in the same vein as Emmy's, please don't tell me until tomorrow. Words of encouragement would, however, be very welcome (as long as their not along the lines of "at least you'll leave a good looking corpse!")

Stay tuned.......!!!!
As the sweet 'lil newbie who brought this issue back to the front pages (harhar), let me just say "You'll Be Fine!" And you might even have a cool arse story to tell us come Friday morn.

Here's my smilie impression of your avatar... :eek!!!!: heehee
Just a thought Beast...

Do your guests for the 28th know about the 'haunted' room?

If not, it might be a better experiment to let them sleep in there as your expectations may cloud how you interpret noises you may hear.
I shouldn't be too worried if you sleep in there yourself though - the dead are no trouble, its the living you have to watch out for...

Not sure if my guests know about the noises. I can't remember if I told them. If not I'll use them as guinea pigs

Another thing I'm gonna try is putting a tape recorder in there overnight (though not when guests are in there). I have a sound activated dictaphone that will be useful.

Daft thing is that I love ghosts and aliens and wierd crap like that, I've just never had one in my own house.
Oh Beast...

I really do hope you are currently sleeping in your spare room and not using your guests as guinea pigs. I want to know how you got on because I have been keeping an eye on this thread eagerly waiting for the "Big Night".

Either way let us know mate, this is fascinating...
Best of luck Beast. Remember, they're more afraid of you than you are of them! Wait, that's not true at all.

Hope you come across something, and that it doesn't scare the crap out of you.

Let us know all the details in the AM. Pleasant dreams. Don't spill the bong!
Sorry guys, not been able to post for a while, but heres the score:

Friday night I stayed in the room....and nothing, not a meta-physical sausage.

However, it gets better. Saturday night I stayed in there again, and there is a definite sound. The carpet in that room is quite thick, and it sounds like someone shuffling their feet across it while wearing shoes. The only problem with this comparison is that there was only one sound. If it was feet there would be two sounds, a sort of 1,2,1,2,1,2 effect. BUt there was only one.

It was faint, but was definitely in the centre of the room.

Now, I am ruling nothing out. It sounded too heavy (though quiet) to be a mouse, and too rhythmic to be a trapped animal like a bird. I don't think there are any pipes that run under that room, but there may be. It could, quite honestly, have been anything, but it was really spooky.

Nothing materialised in the room, and I'd notice if it did, as there is nothing else in there but the bed I was in and a chest of drawers.

I'm going to try and record the sound at some point this week, but it may be too faint to catch. If I succeed, I'll let you know.

Incidently, my friends did know about the room, so declined my gracious offer for them to stay in it.

If anyone has any ideas as to what it could be, let me know.
Thanks, Blueswidow, I was worried about me too.

What didn't help was the fact that on Sunday night my mate decided that we'd watch a film called the St Francisville Experiment. It's a very bad Blair Witch rip off, but when you've just spent the night in a room with noises, you'd be amazed how bad acting and crap effects can put the wind up you.
Just when I thought you were spookily never going to be seen again... :D

How long was the sound going for? Was it just once or twice or did it last all night? Just wondering if whatever it is is a constant sound that is only audible at night when there is less background noise.
I wondered wether it would be audible during the day too.

It isn't. Even with my ear against the floor.

It lasted for about 15 minutes non-stop, then stopped completely. This was between 1 and 2am.

Now ask me if I was scared.

Go on.

Yes, I was scared. If I had been wearing pants, I would have soiled them.

Imagine, like I said before, someone wearing shoes, sliding their feet along a carpet. Now take one of those feet away. Assuming that the ghost doesn't fall down, that was what it sounded like a sort of: shhh.......shhh.......shhh noise.

Creepier than Anne Widdecombe in a thong.

Strangely, I've just had my mate on the phone, the one who originally complained of the noise. He said that it was different to what he heard. The sound was the same, but was slower. Whereas the sound I heard was quite quick, his was like those old people you see in retirement homes that shuffle all the way along a corridor then forget why they were going down it in the first place. That sort of pace.

It just gets stranger.

I'll try recording it tonight, and see what I come up with.
The Beast said:
I'll try recording it tonight, and see what I come up with.

Best of luck Beast! Remember, ghosts are people too. If it even is a ghost.