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"normal looking ghosts"



I have seen 2 ghosts in my house over the 3 years that I have been living here. I saw both ghosts in the daytime with no other witnesses (typical) what startled me about these ghosts was how "real" they actually seemed. When I have read ghost accounts by other people, the ghosts are translucent, or misty. Or the ghosts are dressed in garments from long ago. The ghosts that I saw I didn't think they were ghosts at first I thought they were just people. The first I thought was a burglar caught red handed, he was wearing tracksuit trousers and a t-shirt, he was also wearing modern training shoes. The other I thought was a builer from the building site up the road probably trying to score some free bacon butties. He was wearing jeans and a red jumper.
They both looked so real until they dissapeared before me. The only other ghost encounters that I have read about where they are mistaken for people are phantom hitchhikers.

Why were my ghosts not dressed in olden day clothes, why did they just look like everyday people?
Thing is,, what would you expect a "ghost" to look like??
If "ghosts" are "dead" people, why should they look any different, it would make more "sense", than a white robe!
We may all see many "ghosts" every day, but be totally unaware, its only when we see "them", out of context, or when we know nobody else is there, that "they" are noticed!!

naSTEe ThiNgS
naSTEe said:
it would make more "sense", than a white robe!
Well the logic behind the white robe thing is that it's a funeral shroud and kind of signifies that the person is dead, is it not?
However, when I was very little I recall seeing a ghost (i recall it quite clearly, but i couldn't tell you if it actually happened - don't trust my memory) There was a middle aged man, standing there, against the wall, when everyone else was downstairs and there were no guests. He was quite unfamiliar and was dressed in a modern blue pullover and cream coloured trousers - just the kind i don't like. I then looked away, looked again and he was gone...
I have lived in my house in liverpool for just over 18 months and have seen 2 "ghost" cats. Like the ghosts lean saw these looked prity much normal untill they disapeared I saw them rougthly 1 year apart in june 2001/2002 the first one was a black cat and I had no winesses but the second one a marmalade cat appeared while my flatmate was in the room. it walked around by his leg as if it was about to do that cheak rub thing that cats do to ankles and disapeared after about 2 seconds. my flatmate haden't seen it but said he had felt a fealing of coldness on his ankle.
interestingly I knew the person who had lived there before and she had 2 cats answering the discription of the cats I had seen but they are still alive could these solid looking ghosts be some sort of spirit projection from living people or animals that feal a conection to a place?
I read a theory that headless ghosts are headless because, when you think about it - you are effectively headless. You never see your own head (yes, unless in a mirror or photo). So if a person is in some way responsible for 'imprinting' their image, they don't include the head.

Or maybe it's just that people aren't seeing straight - the late night tiredness thing. Iv'e seen all sorts of rubbish being driven home very late at night, just tired not drunk! Your mind interprets the most mundane things as something weird.
They all look 'normal' to me......

I've seen lots of what you might call ghosts and they always look like normal people. ('Walking around like regular people', indeed!)

Sometimes I look directly at someone and they disappear. Until that moment they are normal passers-by.

If they looked 'ghostly' I'd feel amazed and perhaps afraid but they don't.

I once walked past a man I knew in the street who seemed quite preoccupied and did not say 'hi' back to me, which was unusual. I suddenly remembered, 'He's dead!' and spun round. He'd gone. The next person I met said I looked as if I'd seen a ghost!

I'd love to see a headless ghost or a bloke dragging chains but haven't yet, not even at a historical site or castle. Bah.
escargot, have you ever been able to communicate with any of these ghosts?
if you have what do they say:confused:
Nah Mate, not a word.
I've been advised to try to address them and ask if I can help but they vanish before I can! In fact, the only way I can tell anything unusual has happened is that they're suddenly not there and it's too late.

It's possible that I'm suffering from a neurological abnormality or somesuch I suppose, but I don't get any other symptoms.

The time when one would expect ghostly visitations, 3am or so, is a peaceful time for me.

If I were to make any meaningful contact with a ghost I promise I'd report it excitedly here!

Other less straightforward phenomena which I experience are often shared with other people.
For example, our ghost cat drove my extremely sceptical ex-husband mad! I felt and heard it and he and my kids variously felt, heard and saw it.
Escargot, would you be so kind as to tell a little more about this cat?
colour, rough estimate of age, frequency of manefestation, I take it that the cat was in your home if so did it confine it's self to certain parts of the house or did it appear anywhere, did you only see the cat at certain times of the day and how did the children react etc?
This is what my father said happened to him in the 1920's when he was a teenager. I've heard other versions of this one.
He was in Dover, having been sent to boarding school, leaving his father in Wexford, when he saw his dad walking down the main street one day, most unexpectedly. He rushed over and asked him what he was doing here, was he alright etc, and his dad just walked on, ignoring him. He remembers being pretty upset. He later got a telegram to tell him his dad had died, and was already dead when he'd seen him. My father wasn't particularly fanciful, and certainly wouldn't have been pulling my leg, he was a very sincere man.
Epona said:
I read a theory that headless ghosts are headless because, when you think about it - you are effectively headless. You never see your own head (yes, unless in a mirror or photo). So if a person is in some way responsible for 'imprinting' their image, they don't include the head.

Arrgh. I have heard this one before. Surely you'd also be backless aswell?
er. Oh yeah. Didn't think of that. I do apologise.
daftbugger said:
Arrgh. I have heard this one before. Surely you'd also be backless aswell?

...unless you know what the back of your clothes look like. :)

However, in that case, you'd probably expect more headless ghosts to be wearing hats...... :confused:
Faggus said:
Well the logic behind the white robe thing is that it's a funeral shroud and kind of signifies that the person is dead, is it not?

Ah, but folk are rarely wearing one when they die...
Inverurie Jones said:
Ah, but folk are rarely wearing one when they die...

Hmmm... if they LOOK at themselves while trying to figure out what has happened, wouldn't the last thing they see themselves wearing be the shroud? The rational (!) thought being:
"they'll recognize me if I show up wearing what they've dressed me in!"

This what-clothing-ghosts-wear troubles me a little.

Some seem to wear their normal togs. Some wear the ones they were buried in. I've read about a woman who 'appeared' after her death with a scratch on her face. The daughter who saw her was puzzled until her sister explained that the scratch had happenen by accident at the mortuary..... brrrr.
Returning to the subject of "ghost cats," I have one that's living with me. I haven't ever seen her, but every night when I go to bed, I can feel her jump up onto the bed, walk across my legs and curl up exactly where she slept for the 15 years I had her. She never was what you'd call "the brightest bulb in the box," so I figure she just doesn't know she's dead. (She used to climb up onto the roof and forget how she got there. Whenever I would go out out, she'd get so excited when I returned that she'd roll over on her back, and I'd have to catch her in my arms as she came sliding off the edge of the roof! One day she jumped up on top of my backyard fence and couldn't manage to get down again--the fence was all of 5 feet high. Poor dumb cat, but she was a sweet little thing.) :)
It Must Vary

One I saw was white, transluscent, and of an old woman in a dress. Another was merely a whisp of white transluscent mist.

In some instances I imagine we see them and have no clue, as they look solid and real, if perhaps a bit out-of-place in clothing, hair, or demeanor.

By the same token, the notion of ghost CLOTHING has always made me laugh, so I'm not sure it's much more than psychological, although there surely does seem to be an outside force at work on us when we experience these things.
maybe ghosts that look real have more "power" than the ones that are translucent.
now here's a thing...

The 2 main theorys about ghosts are the recording theory and the soul theory and ghost siteings vary, some are like recordings some seam to be quite independant.
The second cat I saw (see earlier post on this thred) definatly interacted with my flatmate which leads me to think that both ghost theorys may be correct: the translucent ones are posibly the recording type (unless someone has evidence of interaction with one of these of course but to my knolage there is no evidence of interaction) and the solid looking ghoasts are souls. There have been aparent cases of solid aperitions apearing at seances but these could be eaisaly faked and no aperances at seances have been studdied under modern scientific conditions :(
In one of the oldest ghost storys in the world, recorded in the bible (Samual 1 chapter 28) no comment is made about the spirit of samual that the medium at Endor summoned being in anyway diference in aperance to what he was in life, in fact King Saul could tell it was the profit Samuel just by the clothes he was wearing a clock is mentioned spesificly whereas the hebrews wrapped their dead in linin cloth so it is clear that in this case he was not wearing his grave clothes.
Witch of Endor's Props

I'd suspect a Samuel stand-in, myself, but I'm like that.

In any case, I'm familiar with the two main theories of ghosts, soul and recording. In neither case have clothes been explained, although certainly the recording one might more easiy include them, unless clothes do have souls...

Fact is simply that things are more mysterious and weird than we can fathom, and probably always shall be, based on set theory -- the subset can never contain the set of which it is a subset. So we can never fully grasp the world, being a part of it.

All is One, No Separation.

Now where's the pizza?
the ghosts i've had experiences with (i.e. the apparitions as opposed to the bodyless noises/voices!) have been wearing the clothing they wore when alive. The scariest experience involved the ghost being quite solid at first and then dissolving into thin air as it/he walked up the stairs. When i've witnessed ghost animals (only twice seen animal ghosts) they were white as opposed to the colours they were when alive...
i'm a firm believer in the "recording" theory as my mums old house seems to have recorded quite a lot in its history!:)

If they're recordings, are they ghosts? I mean, if they are simply a recorded event being replayed endlessly, then they would be artifacts, not spirits of people or anything like that.

Somewhat comforting notion, perhaps.

The theory usually involves events with strong emotions attached, but I balk at this on the grounds that, say, someone walking a castle rampart, coming down a halll or staircase, or seeming to perform some chore over and over doesn't exhibit a particularly emotional activity.

You'd think, if strong emotion were involved, it would imprint murders taking place, rapes, fights, horrendous scenes of domestic violence. Instead we get strolls through rooms, or repetetive actions.

It could be we're accessing another time, a glimpse of it, for reasons completely beyond our fathom. Or it could be that we've been primed, somehow, to hallucinate these things. Who can say?
the old man that i saw in my mums house died in his chair, his wife had a breakdown and was still talking to him 2 days after he died when my parents turned up to move in, i'd say that was a pretty emotional event to be recorded...
i believe it may only take one strong event to render a place "recordable", then other, more mundane, events get recorded too, hence the guard walking the ramparts etc
but then there is the notion that time is not a constant and, infact, goes in loops and twists. when it overlaps you get past/present and future merging in some way, hence we see characters who aren't there...who knows, they might see us appear and disappear...
there are many theories, i think they all have a part to play in the grand scheme of things...
Lord_Flashheart said:
I have lived in my house in liverpool for just over 18 months and have seen 2 "ghost" cats. Like the ghosts lean saw these looked prity much normal untill they disapeared I saw them rougthly 1 year apart in june 2001/2002 the first one was a black cat and I had no winesses but the second one a marmalade cat appeared while my flatmate was in the room. it walked around by his leg as if it was about to do that cheak rub thing that cats do to ankles and disapeared after about 2 seconds. my flatmate haden't seen it but said he had felt a fealing of coldness on his ankle.
interestingly I knew the person who had lived there before and she had 2 cats answering the discription of the cats I had seen but they are still alive could these solid looking ghosts be some sort of spirit projection from living people or animals that feal a conection to a place?

The story continues... on June the 28th of this year, rougthly the same time of year i saw those 2 cat ghosts in liverpool, I saw another one in my house in cardiff, the cat was black, like the first one I saw (june 2001).

it is really starting to intreage me now as although the cats seem to always appear in the last week of june, the location this time is very different and would therfore sugest that it is either all in the mind (curious that it would occor at the same time every year none the less) or the cats are following me and aren't 'recordings'.