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Public Warned Re US Church’s Industrial-Strength Bleach Cure


Aug 19, 2003
Crooks pure and simple.

Public warned against US church’s industrial-strength bleach ‘miracle cure’
Patients have been warned not to take a "miracle" cure for serious conditions sold by a controversial US church coming to Ireland this weekend, as the product is industrial-strength bleach.

Genesis II Church claims its “miracle mineral solution”, also known as MMS, can “remove” cancer, autism, HIV, malaria and other serious conditions.

However, it has been banned in the US, Canada and England after watchdogs warned it is an “industrial-strength bleach” that can cause “life-threatening reactions”.

The Health Products Regulatory Authority, formerly the Irish Medicines Board, and the Food Safety Authority of Ireland issued a similar alert last night after being informed by the Irish Examiner of a seminar promoting the product.

Genesis II Church is holding the event in Monkstown, Dublin, tomorrow and Sunday for its “miracle mineral solution”, with attendees asked to pay a €295 compulsory donation. The church describes itself as a “non-religious” US health group set up in 2006 and based in the Dominican Republic. It has a number of Irish members.

While a group spokesperson claimed the MMS seminar is about “water purification”, its own advertisements and website state it is about MMS, which “can remove cancers, heart disease, diabetes, malaria and auto-immune dysfunctions”.

Genesis II Church’s founder, Jim Humble, claims he discovered MMS while helping a malaria sufferer in a Guyana rainforest in 1996, and says it is administered by “290 people in over 60 countries”.

In reality, MMS is 28% sodium chlorite drops mixed into water, and becomes chlorine dioxide (industrial-strength bleach) when “activated” by a food-grade acid like citrus fruit, as advised by the group. ...

http://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland/pu ... 75104.html[/quote

Edit to amend title.
‘Miracle solution can cure autism’

A mother of two children who have autism and aspergers has claimed a US church said its bleach-based "miracle" treatment for serious health problems could cure her sons.

Fiona O’Leary, from Drimoleague in West Cork, said the remark was made when she contacted the group about this weekend’s seminar on “miracle mineral solution”, or MMS which is taking place in Monkstown, Dublin.

Speaking to the Irish Examiner, she said she called Genesis II Church’s Reverend Mark Kishon Christopher on Monday about the event.

The mother-of-five said Mr Christopher asked her if she was a genuine person seeking advice or from an organisation, before asking her to email the request.

When Ms O Leary asked if MMS “could really cure autism”, she alleges Mr Christopher replied it was not a possibility but a fact — a claim also made about numerous conditions on the Genesis II Church website.

Ms O Leary was then sent an email, giving directions to the seminar, and asking her for a €295 donation. ...

http://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland/mi ... 75080.html
A controversial US group selling a "miracle" cure for serious conditions, despite the fact the product is industrial-strength bleach, is planning to return to Ireland this autumn. The Irish Examiner has learned that the Genesis II Church — which sparked outrage in July after a previous attempt to sell the product in this country — will hold another seminar on its “cure” here in mid-November.

The group claims its “miracle mineral solution”, also known as MMS, can “remove” a range of conditions such as cancer, autism, HIV and malaria. However, it has been banned in the US, Canada and England after watchdogs warned it is an “industrial-strength bleach” that can cause “life-threatening reactions”.

After the Health Products Regulatory Authority, previously the Irish Medicines Board, issued an alert over the group in July on foot of information from this newspaper, it was believed Genesis II Church had stopped trying to promote the product in Ireland. However, details on its website www.g2cforum.org, show it is planning to hold a two-day conference in Newtown, Moone, Co Kildare, on November 15 and 16 — and is asking people to pay a €285 “donation” to attend.

While Genesis II Church claims its seminars are on “water purification”, its own advertisements and website state they are about MMS, which “can remove cancers, heart disease, diabetes, malaria and auto-immune dysfunctions”.

Responding to news of the latest seminar, a HPRA spokesman said the issue is being “actively addressed” as the product poses a serious danger to the public. ...

http://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland/se ... 87763.html
Health Minister Leo Varadkar has been urged to address the Seanad over what action officials are taking to prevent a "toxic chemical" form of bleach claiming to "cure" a host of serious conditions from being given to vulnerable Irish children.

Independent Senator Jillian van Turnhout issued the call for action against the use of “mineral mineral solution”, also known as MMS and CD protocol, after the sale and promotion of the banned product was revealed by the Irish Examiner.

Speaking in the Seanad yesterday, the former Children’s Rights Alliance chief executive said the product, which claims to be able to “remove” conditions such as cancer, autism, HIV and malaria, is “industrial strength bleach” and poses a significant threat to the public.

However, despite the item being banned in Ireland, Britain and Canada after a number of “life-threatening reactions,” she said the group behind it — Genesis II Church, which was set up by US citizen and ex-Scientologist Jim Humble — is still attempting to promote it in this country under the guise of “water purification” seminars, with a number of Irish church members openly administering the product to vulnerable children. ...

http://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland/se ... 88327.html
I wonder why all these cases are clustered in Ireland. No shortage of fundie netters elsewhere.

A Belfast doctor who prescribed a controversial supplement that includes the main ingredient of bleach has defended the product.

Dr Finbar Magee said MMS would be a "good treatment" for a Dublin child with autism, RTÉ's Prime Time reported.

Kathryn Murphy went to Dr Magee in 2011, after her daughter, then three, had stomach cramps and chronic hives.

Dr Magee told the current affairs programme he had not prescribed MMS for a "couple of years" but defended it.

The programme said Dr Magee compared the safety of MMS to water purification products.

Last month, Prime Time reported that MMS, or "miracle mineral supplement", was being promoted in Ireland.

The programme also reported that the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing was recruiting members.

Ah, here are the US numtys

A Chicago woman who moved to Mexico to continue “curing” autism with bleach solution defended her “miracle treatment” against “haters” and “trolls.”

Kerri Rivera claims her treatment with “miracle mineral solution” has removed 170 children from the autism spectrum – but her critics say she’s poisoning kids with chlorine dioxide, reported WMAQ-TV.

“Right now there is no cure for autism,” said Dr. Sharon Hirsch, section chief of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Chicago Hospitals. “There is nothing we can do at this time to get rid of autism – it’s a horrible disorder.”

Rivera says her treatment, which includes dosing children with a mixture of sodium chloride and citric acid to make chlorine dioxide, purges slimy parasites that cause autism.

“If, in fact, chlorine dioxide were this toxic poisonous bleach – there would be a sea of dead children,” Rivera said. “How can this be bad if people are healing and nobody’s dying?”

It's well known amongst autistics and the people who are fellow travellers - can't think of the word.....

It's been agitated against, organised against and the rest and nothing seems to stop it spreading :(
Much more on the link.

A self-styled "reverend" who claims autism can be "purged" by swallowing bleach has been exposed by a BBC London undercover investigation.

Leon Edwards sold sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid to a reporter posing as the relation of an autistic child. Combined, the chemicals form bleach.

The BBC has also learned the secret location of a conference to begin in Surrey on Friday to promote the 'cure'.

When confronted with the evidence, Mr Edwards made no comment.

More bleach and HCL madness:

Police have been urged to investigate the first suspected UK case of a parent giving their child industrial strength bleach as a “cure” for autism.
Thames Valley officers have received a complaint that a young mother was using doses of MMS or “Miracle Mineral Solution” on her young son who has autism.

MMS involves giving children two chemicals – sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid – which combine to form bleach. It is usually sold to be taken orally, but parents are also told to use it as an enema.

Autism activist Emma Dalmayne, who infiltrated one group, reported the case to police after discovering evidence that a mother living in the UK was using the product herself as well as giving it to her young son. It is the first suspected case in Britain.

“As a parent of a autistic children, I know the desperation to make things better for your child, but it’s unbelievable that these people are using an unscientific, unproven and unregulated product on their child,” Ms Dalmayne said.

Not sure whether the answer here is more legislation, or more likely, better implimentation of existing legislation.

Either way the NAS could try listening to the people they claim to represent.

Despite continued proof in the media of there being a significant problem in the UK of sellers on the internet peddling dangerous fake autism cures and again more proof of parents in the UK using MMS (chlorine dioxide bleach) and GcMAF (an unregulated blood product) one of which can cause nausea, rashes and bowel disturbance, the other kidney failure, seizures and bowel lining loss plus the afore mentioned the NAS still says legislation is not needed. http://www.autism.org.uk/get-involved/media-centre/news/2016-06-08-updated-so-called-cures.aspx

Despite proof of Accupuncturist's, saying they can cure autism and many other unregulated scientifically unproven 'treatments' such as Holding Therapy, HBOT, restrictive diets, feceal implantation, stem cell treatment, TMS Magnet therapy and psychological damaging compliance therapys leading autism charities still will not speak out!

I am Emma Dalmayne, an autistic woman with autistic children campaigning to get fake cures in the UK made illegal. I have worked extensively with the media and the police to help stop parents abusing their children with harmful treatments.

I'll drop this here as it seems to be the suppository for quack autism cures.

This footbath will (allegedly) make you half as autistic as you were before.

No wonder the merry band of antivaccine quacks and propagandists over at that wretched hive of scum and antivaccine quackery Age of Autism like it enough to advertise—get this!—a clinical trial of the IonCleanse System from A Major Difference (AMD). I’ve mentioned this system before and how AMD has jumped feet first (if you’ll excuse the term) into autism quackery. I learned of this “clinical trial” from AoA yesterday in this post about Therapy House LLC Clinical Trial Enrolling Participants in Pittsburgh for IonCleanse. I took a look at the protocol. Let’s just say that it’s not exactly rigorous, as you’ll see. First, however, see the genesis of this study. First AMD brags about having sold over 13,000 units in 39 countries, demonstrating once again that gullibility knows no nationality. Then, we learn:

In December of 2014, AMD was approached by The Thinking Moms’ Revolution to do a parent evaluation of the IonCleanse by AMD as it relates to children with ASD. The first of the 2-part study completed in April of 2015. This evaluation proved enormously successful and has paved the way for a wave of interest in the autism community.

Ah, yes, the Thinking Drinking Moms’ Revolution (TMR), that coffee klatch of affluent suburban women who love wine and quackery (including homeopathy) but really, really hate vaccines. No wonder they like the IonCleanse footbath. Rather amusingly, the “first of the 2-part” study referred to above was not published in anything resembling a peer-reviewed biomedical journal. Rather, it was posted on the TMR blog as The Thinking Moms’ Revolution Study – IonCleanse® by AMD Treatment Effectiveness for ASD.

Sience blog

And the woo product in action:

The colour changes of the water, as mentioned in the science blog, re a product of electrolysis and will happen even if no feet are in the footbath.
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Update ...

The Genesis II Church crowd is still pushing the bleach sales, even though a federal court ordered them to stop a year ago.
Florida family indicted, accused of selling bleach as COVID cure

A family accused of selling a toxic industrial bleach as a coronavirus cure through their Florida-based church has been indicted on federal charges.

A federal grand jury in Miami returned an indictment Thursday charging Mark Grenon, 62, and his sons, Jonathan, 34, Jordan, 26, and Joseph, 32, with one count each of conspiracy to commit fraud and two counts each of criminal contempt, according to court records. They face possible life sentences if convicted.

Mark Grenon is the archbishop of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, based in Bradenton, Florida. The church sells chlorine dioxide as a “Miracle Mineral Solution,” officials said. The Grenons claim the solution can cure a vast variety of illnesses ranging from cancer to autism to malaria to COVID-19. A Miami federal judge last April ordered the church to stop selling the substance, but the order was ignored.

When ingested, the solution sold by the Grenons becomes a bleach that is typically used for such things as treating textiles, industrial water, pulp and paper, according to the Food and Drug Administration. Authorities said ingesting these products is the same as drinking bleach and can be fatal. ...
FULL STORY: https://www.news4jax.com/news/flori...cted-accused-of-selling-bleach-as-covid-cure/
There is nothing Christian about these people and they are not a church.

"Their founder, Jim Humble, is a former Scientologist who claims he's a billion-year-old god from the Andromeda galaxy.

"And then I asked to be put in the part of the space navy that watched over Earth," Humble, the self-proclaimed Archbishop of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing claims in a video.

Humble also claims he discovered the miracle potion in the jungles of South America.

"I just treated 800 cases of HIV just recently in Africa, every one of them came out good..."


There is nothing Christian about these people and they are not a church.
Florida family indicted, accused of selling bleach as COVID cure
A family accused of selling a toxic industrial bleach as a coronavirus cure through their Florida-based church has been indicted on federal charges.
A federal grand jury in Miami returned an indictment Thursday charging Mark Grenon, 62, and his sons, Jonathan, 34, Jordan, 26, and Joseph, 32, with one count each of conspiracy to commit fraud and two counts each of criminal contempt, according to court records. They face possible life sentences if convicted. ...

Update ... Mark Grenon has finally been arrested in Colombia and extradited back to the USA.
Florida Pastor Arrested For Selling Industrial Bleach As Cancer, COVID Cure Through His Church

A Floria man accused of selling toxic industrial bleach as a coronavirus and cancer cure through his church has been extradited to the United States after being arrested in Colombia ...

Prosecutors allege that 64-year-old Mark Grenon, of Bradenton, is the archbishop of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, based in Bradenton, Florida, where he manufactured, promoted and sold chlorine dioxide as a “Miracle Mineral Solution.”

Grenon claims the solution can cure a vast variety of illnesses ranging from cancer to autism to malaria to COVID-19. ...
FULL STORY: https://dailyboulder.com/florida-pa...each-as-cancer-covid-cure-through-his-church/
The Guardian had an article that claimed the minister called Trump and told him about his "product" and a few days later Trump made the statement about injecting bleach to cure Covid19. How reputable is The Guardian?


"The substance, chlorine dioxide, is a powerful bleach used in textile manufacturing. The Grenons market it as “miracle mineral solution” or MMS which they say when drunk as a dilution can cure almost all illnesses including Covid, cancer, HIV/Aids as well as the condition autism.

In April, the Guardian revealed that Grenon had written to Donald Trump in the White House encouraging the US president to embrace the product in his efforts to contain coronavirus. The letter claimed MMS “can rid the body of Covid-19”.

A few days later, Trump went on national TV in his daily coronavirus briefing from the White House and raised the idea of injecting disinfectant into the body to fight Covid-19. “Is there a way we can do something, by an injection inside or almost a cleaning?” he said.

The US Food and Drug Administration has banned Grenon and his sons from peddling in bleach. Last August the FDA issued a public notice warning Americans not to drink MMS or similar products."