Just noticed this story in the breaking news section on the front page.
Man finds himself naked on street
Friday, 04 July , 2003, 04:13
Berlin: A German man woke up to find himself stark naked in the middle of a street after sleepwalking from home, police said on Thursday.
The 37-year-old man called police in the southern town of Buchen at around 6 a.m. after discovering he had left his housekeys at home.
"The man waited naked for police at the phone booth, who gave him a raincoat to wear," said a police spokesman.
A couple of years ago my partner told me, one Saturday morning, how she had had this very odd dream where she had been sitting in my car messing with the radio and getting quite annoyed by it.
Very odd but what are you going to do? About half an hour later I decided to nip to the shops. I step into the street and hear an almighty racket coming from across the street where my car is parked. I get over to it and discover the radio is on full blast and the car is locked and very secure.
A little worrying as it appears that herself had sleepwalked in the middle of the night, found my car keys, let herself out of the front door, wandered across the street, opened the car, fiddled with the radio a bit, got bored and came back to bed, remembering to lock the car after her. Thank God she didn't decide to go for a drive!
Interestingly her father had a habit of sleepwalking although all he ever did was go around the house unscrewing lightbulbs.
Man finds himself naked on street
Friday, 04 July , 2003, 04:13
Berlin: A German man woke up to find himself stark naked in the middle of a street after sleepwalking from home, police said on Thursday.
The 37-year-old man called police in the southern town of Buchen at around 6 a.m. after discovering he had left his housekeys at home.
"The man waited naked for police at the phone booth, who gave him a raincoat to wear," said a police spokesman.
A couple of years ago my partner told me, one Saturday morning, how she had had this very odd dream where she had been sitting in my car messing with the radio and getting quite annoyed by it.
Very odd but what are you going to do? About half an hour later I decided to nip to the shops. I step into the street and hear an almighty racket coming from across the street where my car is parked. I get over to it and discover the radio is on full blast and the car is locked and very secure.
A little worrying as it appears that herself had sleepwalked in the middle of the night, found my car keys, let herself out of the front door, wandered across the street, opened the car, fiddled with the radio a bit, got bored and came back to bed, remembering to lock the car after her. Thank God she didn't decide to go for a drive!
Interestingly her father had a habit of sleepwalking although all he ever did was go around the house unscrewing lightbulbs.