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Stenches & Stinks: Foul Odors & Smells (IHTM)

It was whoever sang with Slipknot.
Right - heavy/thrash/death/nu metal is off my radar. Here he is:

As a kid i grew up in Middleton - part of Greater Manchester, at the time we had,about 1/4 of a mile away, Pandora pickles which as the name would suggest made pickles and also Picallili - there was some funky smells around that place at times!
About 1/4 mile in the opposite direction we had JW Lees brewery which as others have suggested had some strong and to a kid at least unpleasant smell.
further on we had a Sarsons vinegar works, then further on still, we had Senior Service cigarette company - this to me as a kid was the worst of the lot, i absolutely hated the smell.
We also had a sewerage treatment works about a mile and a half away which on a warm day and the wind blowing in the right (or wrong!) direction would create some interesting smells too haha. Yeah i suppose it was quite a smelly area back then!!
One of the worst smells however, was in an area known as the Kingston stink - thankfully for me this was a good few miles away and i only had to pass through it every now and then, this was home to (i think) a tannery - i could never understand how anyone could live near this place
Plastic wiganer when I was at school one of the excursions we went on was to a tobacco factory.
I came out smelling so bad that I had to shampoo my hair several times to get rid of the smell.
Imagine what it must be like to actually work in one!
OTOH when I went on a school visit to the Sunlight Soap factory on the Wirral the whole place smelled, not surprisingly, of soap.

Gave us lot a possibly uncharacteristically hygienic aroma. :chuckle:
OTOH when I went on a school visit to the Sunlight Soap factory on the Wirral the whole place smelled, not surprisingly, of soap.

Gave us lot a possibly uncharacteristically hygienic aroma. :chuckle:
I remember once , I had gotten home one daytime from a shift and was exhausted so I wanted to just go to bed. For the last few days though , my bedroom , an attic room two floors up had been smelling rather unpleasant and it was getting stronger . I figured as I lived on a farm, surrounded by other farms , that was the explanation as I often had doors and windows open for fresh air , the cats etc and would often go the miles into the nearest town leaving said doors , windows open as I lived in the middle of nowhere. Anyway there was this horrible smell in my bedroom that had definitely gotten worse but I figured that one or more of the farmers were spraying their fields and that odour could be unbelievably foul. So I decided to make the best of it and got into bed but I could hear this strange noise , never mind the stink. It was like a scratching sound with humming (I know , I know , NOT the humming again !!) and despite being knackered it was getting on my nerves so I had to investigate. Oh boy. Underneath my bed was a squishy plastic container in which were new pillows I had bought but not used yet. IN this container was a mummified rabbit , MUMMIFIED by now that obviously one of my little darling fuzzy butts had caught and dragged in , usually it was mice or voles with their bodies decapitated and left on the rug in front of the fireplace. Because.... You know.... Love is a many splendoured thing. My money was on Molly rather than her brother , Sam who was even scared of the chickens that would gather outside the porch daily .
But anyway , not only a mummified rabbit but the scratching and humming was a bunch of bluebottles that were crawling all over it inside the bag. Cursing my luck that I couldn't be allergic to cats, I had to spend two hours , STILL exhausted but additionally now nauseated , disposing of it and cleaning the room like I was in CSI before I could bollock the cats half heartedly and actually get some kip.
"Be vewy , vewy quiet..... "
I remember once , I had gotten home one daytime from a shift and was exhausted so I wanted to just go to bed. For the last few days though , my bedroom , an attic room two floors up had been smelling rather unpleasant and it was getting stronger . I figured as I lived on a farm, surrounded by other farms , that was the explanation as I often had doors and windows open for fresh air , the cats etc and would often go the miles into the nearest town leaving said doors , windows open as I lived in the middle of nowhere. Anyway there was this horrible smell in my bedroom that had definitely gotten worse but I figured that one or more of the farmers were spraying their fields and that odour could be unbelievably foul. So I decided to make the best of it and got into bed but I could hear this strange noise , never mind the stink. It was like a scratching sound with humming (I know , I know , NOT the humming again !!) and despite being knackered it was getting on my nerves so I had to investigate. Oh boy. Underneath my bed was a squishy plastic container in which were new pillows I had bought but not used yet. IN this container was a mummified rabbit , MUMMIFIED by now that obviously one of my little darling fuzzy butts had caught and dragged in , usually it was mice or voles with their bodies decapitated and left on the rug in front of the fireplace. Because.... You know.... Love is a many splendoured thing. My money was on Molly rather than her brother , Sam who was even scared of the chickens that would gather outside the porch daily .
But anyway , not only a mummified rabbit but the scratching and humming was a bunch of bluebottles that were crawling all over it inside the bag. Cursing my luck that I couldn't be allergic to cats, I had to spend two hours , STILL exhausted but additionally now nauseated , disposing of it and cleaning the room like I was in CSI before I could bollock the cats half heartedly and actually get some kip.
"Be vewy , vewy quiet..... "
Why , HOW they put it in a plastic pillow container , I am determined to find the answer to when I can speak to them in the afterlife .....
Why , HOW they put it in a plastic pillow container , I am determined to find the answer to when I can speak to them in the afterlife .....
Could it have wriggled in there through a slightly open zip or fastening?
Could it have wriggled in there through a slightly open zip or fastening?
I'm thinking that 'gorjiramonkey' must have packed it in along with the pillows and then sealed them inside together without knowing where the cat had placed the dead rabbit before hand? Seems the most plausible way it got inside the container.
Could it have wriggled in there through a slightly open zip or fastening?
No the bedroom was three floors up and I've never had a critter or "varmint" in there before. No the rabbit didn't come with the pillows nor did I pack it with them. The pillows container MAY have been opened by me initially when I got home to examine them and yes I may not have closed the zip too much !! But my best guess is Molly-Moo caught it , killed it dragged it upstairs away from Sam and left it . Yea I guess it could have been chased up there and hid but I think I would have heard it moving about... Who knows?? Not paranormal but bloody revolting !!
No the bedroom was three floors up and I've never had a critter or "varmint" in there before. No the rabbit didn't come with the pillows nor did I pack it with them. The pillows container MAY have been opened by me initially when I got home to examine them and yes I may not have closed the zip too much !! But my best guess is Molly-Moo caught it , killed it dragged it upstairs away from Sam and left it . Yea I guess it could have been chased up there and hid but I think I would have heard it moving about... Who knows?? Not paranormal but bloody revolting !!
It's just in the process of eliminating the obvious.
Once you smell death you never forget that’s for sure
Years ago I had some less than pleasant dealings with a funeral home. Later, I noticed how some cleaning product or other used in a shoe shop I went to smelled like the embalming fluid. Felt an immediate wave of grief and anger. Very strange.
Years ago I had some less than pleasant dealings with a funeral home. Later, I noticed how some cleaning product or other used in a shoe shop I went to smelled like the embalming fluid. Felt an immediate wave of grief and anger. Very strange.
Just goes to show how much our sense of smell is closely linked to images and senses recorded in our memories - not just imagery either.
I remember attending my Mothers Funeral on a pretty cold day, and in the adjacent field they were muck spreading pigs manure. That stayed with me for a long period of time, as every time I notice that smell, which is totally unmistakable, then instantly that time comes back into my mind ~ and that was a long time ago.
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I had read about the Pillsworth Stink a couple of times - here is one article among many!

I had not personally encountered it until Monday, when the car filled with a sulphuric aroma, as I drove out of Bury. It had dissipated, by the time I reached Heywood. I was fortunate to be able to drive out of it; pity the poor residents! "Eggy," is an insult to eggs, though totally bad ones are nauseating, come to think of it.

A poorly-managed tip is blamed, so it is not a mystery stench. What have they got in there? :rcard:
Years ago I had some less than pleasant dealings with a funeral home. Later, I noticed how some cleaning product or other used in a shoe shop I went to smelled like the embalming fluid. Felt an immediate wave of grief and anger. Very strange.
The only happy memory I've got of my Mum's cremation was before the curtain closed, some sharp suited Oriental looking man silently walked up and bowed as if to say good bye honourably. That meant a lot to me.
I had read about the Pillsworth Stink a couple of times - here is one article among many!

I had not personally encountered it until Monday, when the car filled with a sulphuric aroma, as I drove out of Bury. It had dissipated, by the time I reached Heywood. I was fortunate to be able to drive out of it; pity the poor residents! "Eggy," is an insult to eggs, though totally bad ones are nauseating, come to think of it.

A poorly-managed tip is blamed, so it is not a mystery stench. What have they got in there? :rcard:
Apparently, the smell of bad eggs is caused by the presence of hydrogen sulphide gas, which can be given off by decaying organic waste, or particular chemical reactions.
Used to travel the Pillsworth road a lot many years back, never smelt the stink
but one foggy evening just were the road bends right after what is now Asda
but then the Air Ministry site I came across a RAF Hillman Husky security car,
it was sitting door open engine ticking over across the road, got out looked
round shouted a few times nothing, checked the gates and gate house, nothing,
so drove the Husky to the gate house shut it off closed the door and carried
on, not a clue as to what was going on.

Back to the stink, the river Roch is not far away and that used to be filthy changing
color daily depending what was being dumped in it, and a paper mill but that was
a long time ago.

20 California students become sick after nearby jail's tear gas training, sheriff says

Twenty students at an elementary school in California became sick Tuesday after they were exposed to tear gas and pepper spray that drifted onto their campus.

The chemicals drifted to Portola Elementary School in San Bruno during a training exercise the San Francisco Sheriff's Office was doing at the nearby San Bruno Jail.

The sheriff's office said it was conducting an indoor training session with the chemical agents at the jail when tear gas from the training moved outside and over to the school, which is located a mile away.

Students and teachers felt the burning in their eyes, nose and throat.

The sheriff's office said this has never happened during 20 years of training at the jail.


Indoor training? A mile away? I smell something, and it isn’t CS or OC. I’d have a fiver on:

a) Mass hysteria, or;

b) “Duvet Day-itis.”

maximus otter
Apparently, the smell of bad eggs is caused by the presence of hydrogen sulphide gas, which can be given off by decaying organic waste, or particular chemical reactions.
Mmmm, hydrogen sulfide. Over 30 years ago I did my undergraduate 3rd year project on some cute little microbes that produced hydrogen sulfide - we were interested in their capacity to form biofilms on oil pipelines Towards the end of my 8 weeks' research or whatever it was, I was returning a culture bottle to the incubator (containing bacteria growing in 500ml of their preferred medium) when I knocked the bottle against the edge of the metal. It wasn't a hard knock, but maybe the bottle had a weakness, because it broke in two and my 500 stinky ml spread all over the floor of the lab. God, did I move fast to find the technician... Somehow she didn't kill me but packed me off out of the lab while she cleaned up. This occurred on the 6th floor of an eight storey building and I could smell the whiff of bad eggs all the way down to the ground floor. The following day when I passed the building there were people standing around after being evacuated; I heard somebody mention a possible gas leak, so I hastened past guiltily wondering if the lingering stench of my Desulfovibrio had triggered a panic. Oops.
Mmmm, hydrogen sulfide. Over 30 years ago I did my undergraduate 3rd year project on some cute little microbes that produced hydrogen sulfide - we were interested in their capacity to form biofilms on oil pipelines Towards the end of my 8 weeks' research or whatever it was, I was returning a culture bottle to the incubator (containing bacteria growing in 500ml of their preferred medium) when I knocked the bottle against the edge of the metal. It wasn't a hard knock, but maybe the bottle had a weakness, because it broke in two and my 500 stinky ml spread all over the floor of the lab. God, did I move fast to find the technician... Somehow she didn't kill me but packed me off out of the lab while she cleaned up. This occurred on the 6th floor of an eight storey building and I could smell the whiff of bad eggs all the way down to the ground floor. The following day when I passed the building there were people standing around after being evacuated; I heard somebody mention a possible gas leak, so I hastened past guiltily wondering if the lingering stench of my Desulfovibrio had triggered a panic. Oops.
Known as a Chemical Reaction. . .
We moved home the other week. The small chest freezer I bought for lockdown had some food in it, I decided to sling it
so that I could restock for Crimbo. One of the men offered to help and I thanked him and left him to it. The freezer was left,
unplugged in my new kitchen.

Fast forward to this weekend. I lift up the lid to look for the ice cube tray and ready for my festive shopping and some Brocolli
had been left behind. The stench was off the scale, Both of us wont vk3
We moved home the other week. The small chest freezer I bought for lockdown had some food in it, I decided to sling it
so that I could restock for Crimbo. One of the men offered to help and I thanked him and left him to it. The freezer was left,
unplugged in my new kitchen.

Fast forward to this weekend. I lift up the lid to look for the ice cube tray and ready for my festive shopping and some Brocolli
had been left behind. The stench was off the scale, Both of us wont vk3
I knew someone who was selling their house and didn't approve of the new owner. Wait a minute, that doesn't make sense, must have been rented. ANYWAY they didn't like the person moving in so before they departed they put a frozen beefburger down an apparent very small gap between a wall and work surface in the kitchen to rot away. Now THAT'S just evil....