I posted about a neolithic resin artefact in the Neolithic finds thread.
@Fabio Picasso has also posted - in more depth - on the Prehistoric human dispersal thread.
Two aspects of the same subject but maybe better combined under Human dispersal?
This is where we miss the ability to have See also references on a forum; says a pedantic old Librarian!
There's a developing thread of art and looking at it in the Stone Girl Thread. It's interesting and relevant - but not to the Stone Girl thread
Strictly speaking one is a general thread about coincidence and the other is specifically about coincidences that happened to the poster.Is it worth merging Coincidences and Strange Coincidences?
If there is any difference between the threads, it's a very subtle one.
There is, I think, just the one thread on Nikola Tesla, and it's called The Tesla Thread which made sense back in 2002, but in February this year it morphed into a Tesla the Car thread. Can the thread be renamed to something more helpful like "The Nikola Tesla Thread"? I think the Tesla car posts could be moved to 'Who Killed the Electric Car?"
A new thread has been started on Mince Pie Martians in Ufology - could it be merged with the pre-existing thread with the same title?
Mince Pie Martians (new thread)
Mince Pie Martians (older thread)