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The Beasts of Satan: Italian Satanic Sacrifices / Murders


Gone But Not Forgotten
Aug 18, 2002

(AGI) - Varese, Italy, June 5 - The Carabinieri police of the provincial Varese squadron, under the direction of the State public prosecutor's office of Busto Arsizio, have found the remains of the two missing teenagers in a wood at Somma Lombardo. They are 16-year-old Fabio Tollis from Cologno Monzese and 19-year-old Chiara Marino from Corsico. The finding is linked to enquiries into the murder of 27-year-old Mariangela Pezzotta, which occurred on January 24 this year. Police have arrested the four suspects of this double murder, two of whom were already in jail for the Mariangela Pezzotta homicide. All four belong to a satanic sect called "Satan's beasts". According to a theory by enquirers, they decided to 'sacrifice' the two young victims during the course of a satanic ritual.

(AGI) - 051351 GIU 04


Dopo il delitto di gennaio, la scoperta di sacrifici umani
avvenuti sei anni fa. Arrestati quattro membri della setta

Il massacro dei satanisti altri 2 giovani scomparsi

Varese, tra i delitti delle "Bestie di Satana" forse anche due istigazioni al suicidio. Alla fine sono rimasti i "cinque eletti"
dal nostro inviato FERRUCCIO SANSA

SOMMA LOMBARDO (VARESE) - Una fossa profonda due metri. Quando Fabio e Chiara se la sono trovata davanti hanno capito: stavano per morire. Per essere uccisi, massacrati, per un sacrificio umano. Ma ormai non c'era più niente da fare: intorno a loro c'era soltanto il Parco del Ticino, bosco, bosco e ancora bosco. Poi silenzio e un buio totale rotto dalle torce dei loro carnefici... che poi erano i loro amici. All'improvviso se li sono trovati davanti armati di coltelli e di una mazza ferrata: "Sono stati uccisi con decine di coltellate e di colpi di mazza. Erano venuti per partecipare a un rito satanico, ma non sapevano di essere le vittime predestinate", confessa uno dei satanisti.

Era la notte tra del 17 gennaio 1998, ma i corpi di Fabio Tollis, 16 anni, e della sua fidanzata Chiara Marino, 19, sono stati trovati solo adesso. Le forze dell'ordine hanno scavato per settimane. Decine di buchi nel bosco finché da sotto le foglie di castagno è emerso un piccone. Poi dei guanti, una vanga. Alla fine i due corpi, ormai ridotti a scheletri, ma con ancora indosso i documenti e i vestiti, quella dolcevita, quei pantaloni, quegli anfibi, tutti neri che Chiara indossava la sera in cui scomparve. Erano loro, non c'era dubbio.

E dopo poche ore sono scattati gli arresti per M. M. (minorenne all'epoca dei fatti), Pietro Guerrieri, 29 anni, Nicola Sapone, 26 anni, e Andrea Volpe, 27. Questi ultimi già detenuti. Altre tre persone Paolo Leoni, Marco Zampollo ed Eros Monterosso sono indagati a piede libero.

Ecco, sono loro, secondo i pm, le "Bestie di Satana". La setta più sanguinaria della storia recente italiana era composta da una decina di ragazzi che vivono a Milano e provincia. Tutti oggi hanno tra i 20 e i 30 anni, provengono da famiglie di estrazione sociale medio-bassa e condividono una passione: il satanismo, condito con molta cocaina e musica heavy-metal. Ma soprattutto sangue: perché le "Bestie di Satana", secondo la procura di Busto Arsizio, si sono lasciate alle loro spalle almeno tre omicidi.

Ma non basta: "È molto probabile che abbiano istigato e determinato altri due suicidi: un ragazzo che si è schiantato con l'auto nell'autunno 1998 (e che secondo gli investigatori avrebbe partecipato intensamente alle attività della setta) e un giovane che si è impiccato sei mesi fa proprio nel bosco dove sono stati trovati i cadaveri. Entrambi conoscevano i presunti assassini", dicono i pm.

Di più: il baratro della violenza in cui gli inquirenti stanno cercando potrebbe rivelare che altri due ragazzi spariti nella zona sono stati in realtà uccisi per sacrifici umani. In tutto le morti da attribuire alla banda potrebbero salire addirittura a sette.

Tutto comincia con la morte di Fabio e Chiara, ma i due fidanzati (anche loro membri della setta) vengono considerati "scomparsi". Indagano i carabinieri, ma soprattutto indaga Michele Tollis, il padre del ragazzo: "Sono andato in televisione a "Chi l'ha visto", ho vagato per l'Italia e per l'Europa cercando mio figlio. Correndo dietro a ogni segnalazione, a ogni speranza".

Fino al 24 gennaio di quest'anno quando una ragazza, Mariangela Pezzotta, 27 anni, viene ferita con un colpo di pistola in piena faccia, finita a badilate e sotterrata nel giardino di uno chalet a Golasecca, nel Varesotto.

Subito vengono accusati il suo fidanzato (proprio Andrea Volpe) e Nicola Sapone. Presto, però, si capisce che le indagini rischiano di portare lontano, forse proprio a quei due ragazzi scomparsi sei anni prima. Mariangela probabilmente aveva scoperto tutto e voleva denunciare le "Bestie di Satana". Scattano i primi tre arresti, gli interrogatori, finché Volpe confessa anche l'omicidio di Fabio e Chiara: "Sì, siamo stati noi. Tutto era stato pianificato da giorni nell'ambito di un rituale satanico". E pare che le "Bestie di Satana" volessero ancora uccidere per ridurre a cinque il numero degli adepti. Dovevano restare solo gli eletti.

Satanic Ritual Blamed for Death of Italian Teens

34 minutes ago
By Rachel Sanderson

ROME (Reuters) - An Italian magistrate warned against the growing lure of Antichrist cults in Catholic Italy Monday after the discovery of the bodies of two teenagers killed in a satanic sacrifice.

Police announced at the weekend they had uncovered the bodies of 19-year-old Chiara Marino and 16-year-old Fabio Tollis, last seen in January 1998 leaving a pizzeria with other members of their heavy metal rock band "Beasts of Satan."

As forensic experts searched the two meter (six foot six inches) deep grave in a wood in northern Italy, police said they had arrested four of the band members for murdering the pair for a human sacrifice.

"It is a crime with a level of cruelty and savagery, with an intent to cause extreme pain through ritual activity, that I have never seen before in my career," chief investigating magistrate Antonio Pizzi told Reuters.

"There was a very specific ritual with very specific rites and at the end of that Chiara and Fabio were killed."

Italian media said witness statements showed Marino and Tollis died during a cocaine-fueled ritual where Marino, a petite brunette, was killed under a full moon by knife plunged into her heart.

Tollis, the lead singer of the band, was killed with a hammer blow to the head when he realized the other band members were going ahead with Marino's murder and tried to stop it.


The deaths have horrified Catholic Italy, home of Vatican (news - web sites) City, with pages of newspapers given over to descriptions of the black candles and goats' skulls decorating Marino's bedroom and witness statements of sexual violence.

What has fueled the fear are suggestions the double sacrifice near the town of Busto Arsizio may not be isolated.

"Four people have been arrested for the murder of the two teenagers, but the investigations are ongoing. We are looking at other levels of involvement," Pizzi said.

One of those arrested in the double murder is already in prison for the murder of a former girlfriend.

As many as 5,000 people are thought to be members of satanic cults in Italy with 17- to 25-year-olds making up three quarters of them, officials say.

"The phenomenon always existed in Catholic countries where the figure of Satan is prominent in teachings as the alter-ego of Christ," La Sapienza University professor Maria Matioti said.

"What has changed is the age of those involved, who are younger," she said.

She said satanic cults tended to be found in northern Italy, where traditional family communities had been split up due to migration to find work, leaving some people demoralized and isolated. "In the south, people are more open," she said.

Pizzi said investigators were looking into the possibility the "Beasts of Satan" band members were instructed by Satanists in their late 20s or early 30s. He said police were also reviewing two suspicious suicides in the area.

"I am convinced there are others involved in this," Michele Tollis, father of Fabio told RAI state television.
Its interesting to see how one person's "satanic sect" is another's "heavy metal rock band" and lets be honest it wouldn't be the first time a member of a black/death metal band has killed each other ;)

Italians Investigate Occult Killings

Italians Investigate Occult Killings After Bodies Found in Woods Near Milan

The Associated Press

ROME June 9, 2004 — A 19-year-old girl is stabbed to death allegedly by a group of young Satanists who thought she personified the Virgin Mary. Her 16-year-old companion, no longer considered a reliable sect member, is killed and buried alongside her.

The discovery last week of the two victims' burial place has sparked an investigation into a metal band scene in Milan and its possible links to Satan worshippers, according to details that emerged Tuesday.

The disappearance of Chiara Marino and Fabio Tollis in 1998 had remained a mystery until earlier this year, when one of the people later accused of the murders began to cooperate with authorities.

Prosecutors now suspect an occult sect carried out the killings in a drug-fueled ritual, said Francesca Cramis, lawyer for one of the four people arrested in the case.

Its members belonged to a heavy metal band, "Beasts of Satan," and frequented a heavy metal bar in Milan called "Midnight," said Cramis, speaking by telephone with The Associated Press.

Marino was close to the group, and investigators found her room decorated with black drapes, candles and a fake skull.

In January 1998, members of the sect took Marino and Tollis to woods near Somma Lombardo, northwest of Milan and killed them in an apparent Satanic ritual, investigators say.

According to police, they had already tried and failed to kill the two by burning them alive in a car on New Year's Eve, said Cramis.

One of those arrested was Andrea Volpe, the former boyfriend of a third victim, Mariangela Pezzotta, buried alive after being shot in January.

It was the probe of her murder that led authorities to the buried remains of Tollis and Marino.

Prosecutors declined to talk with reporters Tuesday.

"Leave us to work this probe is delicate and we need to proceed with a lot of caution," Prosecutor Antonio Pizzi said.

Authorities are investigating whether the killers are part of a wider network of Satanists and were taking orders when they killed and offered up their victims.

Oreste Benzi, a priest who works to rehabilitate Satanists, estimates that these worshippers of the occult number around 600,000 in Italy.

"Satanists and those belonging to the occult are often unsuspected people and their goal is morally and psychologically destroy whoever works against them," Benzi told the Vatican's missionary news service Fides. "Often it is the most defenseless people who fall into the net of the sect," he said.

"satanic sacrifice" would indicate "Beasts of Satan" would get something in return.

Are they a stadium filling act in Italy?
And I find it interesting they're a heavy metal band rather than a Goth band. That's very 80's.

mooks out
Italian Police Look to a Cult in '98 Killings of Teenagers


Published: June 20, 2004

BUSTO ARSIZIO, Italy — The six-year search for Chiara Marino and Fabio Tollis, two missing teenagers who were members of a heavy metal band called the Beasts of Satan, ended in a pit in the woods northwest of Milan. The authorities say other members of the loose-knit band buried the bodies after killing the teenagers in a drug-fueled Satanic sacrifice.

The clothing-draped skeletal remains were uncovered by the police on May 28 after a former band member, Andrea Volpe, 27, was arrested and charged with shooting his girlfriend and burying her alive in January. Seeking leniency in that case, Mr. Volpe led the authorities to the five-foot-deep grave in the woods of Somma Lombardo near here, one official said. Ms. Marino, who was 19, had been stabbed in the heart, and Mr. Tollis, who was 16, had been struck in the head with a hammer. The bodies had been tossed into the grave together.

Four band members, including Mr. Volpe, have been charged with murder in the case of the two friends, who shared a rocky journey through adolescence in a drab, working-class stretch of northern Italy. But the demonic tinge of the killings has caused recurring tremors as the names and photographs of the youthful faces of the dead teenagers have reappeared in newspapers, on television and in the public consciousness.

The police and prosecutors have widened their investigation to a number of unsolved killings and suicides, and are focusing on 20 square miles in Lombardy to determine whether any of the deaths can be connected. The authorities are trying to learn whether the suspects, and any others who may have been involved, took orders from a larger network of Satan worshipers, possibly in Turin.

The discovery of the bodies has captured the Italian imagination, especially in the north, not so far away from where a series of crimes that came to be known as the Monster of Florence killings haunted people in the Tuscan woods for two decades, beginning in 1968.

This is a country in which Roman Catholic priests are still asked to carry out exorcisms.

A sociologist, Maria Macioti, a professor at La Sapienza University in Rome, has said increasing numbers of young people seem drawn to devil worship. A magistrate has warned of the lure of antichrist cults.

In the Somma Lombardo case, grizzled police detectives shuddered at the cold-blooded violence. "I've done investigations for 35 years," Antonio Pizzi, the chief investigating magistrate, said recently. "I've never seen, in my career, such brutal and ferocious assassins as these."

To get to the grave, one must travel the congested highway out of Milan and turn off into Busto Arsizio, a town marked by a gurgling fountain in a pebbled park. Pass a nursery school and a soccer field decorated with a shrine to the Madonna, then take Via Madonna d. Ghianda to the church of the same name, turn left and follow a low rock wall to an opening in the woods. A gravelly path leads under a canopy of chestnut trees so thick only thin shafts of sunlight can pierce it. The grave, between a stump and a tree, is cordoned off by red-and-white crime scene tape and covered with wooden planks.

Standing by three azalea plants left by relatives of the two teenagers, two uniformed police officers removed their hats and pointed at the grave. "They were both in here," one of the officers said.

A law enforcement official said the teenagers were lured to the site after spending Jan. 17, 1998, partying with other members of the band at Midnight, a heavy metal rock club on the outskirts of Milan. The police believe that the four band members who have been arrested — Mr. Volpe, Nicola Sapone, 27; Mario Maccione, 23, and Pietro Guerrieri, 29 — took part in the killing. More arrests may follow.

Mr. Pizzi confirmed local reports that investigators who searched Ms. Marino's room after she disappeared found it decorated with black candles and skulls. By some accounts, she was killed because she was thought by cult members to personify the Virgin Mary, and Mr. Tollis because he tried to protect her.


Officials say the two may have been killed because they were considered not to be strongly enough committed to the cult and therefore posed a threat to it. Mr. Volpe's girlfriend may have been killed in January because she knew of the earlier killings and planned to go to the police.

The local police chief, Lt. Col. Eduardo Russo, said about a dozen officers were combing through evidence, doing forensic examinations and following up on leads to see if there was a pattern to local killings. "I've worked in Palermo, Naples, I've seen dozens of deaths, but never so much attention on one case," he said. "It's surely the Satanic ritual element, this primitive element, that caught people's attention."

In the precinct where the killings occurred, the police are fielding calls. Some callers report that they have seen the personification of evil. One man said he saw candles burning in the woods — six years ago.

In Italy, Ms. Macioti said, the devil is deeply ingrained in popular faith. She said that Satanic sects had always existed but that more and more young people now seemed to be experimenting with elements of Satanism through drugs and music. But they are mostly unsophisticated, uneducated and misguided, she said.

"In the past, there were intellectual Satanists," Ms. Macioti said. "Today, you'd have difficulty finding people who can write two sentences."

Crude graffiti scrawled on the walls outside Midnight, the nightclub, suggest that she may be right.

Francesca Cramis, who is Mr. Sapone's lawyer, said the band members could barely play musical instruments and were more involved with drugs and with listening to music than in practicing Satanism. "They listened to death metal and Satanic music that pushes people toward Satan, toward killing people," she said. "These are guys that have severe problems and they convinced themselves that they were in contact with Satan and they had the power to kill others. It was born as a game, but it ended in a tragedy."

Ms. Cramis is using an insanity defense for Mr. Sapone, who she said was too high on LSD to remember the January night in question. She said any assertion that an outside circle of Satanists gave orders to kill the two teenagers was a "pathetic defense," probably created by Mr. Volpe.

"There's no leads to connect any of these events to a higher Satanic sect," she added.

People in this quiet hamlet have taken to denouncing evil. A man who waited on a pink and white bicycle for his 5-year-old daughter to emerge from the town's nursery school — a plumber who would give his name only as Silvio — said those who killed the teenagers in the woods should never leave jail. "They were like beasts," he said. "But we're moving on here, tranquilly."

His daughter came bounding out of the school's front doors, smiling, her blond curls bouncing in the sunlight. Silvio scooped her up, placed her in a small seat by his bicycle's handlebars, turned, waved and pedaled off.

In the distance some church bells rang.

Satanist probe widens after two more deaths


ROME - Italian authorities plan to exhume at least two more bodies in the investigation into Satanic rites, heavy metal and human sacrifice that has kept the nation agog for three weeks.

At least three murders are already pinned on the heavy metal musicians from the Beasts of Satan band and their plumber friend, all now in custody, whom police believe to be leaders of a Satanic sect known by the same name.

The young men, all in their 20s, are accused of stabbing and shooting their victims, then burying them still alive in a lonely wood.

But combing through records of other recent deaths in the district of Legnano, on the outskirts of Milan, particularly those that happened when the moon was full or new, police have alighted on two baffling suicides: two young men, at least one of them close to the alleged Satanists, both of whom worked at the Legnano cemetery and both of whom killed themselves in the past six months.

Angelo Lombardo, 28, a guard at the cemetery, was the first to die. On a Sunday afternoon last December he went to the porter's lodge at the cemetery, doused himself in petrol and set himself on fire.

He was taken to hospital with 80 per cent burns but later died. Then in May this year his friend Luca Colombo, 21, a florist at the cemetery, hanged himself from a tree in his parent's garden. He is known to have been friendly with some of the sect, and close to Nicola Sapone, the plumber who is thought to be its leader.

Before his death Luca confided in friends and relatives that he was frightened.

A local woman who claims to have been his girlfriend for five months told the Corriere della Sera newspaper: "For the first three months he was happy, funny and very sweet. Then suddenly he changed. He wasn't himself any more: nervous, bad-tempered, always scowling ... he said one day he would explain [the problem], but that moment never arrived."

And while more evidence, if so far only circumstantial, of the sect's crimes emerges from the ground, voices are heard denouncing the police for failing to follow up Satanic leads.

The mother of Chiara Marino, the young woman whose decomposed remains were discovered earlier this month, said she gave police a full account of the Satanists she held responsible soon after her daughter's disappearance more than six years ago.

Pasqualina Antonini's statement to the police, which was broadcast on local radio this week, names all three of the principal accused: Mario Maccione (whose confession sparked the investigation), fellow band member Andrea Volpe and the plumber Sapone.

But Antonini said police ignored what she told them. "Look," she quoted an officer saying, "people are free to be Catholic, Buddhist, whatever they want. If you want to get into trouble, go ahead and accuse them ... "

That was on January 26, 1998 - a bare nine days after her daughter, Chiara, who had dabbled in the occult, was stabbed and dumped in a pit in lonely woodland. It would be another six years before they took her seriously.

Satanic cult link to cemetery staff 'suicides'

By Peter Popham in Rome

23 June 2004

Italian authorities plan to exhume at least two more corpses as part of a widening investigation into satanic rites, heavy metal music and human sacrifice that has kept the nation agog for the past three weeks.

At least three murders of a ritual type are already pinned on the semi-professional heavy metal musicians from the Beasts of Satan band and their plumber friend, all now in custody, who police believe to be the leaders of a satanic sect known by the same name. The men, all in their 20s, are accused of stabbing and shooting their victims, then burying them still alive in a lonely wood.

But after checking records of other deaths in recent months in the district of Legnano, on the outskirts of Milan, particularly those that occurred when the moon was full or new, police have alighted on two suicide cases that were particularly baffling: two young men, at least one of them close to the alleged Satanists, both of whom worked in the Legnano cemetery and both of whom killed themselves in the past six months.

Angelo Lombardo, 28, a guard at the cemetery, was the first to die. On a Sunday afternoon last December he went into the porter's lodge at the cemetery, doused himself in petrol and set himself on fire. Visitors to the cemetery found him still in flames and writhing in agony. He was taken to hospital with 80 per cent burns but died four days later. Then, in May this year, his friend Luca Colombo, 21, a florist at the same cemetery, hanged himself from a tree in his parent's garden. He is known to have been friendly with some members of the sect, and particularly close to Nicola Sapone, the plumber who is thought to be its leader.

Before his death, Luca confided in friends and relatives that he was frightened. A local woman who claims to have been his girlfriend for five months told Corriere della Sera newspaper, "For the first three months he was happy, funny and very sweet. Then suddenly he changed. He wasn't himself any more: nervous, bad tempered, always scowling ... Just once he said that one day he would explain [the problem], but that moment never arrived." As more evidence, if so far only circumstantial, of the sect's crimes emerges from the ground, people have begun coming forward to denounce the police for failing to follow up satanic leads from years ago. Pasqualina Antonini, the mother of Chiara Marino, who died from stab wounds and whose remains were discovered earlier this month, has told reporters she gave police a full account of the Satanists she held responsible soon after her daughter's disappearance more than six years ago. Her statement, which was broadcast on local radio this week, named all three of the principal accused: Mario Maccione, fellow band member Andrea Volpe and the plumber Nicola Sapone.

Satanists accused of ordering serial killings

By John Phillips in Rome

30 July 2004

Police in northern Italy say they have smashed a vicious gang of satanists, following the arrest this week of three men accused of ordering the murder of at least five young people in the Milan area since 1998.

Officers identified the trio as Paolo "Ozzy" Leoni, 27, the alleged charismatic leader of the group, Eros Monterosso, 27, and Marco Zampollo, 26, taking to eight the total number of alleged sect members arrested in the case that has shocked the Roman Catholic region of Lombardy.

A turning point in the investigation came when two other alleged members of the group, Andrea Volpe and a minor named only as Massimino M, turned state's evidence, judicial sources said.

The three were arrested on Tuesday night for allegedly ordering the ritual murders of Chiara Marino, 19, and Fabio Tollis, 18, in January 1998.

Marino was stabbed to death in woodland at Somma Lombardo, northwest of Milan, while Tollis, a guitarist in Milan's heavy metal scene, was killed because he had
last-minute doubts about the "sacrifice" of Marino.

After Marino and Tollis were murdered, another sect member, Nicola Sapone, 26, supervised their burial, then danced on their graves shouting "zombies, now you are only zombies", according to Volpe.

Mr Volpe has also given evidence about three other murders. Mariangela Pezzota, Volpe's girlfriend, was allegedly killed by the sect on 26 January this year, while Andrea Bontade was drugged and forced to drive his car into a wall at high speed in September 1998. Andrea Ballarin was found hanged at a school in Somma Lombardo on 7 May, 2000, according to evidence from Volpe.

"She wasn't in the sect, but we killed her because she knew everything," La Repubblica newspaper quoted Volpe as saying.

Police believe the satanists also may have killed three friends of Sapone who died mysteriously: Antonio Lombardo, 26, who worked at a cemetery in the town of Legnano, and who set himself on fire on 14 December, 2003; Stefano Longone, who was run over by a lorry in May 1998; and Luca Colombo, the son of a cemetery florist, who was found hanged 5 May 2004.

Judge Toni Novik, the magistrate who ordered
the latest arrests at the request of investigators, said it was the first instance of serial killings by satanists in Italy.

"There have never been multiple murders committed by satanic sects before ... These facts are difficult to recount."

Some old news:

Three More Arrests Made in Connection with Italian Heavy Metal Murders - July 29, 2004

Italian police have arrested three more members of a Satanic black metal sect, "Beasts of Satan", after accusing them of ordering the murder of at least five young people in the Milan area since 1998.

Paolo "Ozzy" Leoni (photo#1, photo#2), 27, Eros Monterosso (photo), 27, and Marco Zampollo (photo), 28, were charged with ordering the ritual murders of Chiara Marino and Fabio Tollis, whose bodies were found in shallow graves in Northern Italy last month.

The revelations began in early June when two shallow graves were uncovered in woods near Somma Lombardo, north-west of Milan. One contained the remains of 19-year-old Chiara Marino (photo), who according to the confession of one of the group was stabbed to death because they thought she was the personification of the Virgin Mary.

The other victim, Fabio Tollis (photo#1, photo#2), 18, was a guitarist in the same group as three of the young men arrested in connection with the murders.

Marino and Tollis were last heard of in January 1998, and their disappearance remained a mystery until one of the boys' friends confessed the teens were part of a cocaine-fuelled dark satanic sacrifice.

According to the U.K.'s The Independent, another alleged member of the group, Andrea Volpe (photo), has given evidence about three other murders. Mariangela Pezzota, Volpe's girlfriend, was allegedly killed by the sect on January 26, 2004, while Andrea Bontade was drugged and forced to drive his car into a wall at high speed in September 1998. Andrea Ballarin was found hanged at a school in Somma Lombardo on 7 May, 2000, according to evidence from Volpe.

"She wasn't in the sect, but we killed her because she knew everything," La Repubblica newspaper quoted Volpe as saying.

Police believe the Satanists also may have killed three friends of Sapone who died mysteriously: Antonio Lombardo, 26, who worked at a cemetery in the town of Legnano, and who set himself on fire on December 14, 2003; Stefano Longone, who was run over by a lorry in May 1998; and Luca Colombo, the son of a cemetery florist, who was found hanged May 5, 2004.
Beasts of Satan's killing spree has Italy transfixed

By Danielle Demetriou

14 January 2005

Eight members of an alleged Satanic cult were ordered to stand trial in an Italian court yesterday in relation to three supposedritual killings.

The eight suspects, four of whom are members of the Beast of Satan band from Busto Arsizio near Milan, are facing charges in relation to the murder of three companions.

The discovery of the body of Mariangela Pezzotta, who was buried in a shallow grave after being shot, in January last year led police to the gang, and to the discovery that two other members, Fabio Tollis and Chiara Marino, had been killed in 1998.

Chiara Marino, a 19-year-old girl, was reportedly killed under a full moon by a knife plunged into her heart in 1998.

Her companion, Fabio Tollis, the Beasts' 16-year-old lead singer, was allegedly killed at the same time by a hammer blow to the head and buried alongside her in woods near Milan after he tried to stop the other band members carrying out the murder.

Yesterday, a judge in Busto Arsizio ordered three of the suspects to face charges in a fast-track trial starting on 21 February. The fast-track system will allow only a limited amount of evidence to be introduced in a closed-door hearing and will result in a reduced sentence if a defendant is convicted. The remaining suspects will stand trial in June.

Italian authorities have been investigating whether the alleged killers were part of a wider network of Satanists, according to Antonio Pizzi, who is appearing for the prosecution.

Among those standing trial in the fast-track system will be Andrea Volpe, one of the alleged leaders of the group and the former boyfriend of Pezzotta.

After turning state's evidence, Volpe revealed the grisly details surrounding the alleged murders. He claimed that, after the first two victims were murdered, another sect member, a 26-year-old woman, danced on their graves shouting: "Zombies, now you are only zombies."

Describing Pezzotta's death, Volpe detailed a bizarre meeting at a chalet. Pezzotta, who was thought to have threatened to make public the previous alleged murders, met with her former boyfriend and his current girlfriend.

After toasting one another with champagne, Ms Pezzotta was reportedly shot in the face by Volpe, who then contacted another alleged group leader to help bury her.

Last October, a leaked notebook appeared to link the young suspects to devil worship.It contained grisly entries such as "blood and death, blood raining down, blood bathing all my body, blood thirsty for blood" and "crush those who are our friends, or who would like to be but aren't up to it, crush them then laugh".

There were also pages of instructions on conducting Satanic rites and the dangers involved. "Madness is always one of the risks," the notes warn. "It's necessary to maintain concentration on hatred."

Italy satanic murder trial opens

The trial of eight young members of a group calling itself the "Beasts of Satan" has opened in Italy.

The group - seven men and one woman - face charges of involvement in the murder of three friends and the death by suicide of a fourth.

Claims by members of the group that they were acting in the name of Satan have shocked the Catholic country.

The murders appeared to have been part of a drug-fuelled Satanic ritual involving sex and heavy metal music.

The affair was exposed last year when the body of the most recent victim - 27-year-old Mariangela Pezzotta, killed in January 2004 - was discovered in a forest outside the sleepy commuter village of Busto Arsizio in northern Italy.

'Seeking truth'

She had been engaged to the leader of the group, Andrea Volpe, who attended court with his head hooded.

The discovery of her body led investigators to those of two young people who had disappeared in 1998 - a 19-year-old girl and 16-year-old boy.

They had been last seen in June of that year coming out of a Milan bar frequented by heavy metal fans.

The father of the murdered boy, Michele Tollis, said outside the court that he wanted to know the truth about what had happened to his son.

"I want the court to remember what our family has gone through. I am seeking absolute justice: that's what I'm asking for," he told Italy's Corriere della Sera newspaper.

The eight will also be questioned about the suicide of another young woman, who died whilst drunk and drugged at the wheel of her car as it reached speeds if 110mph (180k/ph).

Story from BBC NEWS:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/e ... 172057.stm

Published: 2005/01/13 17:43:42 GMT

Sunday, January 30, 2005

From the Los Angeles Times

Italy's 'Beasts of Satan' Face Murder Trial

Eight members of a group allegedly involved in devil worship and drugs are charged in three killings. The Vatican takes notice.

By Tracy Wilkinson
Times Staff Writer

January 30, 2005

MILAN, Italy — The remains were unearthed northwest of here, from a 6-foot pit of dirt and bones. The accused killers called themselves the Beasts of Satan.

A 27-year-old named Andrea Volpe led investigators to the wooded site where police say he and his accomplices beat and stabbed two teenagers, then buried their bodies in what officials describe as a ritualistic human sacrifice.

The deeds attributed to Volpe and those accused with him have shocked and riveted Italians, increasingly terrified about the purported growth of satanic cults in this Roman Catholic country.

The Beasts of Satan case, whose first defendants go on trial Feb. 21, represents one of a few gruesome crimes that priests and worried parents cite as proof of a troubled, amoral young generation turning away from God and toward the occult and, in the extreme, devil worship.

Experts warn against exaggerating the phenomenon. Drugs, for example, appear to have played at least as much of a role in the killings as the devil.

Still, the Vatican is sufficiently concerned to offer special training for priests and novices this spring. A two-month course at Rome's Regina Apostolorum, a prestigious pontifical university, will focus on the history, theology and sociology of Satanism and black magic, and the healing power of exorcism.

"There is a growing interest in satanic cults among youth today," said Carlo Climati, who will teach the course. "They hear it in music, they find it on the Internet. Ten years ago when young people wanted to find out about Satanism, it was difficult. Now it's very easy."

Climati said priests were asking for help in understanding and detecting the malady and combating it, after being flooded with entreaties from suspicious parents.

"It would be a big mistake to see the devil everywhere. There is no reason to panic," said Climati, who has written extensively on the alienation of youth. "What we are teaching is how to know the language of Satanism, how to identify where [the phenomenon] is, and where it is not."

Under Pope John Paul II, the church teaches that the devil is a real and dangerous presence in society. Furthermore, the Prince of Darkness is very much enshrined in popular Italian culture. Exorcisms are performed routinely in Italy, by priests and with the Vatican's blessing.

The Italian research institute Eurispes has identified 650 "satanic organizations" in Italy, most of them in the northern Lombardy region that includes Milan.

Sociologists say northern Italy is probably home to more disaffected youth than southern Italy because the family structure is weaker, eroded by migration and other factors. For good or bad, Milan more closely resembles other European cities, with its urban core, housing projects, intense work pressures and, presumably, more fertile ground for alienation and loneliness.

Milan also has a raucous underground heavy metal scene. It is in that milieu, at a club called Midnight, that the Beasts of Satan rock band flourished — or festered — and allegedly descended into a hellish crime binge dating back seven years.

Volpe, in a bid for leniency, will testify for the prosecution. He and seven others, all younger than 30, will be tried on murder charges in the killings of three of their friends and in the allegedly forced suicide of a fourth.

By his own testimony and a chilling diary he kept, portions of which were leaked to the Italian media, Volpe and his girlfriend, Elisabetta Ballarin, lured his former girlfriend Mariangela Pezzotta, 27, to a remote chalet last January. High on drugs and alcohol, the pair reportedly shot Pezzotta in the face, then buried her, still alive, in a shallow grave. (Another accomplice allegedly arrived later and killed her with a shovel.)

Police eventually arrested Volpe in Pezzotta's death. That's when he agreed to take investigators to the woods near the town of Busto Arsizio, about 25 miles northwest of Milan, where two other victims were buried.

Last summer, forensic archeologists and police, guided by Volpe, found the bodies of Fabio Tollis, 16, and Chiara Marino, 19. Onetime members of the Beasts of Satan, the two had been missing since 1998, when they were last seen leaving a bar in Milan.

Tollis was a singer in the band, but his loyalties to the group apparently came into question, investigators say. One report said the group killed Marino because she had come to personify the Virgin Mary.

Lurid details of the case filled newspapers and TV reports: Volpe's penchant for snakes and the number 666, and Marino's use of black candles and goat skulls to decorate her bedroom.

Investigators believe that Volpe and his accomplices used a knife and spade to repeatedly beat and stab the two until they died, then buried them in the 6-foot hole.

"It was extremely cold-blooded," said one investigator, who asked not to be identified because the trial is pending. "It was overkill."

Even though the remains were 6 years old, the forensic archeologists were able to find the knife, bits of a broken spade and cloth and leather. Examining the skeletons and tattered clothing, they were able to pinpoint the many wounds in the bones.

The physical evidence in the case may be strong, but figuring out what was in the minds of the accused killers, be it a pact with the devil or something more mundane, may take a lot more doing.

The attorney for at least one of the defendants plans to plead insanity, saying her client was too high on LSD to have known what he was doing.

As Volpe put it in the diary, amid references to ritualistic bathing in blood: "We are wicked individuals. We plague the people and we play with their lives.

"We know no pity.

"Pitiless, we will eliminate and cleanse, donating the ash of our enemies to he who sits on the throne."


news update:

Beasts of Satan band members jailed for killings

John Hooper in Rome
Wednesday February 23, 2005
The Guardian

Two members of a heavy metal band called the Beasts of Satan were yesterday given hefty prison sentences for killings that shocked Italy and raised questions about the spread of devil-worship among young people.

A judge in the northern town of Busto Arzisio gave one of the killers a longer sentence than had been sought by the prosecution. Andrea Volpe, who was convicted of fatally wounding his former girlfriend, was given 30 years in jail - 10 more than requested.

Mariangela Pezzotta was shot in January 2004, apparently because she knew too many of the group's secrets. Prosecutors believed she may have been alive when she was buried.

A second man, Pietro Guerrieri, was sentenced to 16 years in jail after confessing, along with Volpe, to a role in an earlier double murder.

In 1998, Chiara Marino, 19, was stabbed to death under a full moon in a wood outside Milan. Investigators believed Marino may have been killed by other members of the circle because she reminded them of depictions of the Virgin Mary. Her boyfriend, Fabio Tollis, 16, was thought to have been bludgeoned with a hammer after trying to save her.

A third defendant in the trial, which ended yesterday, was acquitted of the charge of criminal conspiracy. However, he faces a further trial for aiding and abetting the double murder of Marino and Tollis. Five other members of the group are due to go into the dock when separate proceedings begin in June.

The Beasts of Satan and their friends are also suspected of encouraging the suicide of a former associate. Drugs are known to have figured prominently in their activities and it is not clear whether they did more than flirt with black magic.

Marino was found to have adorned her bedroom with black candles and goats' skulls. She and other members of the group were all fans of so-called Black Metal music.

Last week, a university in Rome linked to the Vatican began a two-month course for Roman Catholic priests, instructing them on such matters as diabolical possession and exorcism. There are estimated to be up to 5,000 Italians involved with satanic cults.

All three defendants had opted for a fast-track judicial procedure designed to help unblock Italy's congested legal system. Under the new system, defendants who co-operate with investigators and express remorse can normally expect more lenient sentences. But the terms sought for Volpe, Guerrieri and their co-defendant Mario Maccione appalled the victims' relatives and prompted objections from politicians. Roberto Calderoli, a minister in Silvio Berlusconi's conservative coalition cabinet who had criticised the prosecution's modest demands, said after hearing the sentences that the judge had "restored some value to the life of a human being".

Marino's parents said in a statement: "Those who killed our daughter must remain in prison to the end - from the first to the last days of their sentences."


Two Members Of Italy’s BEASTS OF SATAN Jailed For Satanic Murders [Life in Black - 05.02.22 11:14:05]

IrelandOn-Line has issued the following report:

Two members of the Italian heavy metal band BEASTS OF SATAN, who confessed to taking part in three ritual murders, were jailed today.

Andrea Volpe, Pietro Guerrieri had confessed to roles in the grisly killings of Chiara Marino, 19, and Fabio Tollis, 16, in woods outside Milan.

Five other members of their suspected Satanic cult have been ordered to stand trial in June.

Volpe, considered the mastermind of the ritual killings, was jailed for 30 years – 10 more than prosecutors had asked for.

Guerrieri was given 16 years and Mario Maccione – who authorities said played secondary role in the murders – was cleared.

Prosecutors said the suspects belonged to an occult sect that carried out the January 1998 killings in a drug-fuelled Satanic ritual. Marino was stabbed to death and Tollis, her boyfriend, was killed and buried next to each other.

Authorities say they had tried once before to kill the two by burning them alive in a car on New Year’s Eve.

In the third murder, in January 2004, Mariangela Pezzotta – Volpe’s girlfriend - was shot and then buried alive. The Pezzotta case led authorities to the buried remains of Tollis and Marino.

The cult members also stand accused of pushing a boy to commit suicide.

Prosecutors asked for relatively light prison terms because the suspects co-operated with the investigation and expressed remorse.

Relatives of the victims expressed outrage that prosecutors did not seek life terms.

“They are murderers,” said Lina Marino, mother of Chiara Marino. “It’s not fair.”

The verdict comes amid growing concern in Italy that young people are turning to Satanism and the occult. A Vatican-linked university has started a course on diabolical possession and exorcism.

IrelandOn-Line has issued the following report:

Two members of the Italian heavy metal band BEASTS OF SATAN, who confessed to taking part in three ritual murders, were jailed today.

Andrea Volpe, Pietro Guerrieri had confessed to roles in the grisly killings of Chiara Marino, 19, and Fabio Tollis, 16, in woods outside Milan.

Five other members of their suspected Satanic cult have been ordered to stand trial in June.

Volpe, considered the mastermind of the ritual killings, was jailed for 30 years – 10 more than prosecutors had asked for.

Guerrieri was given 16 years and Mario Maccione – who authorities said played secondary role in the murders – was cleared.

Prosecutors said the suspects belonged to an occult sect that carried out the January 1998 killings in a drug-fuelled Satanic ritual. Marino was stabbed to death and Tollis, her boyfriend, was killed and buried next to each other.

Authorities say they had tried once before to kill the two by burning them alive in a car on New Year’s Eve.

In the third murder, in January 2004, Mariangela Pezzotta – Volpe’s girlfriend - was shot and then buried alive. The Pezzotta case led authorities to the buried remains of Tollis and Marino.

The cult members also stand accused of pushing a boy to commit suicide.

Prosecutors asked for relatively light prison terms because the suspects co-operated with the investigation and expressed remorse.

Relatives of the victims expressed outrage that prosecutors did not seek life terms.

“They are murderers,” said Lina Marino, mother of Chiara Marino. “It’s not fair.”

The verdict comes amid growing concern in Italy that young people are turning to Satanism and the occult. A Vatican-linked university has started a course on diabolical possession and exorcism.
Band member jailed for part in satanic murders



Band member jailed for part in satanic murders

Barbara McMahon
Tuesday April 12, 2005
The Guardian

A court in Italy jailed a man for 19 years yesterday for his part in two satanic ritual killings which were committed when he was a minor.

Mario Maccione, a member of the Beasts of Satan heavy metal group, was 17 when he helped murder a young couple whose bodies were found in woods outside Milan in January 1998.

"This isn't justice," said Lina Marino, the mother of one of the victims, sobbing after Maccione was convicted. She demanded a tougher sentence.

Another suspect, Massimiliano Magni, was acquitted yesterday for lack of evidence.

The case has gripped Italy ever since prosecutors claimed the suspects belonged to an occult sect which carried out the killings in a drug-fuelled satanic ritual.

Chiaro Marino, 19, and Fabio Tollis, 16, her boyfriend, were found last year buried next to each other. They had been strangled, tied up and buried in woods.

The killings came to light last year when the body of 27-year-old Mariangela Pezzotta was found in a chalet near the small town of Mezzana, Lombardy. She had been shot in the face.

Her ex-boyfriend, Andrea Volpe, confessed to her murder and then, after police found his diaries, began telling them about the activities of his friends. Volpe said he had been ordered to kill.

Shortly afterwards, police recovered the bodies of the young couple, who had mysteriously disappeared during a night out.

Volpe, considered the mastermind, was jailed for 30 years in February while another suspect, Pietro Guerrieri, received a 16-year sentence. Five other members of the circolo maladetti (circle of evil) will be tried in June.

Police have since identified other deaths which may be connected to the Beasts of Satan. Within a few years 11 unexplained deaths have occurred, all within a few miles of each other, which may turn out to be murder or suicide.

Detectives believe some of the young people could have been encouraged to kill themselves as part of the satanic rite.

Among the deaths being investigated, and which are the subject of a book that has just been published in Italy, are a young man who drove his car the wrong way round a roundabout at speed and ended up under the wheels of a truck, another youth found hanged from a light fitting, another whose throat was cut, one who received fatal injuries after being beaten with an iron bar and another who set himself on fire.

A 20-year-old named as Gianni C was found dead in 1989 tied to a tree as if he had been part of a ritual sacrifice.

Police say their inquiries into the deaths are continuing, and while not all of them may end up being linked to the Beasts of Satan, they believe there are more gruesome stories to uncover.

Yesterday's verdict came amid growing concern in Italy that young people are turning to satanism and the occult. In February, a Vatican-recognised university opened a two-month course on diabolical possession and exorcism.


Did anybody else see the programme tonight?
BBC2, This World: Death Metal Murders

Murder, rape, satanism and necrophilia is the staple diet of millions of teenagers who listen to the lyrics of extreme heavy metal music.

This World investigates the potential links between "death metal" and a series of gruesome crimes around the world.

In Italy a group of young death metal fans formed a satanic cult called the Beasts of Satan.

At least four gruesome killings resulted.

Michele Tollis, whose son Fabio was one of the those killed, is convinced of the link between the music and Fabio's death.

"No one can contradict me when I say that heavy metal and satanism are closely linked. They're inseparable," he says.

But death metal musicians deny that they have any responsibility for the actions of people who profess to be their fans.

"I say don't blame people like me and (Marilyn) Manson, because we never said: 'Hey, we're going to be role models for all your kids.' That ain't what this is about. It's about entertainment," says Glen Benton of US metal band Deicide.

With exclusive access to the families, one of the killers and graphic police footage, the film tells the inside story for the first time.

We hear from the musicians, the children and the parents from Oslo to California and ask just how far can music go in its ability to shock, and just how damaging might it be?
I heard more crap heavy metal tonight, than I have for years. :cross eye
Pietro_Mercurios said:
Did anybody else see the programme tonight?

Yep it was moderately interesting - it was more the odd peripheral bits that caught my eye:

  • The awfully nice Norweggian couple with their 13year old son in a black metal band and they were mildly concerned about the lyrics (which one must assume inclde church burning and/or corpse defiling)

    The metal loving monk - turning up looking like Santa and then belting out a few songs for the mosh pit.
I remember about ten years ago I saw a show on the same topic, they interviewed an American who'd killed someone in a ritual while listening to Deicide (or something similar), he said something along the lines of 'it wasn't the music that made me do it, but it's good music to listen to while you kill someone" :shock:
I really hope these pricks are beaten and raped in prison for every day of their sentence.
Similarites of "Black" Metal deaths.

The synchronicity between what is happening in Italy with the Norwegian experience is uncanny.....
The Black Metal bands must be using very similar advertising techniques when attracting the "type" of "Fan" they are looking for.
Disaffected , alienated, rebellious,angry,destructive.....

But the big question is where is the actual Satanism?
And is it trendy to like Satanism when their role model is .......
George W Bush?.....................