Some cases of supposed inter-dimensional travel are almost surreal and dreamlike in their sheer bizarreness. One man known only as Michael had just such an experience while driving from the Australian Capital Territory to New South Wales, in Australia. He was traveling along a series of roads that cut through rugged territory that alternates between thick forests and scattered remote plains, on a route that should have taken him to his destination in around 2 or 3 hours. As he drove, watching plains give way to forests which would melt back into plains again, Michael claims he began to get the distinct feeling that he had been driving far longer than 3 hours, and he stopped the car to take a rest and look around. It was a mild, clear night, and at the time nothing seemed to be particularly out of place, but things would take a turn for the weird quite quickly. door-that-leads-to-life-new-dimension It started when he looked up at the moon and noticed that it seemed far lower and brighter than it should have been. Amazed by this perplexing phenomenon, he went out to search for a field where he could get a better look at this strange, bight moon. After trudging through underbrush, he came to an open field that looked as if it had recently been plowed, and when he looked up to see the moon again he says it became evident that it was not the moon at all, but rather a blindingly bright spotlight, so bright in fact that he had to put his hands up to shield his eyes from its intensity. Then, he was suddenly immersed in darkness as the spotlight cut off, only to be bathed in light again as another spotlight switched on facing from another direction. Illuminated within the spotlight’s beam, Michael claims that he could see the form of what looked to be a scarecrow, which seemed to be moving, either from the wind or some power of its own. Unsettled, Michael hurried back to his car and started the engine. Before leaving, he took one more look back at where the spotlight had been only to find it was not there anymore and yet the whole field was awash in light as if being illuminated by it. More bizarrely, there was no sign of the trees and brush he had had to slog through to reach the field, and the field was there in the open in full view. As the startled Michael looked on, he claims that the light of the field began to shrink and contract until it became a bright beam focused on what appeared to be a man standing in the center of the field. In the man’s hand was a gun, and every time Michael moved, the stranger moved the gun up little by little until it was pointing at his own head, as if he planned to shoot himself. In reaction to this, Michael froze, not knowing what to do next. This went on for a time, both him and the stranger frozen there, but as Michael grew tired, his hands and legs began to shake, which prompted the mysterious stranger to inexorably move the gun up until it was aimed squarely at his own head. It was then that the strange man began to cry, and even though he was far away, Michael could make out what appeared to be cuts on his body that oddly did not bleed. As he cried, the man raised his other hand and pointed to his left before pronouncing in an ear piercing wail: “THERE!” At this point the gun went off and Michael threw his hands up to block the macabre sight. When he pulled his hands away to look, he realized that he was in his car and that the car had somehow been teleported to the center of the field, and there was no sign of the stranger who had been standing there. Disoriented and confused, Michael drove off. Curious about the bizarre, dream-like incident, Michael returned to the spot a few days later in the daytime. When he arrived he found the field, but it was once again ringed by forest. He ventured out into the spot where he remembered seeing the stranger, and looked out to where he had been pointing. As he looked out into the distance he claimed that he could see a house, and through the window of the house he could make out the form of a man who for some inexplicable reason was upside down. Michael claims that he sped home at “a million miles an hour” and never took that route again. It is hard to wrap one’s head around this case. Is this an example of traveling to another dimension or just a particularly potent and bizarre hallucination? Just what in the world does any of this mean? It is a case wrapped in true oddness for sure.