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While listening to the Who's 'Won't Get Fooled Again', I thought I was experiencing a Mandela effect... I just could not find a recording that featured Roger Daltrey's huge scream towards the end. I'd got to the point where I thought I must have imagined it all, then I found this version:
I was much relieved to hear it again. It's really what makes that track work.
I wonder why those other recordings have it removed? Is it because that section features a certain amount of wanton destruction of instruments by Pete Townshend? Or because the scream represents the visceral feeling of rebellion? Or was it just an off-the-cuff addition by Daltrey that only featured on one version of the song? It's the only version I'm familiar with.
Some of the great classics (especially longer songs) are 'cut down', for radio (or were- I haven't listened to the radio for many years) and I suspect that this is the version you've heard.

I recall a shortened version of Hotel California as just one example (albeit not vocal-wise).

He certainly does it here at the Concert For New York in 2001.

For a few years now I have a memory clear as day of me and my mate walking through a field and going up to one of those huge brick vents that long railway tunnels sometimes have.

Trouble is, I can't think where it could have been because as afaik there aren't any where we grew up and certainly none anywhere near enough to where we would have ventured to at a young age.
Paul Mccartney's Frog Chorus video... I remembered a version where the cats were rather nice/entertaining (to me) when they joined in the singing.

Strangely though, all I find on youtube is the same version with rather evil/sinister looking cats and an owl that Shushes them....

I don't remember the owl and the shushing either.....

And weirdly, I thought I remembered posting about it on here (maybe last christmas or new year?) but did a search and didn't find it....
For a few years now I have a memory clear as day of me and my mate walking through a field and going up to one of those huge brick vents that long railway tunnels sometimes have.

Trouble is, I can't think where it could have been because as afaik there aren't any where we grew up and certainly none anywhere near enough to where we would have ventured to at a young age.
Ventilation shaft. Might it be from something else you've come across?
Had my first Mandela affect last month...

I saw online somewhere that Time Team had returned and was now on YouTube with many of the same people. I thought, "it wasn't the same after Mick passed..." because I remember watching an episode in the early 2000s where it was said (by Tony I think?) that Mick had passed away from cancer and then one of those memorial pictures at the end remembering Mick, which made me look up Time Team on wiki to see which episode it was.

...when I saw that Mick had passed away from a stroke a few months after Time Team went off the air in 2013.
But...I distinctly remember Tony looking all somber and aggrieved....
Had my first Mandela affect last month...

I saw online somewhere that Time Team had returned and was now on YouTube with many of the same people. I thought, "it wasn't the same after Mick passed..." because I remember watching an episode in the early 2000s where it was said (by Tony I think?) that Mick had passed away from cancer and then one of those memorial pictures at the end remembering Mick, which made me look up Time Team on wiki to see which episode it was.

...when I saw that Mick had passed away from a stroke a few months after Time Team went off the air in 2013.
But...I distinctly remember Tony looking all somber and aggrieved....
I think they did some specials after the original series finished, and I'm fairly sure they did some sort of tribute episode, or evening of programming in Mick Aston's memory, they definitely did something!
I think they did some specials after the original series finished, and I'm fairly sure they did some sort of tribute episode, or evening of programming in Mick Aston's memory, they definitely did something!
But this was back in the early to mid 2000s....probably around 2004 or 2005? I had found a site that had loads of "educational"/documentary series like Horizon and PBS's Nova and there were tons of Time Team so I started watching all I could find and it was there I saw the RIP Mick episode.
Had my first Mandela affect last month...

I saw online somewhere that Time Team had returned and was now on YouTube with many of the same people. I thought, "it wasn't the same after Mick passed..." because I remember watching an episode in the early 2000s where it was said (by Tony I think?) that Mick had passed away from cancer and then one of those memorial pictures at the end remembering Mick, which made me look up Time Team on wiki to see which episode it was.

...when I saw that Mick had passed away from a stroke a few months after Time Team went off the air in 2013.
But...I distinctly remember Tony looking all somber and aggrieved....
Mick left Time Team in slightly high dudgeon when he declared that it was appealing to the lowest common denominator and being 'sexed up' (when they recruited Mary-Anne Ochota). Maybe you're getting that occasion, and the episodes made after he left, conflated with the news that he had died. He died in 2013 and Time Team ran for another year, so they will have mentioned his death during an episode.
Mick left Time Team in slightly high dudgeon when he declared that it was appealing to the lowest common denominator and being 'sexed up' (when they recruited Mary-Anne Ochota). Maybe you're getting that occasion, and the episodes made after he left, conflated with the news that he had died. He died in 2013 and Time Team ran for another year, so they will have mentioned his death during an episode.
I'm American and sadly don't have regular access to UK tv (waaaah) so the only time I saw Time Team before this year was on that website back in the early to mid 2000s. I wasn't watching Time Team when it ended in 2013, so I didn't see the memorial episode.
and being 'sexed up' (when they recruited Mary-Anne Ochota)
I meant to comment on this in the above. How exactly does Mary-Anne Ochota "sex" anything up? I watched Mystic Britain not long ago and frankly, she bored the pants off me. Not sure if she ever made it on Time Team but I hope she was given instruction on how to be more animated on tv. The funny former lawyer was a lot more interesting.
Well, she was a model for a while...
Actually, I think I was a bit uncharitable there. What I meant to say was, in Mystic Britain, her role was perhaps to be more of a straight man to the comedic lawyer guy...Clive I think....and as a result, made what should've been interesting, less interesting. Not sure it was down to her entirely though, may have been the editing, may have been the production, maybe they just gave Clive the more interesting bits, I don't know.
I was a child in the 1990s and ‘think’ I have a memory of going to the cinema and seeing a cardboard cutout of US comedian Sinbad dressed as a genie in the foyer, promoting his latest film. That’s a pretty common one so I’m assuming there may have been another film running a promotion with an actor who looked similar to Sinbad - although I have no idea what that might be!

I’m also convinced dilemma used to be spelt ‘dilemna’
This gets weirder;
I have just checked some of my past posts with the word dilemma in them and that's how I've spelt it every time, yet dilemna stills seems correct.
What makes this slightly odder, to my mind, is how few words there actually are that really do end in ...mna! Look it up, apart from 'alumna' there's almost none.
For those suffering this autumnal dilemna, you’re in good company.


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At primary school we had a 'busy book' - day-to-day excercise notebook (yes - decorated in wallpaper scraps).
In it, we'd practice spelling. Now, I had advanced reading ability so was fairly confident of my spelling. However, one day I was spelling out the word 'business'. Some 'friends' pointed out that if that were correct, it would pronounced "bus-eye-ness" and it should be spelled 'busyness'. While I was confident I was correct in the first place, their 'logic' seemed reasonable. It took me ages to shake that bad spelling off, even though I could look it up every time.
At primary school we had a 'busy book' - day-to-day excercise notebook (yes - decorated in wallpaper scraps).
In it, we'd practice spelling. Now, I had advanced reading ability so was fairly confident of my spelling. However, one day I was spelling out the word 'business'. Some 'friends' pointed out that if that were correct, it would pronounced "bus-eye-ness" and it should be spelled 'busyness'. While I was confident I was correct in the first place, their 'logic' seemed reasonable. It took me ages to shake that bad spelling off, even though I could look it up every time.
'Busyness' is a different, more nuanced word as you'll have later learned. :nods:
I’m also convinced dilemma used to be spelt ‘dilemna’
New to me. When learning to read in the early 1960s I enjoyed finding new words with double letters. I'd've spotted a variation a mile off. :nods:

(I'm still upset about how certain spellings have been simplified since I learned them. :mad: )