I was being sarcastic about the gooch article in the latest fortean times,it was not my intention to offend anybody,and i apologize if i have done so.
As for reading gooch wrong,on the strength of what i have read in the FT he stands condemned,hung drawn and quartered and his body sent to various parts to be displayed in a gibbet.
If somebody is sent into exile from their chosen field it doesn't automatically hold that the establishment is in the wrong,in his case he was in exile because his theories are those of a lunatic.
I do not always expect to agree with everything i read in the FT,the John Michell obituary issue in particular left me thinking i dont "get" this,but i didn't mind as it was harmless,gooch seems anything but harmless and i am surprised that so many readers seem to be able to agree with or at least ignore some of his more disturbing theories.
I am sorry for saying this here,the only other gooch thread i can find is his rip thread and i do not think it would be appropriate to put down my thoughts in there.