You may find this fascinating.
The ever enjoyable podcast , Jim Harold's Campfire, which consists entirely of people phoning in their personal brushes with the paranormal , had a caller on their 6 December episode, at the 4 minute mark who described an encounter with what she understood to be a demon:
You should listen to it yourself before it disappears behind a members only paywall after a few weeks. But a basic summary ..In college a friend of the caller had repeated nightmares in her apartment and rang her and another friend in terror one morning saying she had woken to find a creature on her chest. The friends rushed round and our caller found herself somehow visually perceiving the creature through the walls of the apartment and the wardrobe. She described it in detail. She understood it to be a demon with a particular history and in short their prayers caused it to vanish.
How much credibility you give to the lady's account you can decide for yourself when listening. What's of relevance to this thread is the very detailed description of what she says she saw. The similarity to the creature reported in Varginha is striking in the extreme.
Compare and contrast :
Varghina ( as summarised on the Why Files on YouTube):
Dark brown, skin looked oily, no hair or clothes, about 4ft tall, skinny body, large head ( with lumps or protrusions) , small hands with 3 long fingers, huge red eyes, overwhelming stench of ammonia. The Ammonia smell is also reported at the site of the alleged crash. One of the girls locks eyes with it and "felt it's thoughts"
Campfire caller:
Solid black, skin like leather jacket, no hair or clothes, about 3ft tall, skinny but sinewy body, (animal like ears/ no lips/ sharp teeth), hands more like claws, big yellow eyes, overwhelming stench of ammonia, she locks eyes with it and receives a stream of information about it.
Interestingly in the Brazil case the first interpretation by the girls of what they had seen was a "demon".
It's clear that these experiences are linked. But the different interpretations are equally perplexing. Assuming they are the same type of entity why would a demon be travelling in a physical ship that crashes? ( And apparently get ill, physically die and be subject to autopsy ). Yet equally why would an alien be expelled by prayer?