Do you mean the as you're only human, you cannot begin to grasp the mysteries of the Almighty malarkey?Even that's a rubbish argument, despite appearances.
If there is a God, I think we need him to be a bit of a dick sometimes just so he can let off a bit of steam. Lightning bolts hitting charity runners, that sort of thing just for a laugh otherwise if there is a the Devil, he's going to think God's a wimp. I'm totally into a God just wiping out a town with a flood or volcano one day just because he can and because he's a bit bored that day. It's his planet, he's not our babysitter, that was Jesus and look what happened to Jesus trying to be nice to everyone all the time. God needs to have a breaking point to remind everyone he's in charge now and then.Maybe this is hell?
If you get to Heaven and St. Peter is there with his clipboard, does he say, don't worry pal, you've already done your stint in Hell?
Yep, it's kicking the can down the road.Do you mean the as you're only human, you cannot begin to grasp the mysteries of the Almighty malarkey?
God made that can Steven on a day when he was feeling a bit more mellow. He didn't feel like smiting anyone that day, he'd got it out of his system with a plague of locusts or something the week before so he created tin instead then he had an early night. While he wasn't watching, one of Coldplay's ancestors was born so we can blame that on tin mostly (and God's mood swings).Yep, it's kicking the can down the road.
Sally from the alleyI wonder if Hell isn't like an eternal list of Daily Express Headlines made manefest.
... 'Who is the mysterious new woman at number 13, Eastenders viewers ask.'
Deserves to be the last word on the matter.That would be an ecunemical matter.