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Captainess Sensible
Nov 1, 2015
The as-yet unnamed mummy decoration was stolen from The Endeavour public house over the annual Goth Weekend at Hallowe'en

From https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-67727151

"A pub landlady has said she wants her "mummy" back after it was stolen on Halloween.
The prop was taken from The Endeavour pub in Church Street, Whitby, at about 22:00 BST on 31 October.
Maria Limbert said it formed part of decorations staff rolled out for the biannual Whitby Goth Weekend.
As police released CCTV images of two people they were keen to speak to about the theft, the licensee said: "I want it back. It's very frustrating."..."

The 'mummy' sitting on a chair in The Endeavour pub

(photo credit : Maria Limbert)
Someone along the road from where I live had a very kitch 8 foot inflatable LED lit Santa Clause stolen from their front garden during the night along with the electric pump to keep it inflated and lit. I'd have happily bought the thieves a drink.

I wonder where the term 'mummy' came from? I'm sure when I was a toddler and I cried out in the night for mummy, I sure I wouldn't have been very happy if that had walked into my room. Maybe it did which explains why I am like I am now.