i've been refering to myself as a "Catholick" lately(born and raised catholic). i've never really read much of Crowley, although i like the way he added the K to magic to distinguish it from something else, as well as Jhon from Coil adding it to music to make "musick" in order allude to a much deeper context in music. i love Catholicism's teachings and service to the poor and ungodly; but i also love it's aesthetics, rituals, traditions, dark history and design, i.e. votive candles, easter, blood into wine, communion, the inquisition and cathedrals. but as a "catholick", i feel i can basically get the same spiritual advice from a rabbi, buddhist monk, muslim teacher or any other religious clergyman. because God is really everywhere if you think about it, just interperated thru different cultures.
my beliefs are the "luciferian/humanistic" sides to a human. i see the angel Lucifer as something totally different from Satan and the devil. to me, he was first angel to rally against God because he allowed humans to die; he objected to the pain and suffering of mortality and humanity. he did't like the idea of an "end". and with this, he was cast out. the humanistic side of what i believe has to do with the heart: homosexuality, adultery, etc. this is a grey area because it involves the heart and i believe that, although God can make a heart, he can't control it or judge it. i've learned this from experiance. having had lovers of both sexes, having had a married woman as a lover once. not once did i feel guilty, because all of this was done in perfect love, without malice, evil or hate.
God is the manifestation in man to do good; Satan is the manifestation in man to do evil; Lucifer is the realisation in man that he is human, mortal, flawed and down on the this earth to live and know that he has the ability for a higher consciousness...intellect, knowledge, a thirst for truth.
i can remember when i was a pious little boy going to catholic school, sneaking kisses with girls in front of the preists, fooling around with boys, worrying myself to death thinking i was going to hell because of sexuality. now a days, my heart is not something for God to hold court over, just a vessel in which i feel all the world with...like Lucifer did, feeling people dying of disease, war, hate, destruction, evil and corruption.
ok, i'm done...
i hope that didn't annoy or weird anyone out