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Why Was The 11th Of September Chosen?



There was a little about the signifigance of the date of the WTC attack in the latest issue of FT, but I welcome others ideas.
The most convincing ideas I've heard so far are:
British Mandate on Palestine signed that day (1922).
Arab armies defeated at the Battle of Tours, effectively ending Arab presence in mainland Europe (732).
Or was it just choosen at random?:confused:
9/11 - 911 - US equivalent of 999.

Too obvious really.
Not convinced by battle of tours date. The Arabs occupied Southern Spain as an arab state "Al-Andalus" until well into the middle ages. (Can't remember exactly when till but definitely after 732).
The Alhambra palace in Granada and the Alcazar in Seville are wonderful examples of moorish/islamic architecture.
My local newspaper has an 'on this day' feature, which I'm sure everyone has seen some variation of, birthdays, events, anniversaries, important moments in history. What strikes me whenever I read this is how many events, no matter how many years seperate them, can be linked. Admitably some of the links are a little wobbly but they are there.
I've never considered this to be anything more than coincidence, as when one considers it , there are only 365 days in year so obviously these coincidences are going to pop up quite regulary.
If any interesting 'on this day' features turn up over the next few days, then I will post them to try and illustrate what I'm going on about.
The weather conditions were very important to the terrorists who carried out these attacks, they were not expert pilots and good weather improved their chances of success, so they needed summer weather. Also, before the Labour Day holiday, many office workers were on holiday as was probably the case at the Pentagon.
I think the planning was pragmatic as well as evil.
Documents found in Afghanistan have suggested that the attacks were moved forward after the arrest of Zacharias Moussaoui in August. So we could well be talking about September 17th or whatever.
"Ooh I could crush a grape"? Didn't know there were that many mid '80s Crackerjack fans out there :)
Terrorist timeline

Whichever date you look at in a whole year, there are significant terrorist activities that took place. Those that hijacked the airlines and piloted them to their targets, could have therefore chosen any given date, and you would have been able to point and say, "oh ! they did it then 'cos such and such signed a treaty then, or such and such terrorist was killed on that day".
9th of September was probably just the day that it all came together. We'll probably never know if there were any other failed attempts to do just what they did on that particular day.
