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Why Weren't There MANY 9/11 Predictions?


Gone But Not Forgotten
Aug 21, 2001
At the risk of betraying my cantankerous nature...

Given the legions of folks out there claiming to have precognitive gifts, why weren't we innundated with predictions of the WTC/Pentagon attacks? And I don't mean vague, "one size fits all" predictions of disaster, but fairly solid, specific predictions?

I would think that an event of THIS magnitude, causing as much "psychic distress" across the USA (and the world) as this one did, causing as many sudden deaths as this one did, with as many potentially history-altering consequences as this one had, would have registered on the psychic radar of a LOT of folks. And yet...

I suspect we will get all kinds of after-the-fact reports, of course, of dreams and premonitions... but where were the specific comments BEFOREHAND? Assuming, of course, that one believes in "precognition"... ;)

Well, I am Certainly Not Psychic!!!!

..'cause if I was, I would have KNOWN there was another extensive chain dedicated to this question, ALREADY!!!!! (Aren't all fortune tellers fake, etc)... SORRY!!!! :blah: :rolleyes:

Mr Cain -

Thanks for your well thought-out, classy, and insightful reply. It would be diffficult, under the circumstances, to argue with your assertion that "there are @#$@#$ idiots everywhere you turn", since your post is pretty good evidence of that statement's truth.:D

My point? That if so-called psychics could not hit THIS one, I would have to question of what POSSIBLE practical use they are. You don't need to be a rocket scientist - or to use your parlance, a F'in rocket scientist - to know that any "real" psychic who wrote down this prediction in advance, had it notarized, sealed in a box somewhere, or even mailed it to a bunch of news outlets, IN ADVANCE, could pretty much write his or her own ticket right now. Not sure your suggested method of skateboarding nude would achieve the same thing, but to each his own.

Given that we haven't exactly seen a tidal wave of such reports, it would seem to suggest that the precognitive powers of a lot of so-called psychics have to be called into serious question...if they haven't been already.

Now let me test my psychic powers - Mr Cain will post yet ANOTHER witty, classy comment in response...

Shadow ;)
I'm fairly sure a slew of predictions by the "Master of Disaster" Nostradamus will start to surface in the very near future
Shadow said:
any "real" psychic who wrote down this prediction in advance, had it notarized, sealed in a box somewhere, or even mailed it to a bunch of news outlets, IN ADVANCE, could pretty much write his or her own ticket right now.

That would be pretty dangerous. Would anyone really want to take the risk of being mistaken for a terrorist collaborator?
Haven't any reports come to light of people changing their plans at the last minute because of a 'funny feeling' or whatever?
We've had plenty of time now!

I have heard some funny stories...like the guy whose wife called him on the mobile just after the first plane hit the floor he worked on, and he told her he was in the office, when in fact he was across town in bed with somebody..
escargot said:
I have heard some funny stories...like the guy whose wife called him on the mobile just after the first plane hit the floor he worked on, and he told her he was in the office, when in fact he was across town in bed with somebody..
That one's a UL - the ever-reliable Snopes has that and several other WTC-related stories, like the brave guide dog that led its master to safety, then went back in to rescue several more people.
Some were related in FT as truth then refuted in the next issue!
Ahh, you are obviously forgetting the first rule of predictions. You can't predict something that isn't obviously going to happen. Nobody was able to predict the WTC(except some little kid in a story I read on here) because it was unexpected. The same with Diana's death. However, I am sure you can find many psychics that will come out now and say about the Bin Laden thing "See, I told you we'd have trouble in the Middle East. Why don't you listen to me?"
hasnt everyone realised now that as the world hasnt ended it would be best to take anything nostradamus has ever said with a pinch of salt?

i remember watching tv the day the world was supposed to end and seeing a bloke who sold his house and al his possesions, quit his job etc etc then went to sit in a field to wait for he end bet he must have felt a rite fool when he realised it was a load of c**p
escargot said:
Some were related in FT as truth then refuted in the next issue!
I highly doubt that. FT isn't in the business of giving truth as such, merely all the possible options.
They certainly were reported as true then refuted. For example one was about a schoolchild who told his teacher that WW3 was about to begin and that America would lose. Next issue, this was reported in FT as an UL.
Annasdottir said:
That one's a UL - the ever-reliable Snopes has that and several other WTC-related stories, like the brave guide dog that led its master to safety, then went back in to rescue several more people.

This one is actually _partly_ true. A blind man _was_ led out of the building by his guide dog. I know this is true because I ride the same train as the man and heard him discussing it a week or so later. Many people congratulated the dog as they left the train.
JoeP said:
This one is actually _partly_ true. A blind man _was_ led out of the building by his guide dog. I know this is true because I ride the same train as the man and heard him discussing it a week or so later. Many people congratulated the dog as they left the train.
According to the ever-reliable Snopes, two blind people were led safely out of the WTC by their guide dogs.
Don't know why the people on the train were congratulating the dog - it was only doing its job. OK, it didn't panic or anything, but looking after its human is what a guide dog is trained to do, and a guide dog's training is as rigorous as anything that human emergency personel have to go through.
Here in the UK we had a report in the press of a woman who supposedly predicted the WTC 'disaster' - live, months before, on a daytime 'Oprah' rip off show called 'Kilroy'.

To my knowledge NOTHING ever came of these allegations.

Can anyone shed any light (either before or after the fact)?
Frobush said:
Here in the UK we had a report in the press of a woman who supposedly predicted the WTC 'disaster' - live, months before, on a daytime 'Oprah' rip off show called 'Kilroy'.

To my knowledge NOTHING ever came of these allegations.

Can anyone shed any light (either before or after the fact)?
This was mentioned on a previous thread a month or two back. The woman is a "psychic" who lives here in Lancashire and made the front page of the Lancashire Evening Post in October or November. The article said that she had appeared on the Kilroy show some months before 9/11 talking about a dream in which she saw a bomb going off in a skyscraper (or something like that - maybe the paper still has the article on its website); she was claiming to have made a successful prediction and had been invited back to appear again on the Kilroy show that week - according to her. But it never happened, apparently, and the LEP has never printed another word about her. Draw your own conclusions.
You'd have to be on crack if you honestly think that because no one came out and predicted the attack that all psychics are frauds. Maybe there have been plenty of psychics who have predicted it but are afraid of being implicated or let's face it, the mass culture is controlled by indoctrinating forces who would never give us the whole true story of social reality.
Also, there have been plenty of warnings about a lot of things that no one pays attention to, such as warnings that airport security was lousy and vulnerable to an attack. Everyone has been warning the world's elites that they suck and have lousy foreign and domestic policies but they do not listen. They are informed that we are going through drastic weather changes and that it is mankind's fault but they still don't listen. This has to be one of the stupidest thread topics I have ever seen. Trying to debunk every pyschic is like trying to dismiss someone else's religion or beliefs or whatnot. GO TO CYNIC'S DOT COM
nwoisevil said:
Trying to debunk every pyschic is like trying to dismiss someone else's religion or beliefs or whatnot.
You said it, friend.
Maybe there have been plenty of psychics who have predicted it but are afraid of being implicated

Afraid of what? If any psychic had made a verifiable, accurate prediction of 9/11, we would all know about it. It would be the Holy Grail of the paranormal world - irrefutable proof of clairvoyance! Why wuld anybody be afraid of showing the world such evidence?
Instead, the only 'predictions' presented so far have been vague dreams and visions involving explosions and towers, with no identifying details.
Recently I rediscovered an old website of mine which I thought had 'died', so I revived it and updated it.

But on it I found a story I'd forgotten about, of a psychic apparently giving me a trivial but precise prediction of the future.

You can read it here (the actual story I'm referringto starts about halfway down the page.)