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Yet Another Precognitive Dream "Hit"?


Justified & Ancient
Jul 30, 2003
A convoluted one, but intriguing. Yesterday morning (monday, 5.30am) I attempted between sleep episodes to consciously "see" what would be on page 5 of my morning newspaper (I'd had a direct hit the first time I tried this a year ago, but had been unable to repeat it). I described a woman in a back of a car with a scrum of photographers around trying to take her picture through the window. Interpreted this, naturally in terms of a police car or van. This is where it turned odd... I fell back to sleep and incorporated this attempt at prediction into a dream.

In the dream I was trying to prove to a sneery relative that my prediction would come true.. I told them I'd dreamt of a woman IN BLUE in teh back of a car surrounded by photographers and it was on page 5 of the Mirror. We go to page 5...nothing. Then I realise and point out this is the Times, I said the Mirror. So we pick up the correct newspaper and go to page 5 of that instead. And..from the tape..: "in the DREAM what the picture actually was a full page..like several pictures from like a ROYAL WEDDING or somethign like that. So the elements were there. There was a very BLUE tone to the photo, an old fashioned car and large large crowds."

Well when mornign really came I went over and bought the newspaper..page 5..nothing. I even checked the Times just in case. Nope. Ah well. But this morning, 24 hour later, you can guess the story, which broke yesterday, that's on page 5 of the Mirror....

As the apparent "hit" is a day late it's only just occurred to me to speculate on the punning symbolism in the dream of the Times being incorrect....
Please. post the dream visions straight away BEFORE it makes the papers, otherwise it's just a case of "i read it, i've only got your word for it and.............meh!!" :(
What I do is record the dreams immediately on stirring from sleep inthe night,on to a digital recorder. These are the "tapes" or recordings I always quote verbatim from when recounting what htey say. They don't of course have dates on them. I go through phases of bothering to record or remember so am inconsistent in keeping a record at all. But when I went through a prolonged period of trying to record tehm every night I'd try to transcribe them...but the ramblings are always a lot longer and more detailed than it feels at the time, and writign them out quickly becomes a boring and pointless exercise. Pointless because they are by and large things relating to the trivia of my own life. So saying "I dreamt this and then this matching image caught my eye in the street/on tv/whatever" is not really one for a united nations committee of investigation. The people who hear my accounts..on here and on facebook essentially..are always going to have to take my word that I encountered the matching image, so they may as well take my word that I'm quoting my own words accurately from a digital recorder. Friends who hopefully trust me and anonymous strangers on themed wiebsites who are unaffected by not trusting me, are the only people hearing the events, so its hard to know whats to be gained from writign stuff out every day.

My only attempts to put a before the event account of a dream on record relate to upcoming travels. I'm in the habit if I decide I've had a foreign trip dream prior to an actual trip, of reporting it all to a friend on facebook, so if anything does happen when I'm away my messages to him are there and dated.

As for beign particularly prone, I'd contend I'm not I'm just interested enough to be paying attention to my dreams and of the personality type to spot the connections. I'm confident my "ability" is not one jot greater than that of any other person who sleeps and dreams, all of whom would note the same success if they took the time to do it.
I know of two..no doubt there are many more..published dream psychics (exlcuding Dunne and his theories). Andrew Paquette and Chris Robinson. Both, from their books, do exactly as you propose and keep extensive dream diaries. However their accounts bother me somewhat. Their alleged success rate is phenomenal, and its clear if they're being truthful that they would fit into that rare category of genuinely being "psychic" (whatever that is..but by implication in possession of an extraordinary and controllable "power"). But they bother me because although at the simple level they describe the kind of thing we all experience and recognise as real..well I do anyway..they go far beyond it and their dreams involve astral travelling, interaction with the dead, and ultimately a christ-themed religious revelation. In their world God is behind their dream adventures. These things are so far removed from anyting I recognise that I either lose trust in their sincerity or think they've slightly lost the plot.

At any rate there's nothing exciting or news related in my dreams to ever report. If it was ever published I certainly wouldn't read it. :p

But yes, the hope of spotting reliable patterns, symbols or triggers so that you could say with confidence "I dreamt X last night, so predict that Y is going to happen" is probably why one bothers to keep doing it. I mean there's little else to prove to myself in regard to whether its real at all. It is, as far as I'm concerned.
Although my experience is that any striking success from adopting a novelapproach to this is never replicated, the story here does provide an opportunity to experiment immediately..well tonight I mean.

Remember it started wiht an attempt to essentially "remote view" the morning paper, consciously, in the gap between sleep in the middle of the night. If my "prediction" there had stood alone you would be hard pressed to claim it was a success.. the only match to today's newspaper is that it involved a woman. However it produced the odd experience of my experiment then turning up in a dream as I drifted back to sleep...and it was this dream version of the experiment (a woman in blue, paparazzi, somethign like a royal wedding) which all seems startlingly apt.

So the obvious thing is to see if I can replicate the experience. Will attempting to "remote view" in the middle of the night tonight produce a more accurately precognitve dream? My experience suggests it probably won't, but I've obviously got to give it a go.

But what should I aim to forsee? My gut instinct ist that simply replicatign "page 5 of the paper" will fail as having a replay of the same dream to order doesn't seem likely. Hmmm...
A brief update. I did indeed try and repeat the exercise on each subsequent night (to recap in the first instance the attempt to "remote view" was far less convincing than the dream that immediately followed it in terms of relating to the target..page 5 of the morning paper). As with the sequence of such experiments I did a year ago these subsequent attempts have produced no clear hits, have not once shown what's on page 5, but....infuriatingly...left enough room to wonder. And just as much to doubt.

Night 2 - Remote view image: a ship, as in a liner or battle ship. Dream:nothing of note. Page 5 of the paper - nothing to match the RV or the dreams.
HOWEVER..a couple of pages later in the paper was a full page story on the finding of the lost 19th century british ship in Canada, with pictures.

Night 3 - Remote view image: george michael, the colour purple. Dream: princes william and harry and their (imaginary) sister standing in an arena singing and recounting/reencating the story of their mother's wedding etc. Charles and co in the crowd. Page 5 of the paper - nothing to match the RV or the dream.
HOWEVER...several pages later in the paper was a double page report on the opening of the invictus games, 3 soldiers singing, harry, william and charles in the crowd
(don't get too excited..teh night before I'd caught the scene with the solider on tv, in the last 2 minutes of hte broadcast, and was aware it had something to do with harry..so the dream could as easily be triggered by the past as the future)

Night 4 - last night - Remote view image: First John Mcririck, later Wiilliam Shatner then Jimmy Tarbuck, which I summarise on tape as a large/fat faced celebrity. Dream - nothing worth reporting. Page 5 of the paper - nothing that matches.
HOWEVER..page 7 was the oversized face of Ian Paisley and several pages later a non topical story about Jimmy Tarbuck.

Even if somethign was going on here, as evidence its useless. Randomly opting for different pages because they fit would mean there's no limit to my options in trying to find a match.

So as a test in directed control of any precogntive ability its certainly a dud. But those near matches are horribly tantalising.
Possible news related precognitive dream.

It seems tasteless to mention this, given it's subject, but luckily - in both senses - nothing has yet happened to fulfill the prediction (if indeed it is one) pasted here below. So while its not happening, but concievably might yet, I'll do my duty to science and repeat here my Facebook status from the morning of September 25th.

"Despite always reporting that trivial personal events match recorded contents from my dreams i've never once made a public prediction of a news event before it happens. Simple reason- I can't. However a single line from tonight's dreams (its 6.50 am) has such an obvious connection to real people that, if it happens (and i dont wish it) I'll kick myself for only mentioning the dream recording after the event. So...a man opened a letter and boasting of his reputation as a great writer/journalist reported how the glamorous young "Duke and Duchess of York" wanted him to write the account of the loss of their baby. As the Cambridges are currently with child i'll post this status as a "just in case" record."
Oh you're very masterful with your merging.

Back to the general topic and there are by now certain reliable and consistent symbols in my dreams..albet still very few.

Most especially if I dream of separation from a group of friends, and in particular the presence of two - Andy and James (even though they're seldom involved in the real life event), foreign or alien city scapes, and a camera failing to function, all of these things are a guaranteed signal that this dream or sequence of dreams relates to my next trip away. I do city breaks 4 or 5 times a year so the pattern has become very easy to spot.

The appearance of celebrities and other improbable persons in my dreams (at any rate ones who I've had no reason to think about and who don't turn up on the next day's television) are, I'm beginning to suspect but am far from certain, possibly related to sound alike names and other associations with someone or something less familiar. As if the brain is trying to make sense of a new name or an identity by conjuring up someone else more familiar which sounds like that or has some other association, even if its not obvious to my waking mind.

Eg. In one dream which came remarkably true, one close asian friend was played in the dream by another close asian friend. I don't know why, but their similar associations to me are self evident. I appeared to precognize news of Robin Williams suicide by dreaming of my father killing himself that same night. Why the need for a substitute when RW should be just as familiar to my visual store of memories I don't know but the connection dawned on me weeks later...I recalled the fact, documented on here, that I associated by dead father with a robin (redbreast). A dream last night I'm certain refers to an upcoming event this weekend involving an italian friend involved not the friend but Gino D'Acampo the italian chef. In all of these examples the reason for rthe substituion is lost on me, but I have my suspicions in a couple of other cases that the brain is try8ing to make sense of the unfamiliar by dredging up hte "sounds a bit like" familiar:
A dream involving a friend called Jackson Netto matched an event he was not involved in. But in the real life event a stranger with the name Nat Alessio took his part. Said aloud the similar vowel sounds, though seemingly far fetched, made me wonder. Well in last night's dream about this weekend's event, Norman Mailer made an appearance. The american writer. This seemed bizarre, why him of all people? Well the italan is bringin along a visiting friend who I now note is called Mariano Manzella. So again I wonder if Norman Mailer is the brain's attempt to make sense of these unfamiliar syllables.
Another minor one that follows a not untypical pattern.

A) record particular dream detail in the (Tuesday) night
b) a match for the dream occurs on the following (wednesday) morning's television but triggers no memory of the dream or the recording.
c) listen back to the previous night's recording on the Wednesday night and realise I'm describing something I'd seen on the TV that day.

In this particular case the dream/recording was about seeing a huge monstrous spider on the ground, crab like coming towards me etc.
On "This Morning" a few hours later there had been a woman being cured of her phobia of spiders by being shown lots of photos of them, then handling both house spiders and a tarantula.
Right this time I'm not reporting my own dreams but other people's.

A week or two ago a Romanian girl on a precog dream page on Facebook posted a dream she had, in great vivid detail, about a massive terrorist atrocity. Naturally such a thing is almost inevitable and with IS in the news a lot this, it was pointed out, is the most likely trigger for her dream, rather than any future event.

This morning a friend of mine messaged me to tell me abot his, much briefer, dream. He knew nothing of the account above, and yet his bears more than a passing resemblance in its basic facts to hers. So now I'm wondering if they are indeed both picking up on some coming news event. I'll therefore copy and paste both accounts here for the record.

Rebecca Pop":
"This is a very vivid dream i had today, 17 October 2014 while taking an afternoon nap. I saw a great gathering, with thousands or maybe more islamic people. It was a large and colourful crowd, as they all held lots of flags and banners, with writings and symbols. All i can recall is the arab writing and the predominant colours that repeated all over...red, white and green. Then a man started talking to the crowd, a leader. In the dream i knew he was an Isis Leader. This was an open public manifestation of the Isis. The leader started talking to the people. He was bragging about some act of terror they did, an act that history will call the first world trade center. He mentioned the number of people killed, 3000 people will die in this carnage. He called them 3000 heads or hits, can.t recall, but he was talking about number of people killed. After that i saw a city, with armed man on the streets and on the building tops, shooting civilians. It was an arab city, a big city, lots of stores on the ground level of buildings, with arab written signs on top. Soldiers on ground and on top of buildings shot civilian arab people on the streets. They were killing and snatching infant children from the women. It was an slaughter, i think something ethnically fueled, as they were determined to eradicate and exterminate all, infants too. Then i saw from up a man running with an infant in the street below me. Then several shots got him in the back, he falls on his knees still alive, trying to cover the infant. Then i see an arab woman, part of a building collapses on her and kills her. It is a massacre in the middle of the city. Then unfortunately i woke up, i couldn.t get anything more specific for a place and time. I think the 3000 people killed are a different act of terror from the city ethnic cleansing. I think the leader told them about 3000 foreign people killed, as the dream made an analogy, telling me that history will refer to it as the first world trade center."

This morning 27 October, a friend called Lee, whose father died last week messaged me as follows:
"Had the strangest dream last night. I was watching some sort of football tournament build up on telly with my dad. It was taking place somewhere foreign.

Basically, a group of terrorists disguised as performers or a band shot & killed loads of people & the cameras caught it all!""

What strikes me, beyond hte basic theme of a large scale terrorist act in a "foreign" location (as I say, fairly predictable by normal means) is that the girl's "large and colorful crowd, waving flags", which she saw as an islamist gathering, is a very fitting description of the crowd at a football match. Could their sleeping minds both have picked up on teh same coming news event, but interepreted what they were percieving slightly differently?

As an aside - and perhaps as no more than evidence of being able to find connections wherever you seek them - her peculiar double reference to the "first world trade centre" ties in with the football statidum theme. What was Wembley famous for before it was rebuilt? It's twin towers...

Of course if two non psychics are indeed foreseeing some monumental atrocity in their dreams you wopuld expect others would be too, so ought to be findable online somewhere..