• We have updated the guidelines regarding posting political content: please see the stickied thread on Website Issues.

Discussion Of Spam & Spammers

I only saw his pinterest account.

Does it get worse?

Gay and very submissive: Hello I am the Horst from throat 56/170/82 and gay looking for a man who can get it well I av passive ov very active

Horst seeks wurst.

maximus otter
I sometimes get spam text messages from political candidates I strongly disagree with. I'm not sure if it's because I once answered a poll being run by one of them so I could skew the results. Although most come with an opt-out feature, I've found that it often makes things worse. If I do respond, it's because I feel the need to actually say what I feel so I can get some psychological comfort. It never got a text back until now.

Spam: From [candidate]: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
[Begging for me to answer at least one question on a poll.]
Reply STOP to opt-out

Me: Fuck off!

Spam: You have unsubscribed from our campaign updates and will no longer receive messages from us.
100% Vegan Tattoo Butter

Whatever that is.
Tattoo Butter is used over a fresh inking to keep the skin supple and hydrated to promote healing. As for vegan, they used coconut oil instead of vasoline.

Those of us who were into ink before it went mainstream just used regular everyday skin lotion for sensitive skin. In fact, the one I got a few years ago, the artist recommended the kind of drugstore products used for skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis to keep it sterile and moisturized