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Conspiracy Theorists Think The Eclipse Will Begin A 'Massive Human Sacrifice Event'

maximus otter

Recovering policeman
Aug 9, 2001
Some conspiracy theorists appear to believe that a "massive human sacrifice" event will take place during the total solar eclipse on April 8. Without anything even approaching evidence, a fairly popular post to the r/conspiracy subreddit "explains" that they are concerned that overlaying the path of totality of the 2017 total eclipse with the 2024 total solar eclipse forms an X near the New Madrid fault line.

"If something were to trigger that fault line, something man-made they could make look completely natural, it could mean a serious loss of life disaster for the US," the conspiracy theorist wrote.

This is of course all nonsense. The paths crossing (years apart) has no significance for the New Madrid fault line.


maximus otter
It's curious to note what almost a quarter-century of Internet f***wittery has done to periodic crazes and panics.

I witnessed the 1999 total eclipse and the only thing that was sacrificed was some poor wee piggy, in the form of sausages on a lunchtime barbecue. The 'panic' then was about people doing damage to their retinas by staring at the sun/eclipse - thankfully only around 15 people reported eye injuries afterwards https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1116382/
Some conspiracy theorists appear to believe that a "massive human sacrifice" event will take place during the total solar eclipse on April 8. Without anything even approaching evidence, a fairly popular post to the r/conspiracy subreddit "explains" that they are concerned that overlaying the path of totality of the 2017 total eclipse with the 2024 total solar eclipse forms an X near the New Madrid fault line.

"If something were to trigger that fault line, something man-made they could make look completely natural, it could mean a serious loss of life disaster for the US," the conspiracy theorist wrote.

This is of course all nonsense. The paths crossing (years apart) has no significance for the New Madrid fault line.


maximus otter
These people need to get laid.
...I witnessed the 1999 total eclipse and the only thing that was sacrificed was some poor wee piggy, in the form of sausages on a lunchtime barbecue. The 'panic' then was about people doing damage to their retinas by staring at the sun/eclipse - thankfully only around 15 people reported eye injuries afterwards...

To be fair, in 1999 everyone was kind of distracted byh the whole Y2K thing. Remarkable really - the few of us who weren't killed by falling aeroplanes should now be living in wicker huts and eating frogs.

And we barely even had an internet to make shit up on back then. Well, I suppose we did - but it was still in its Bakelite phase.
More conspiracy fodder.

NASA will be launching three rockets during the eclipse at 3.33pm and it's called Project or Operation Asep.


The Hadron Collider has been under going maintenance or something and will be firing a whatever at another whatever or something and that will also be on the 8th.

There also the appearance of a comet nicknamed the Devil or Devil's Comet, also on the 8th.

There is more but I can't remember them.
More conspiracy fodder.

NASA will be launching three rockets during the eclipse at 3.33pm and it's called Project or Operation Asep.


The Hadron Collider has been under going maintenance or something and will be firing a whatever at another whatever or something and that will also be on the 8th.

There also the appearance of a comet nicknamed the Devil or Devil's Comet, also on the 8th.

There is more but I can't remember them.
I hope that, if nothing else, all that tampering lands me back in the timeline where Archway still makes Black Walnut Icebox cookies. Man, I miss those.
Wonder if the earthquake on the eastern seaboard will feed into this - seems like good conspiracy fodder ?
Funny you should say that - well-known fount of knowledge & reasonable thinking Marjorie Taylor Greene has proclaimed on X:

‘God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent.

‘Earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come. I pray that our country listens.’
Repent now Americans!..
Funny you should say that - well-known fount of knowledge & reasonable thinking Marjorie Taylor Greene has proclaimed on X:

Repent now Americans!..
Indeed. Best repent now or face the pestilence.

Trillions and trillions of cicadas are going to emerge from their underground homes triggered by the eclipse. They were going to appear anyway but forget that.

When they fail to emerge, will the headlines read 'CLOSE, BUT NO CICADAS' .....?
I seriously think you need to start penting as well.

Of course they will appear. Danny who lives on the 4th floor of the tower block where I live told me they WILL appear so it must be true.
I'm editing this webpage right now to add more to it because the BS is growing to epic proportions.

Eclipse Anxiety 2024
Amidst misinformation surrounding the April 8 solar eclipse, many in the US succumb to unfounded fears. While eclipses are natural, predictable phenomena, rumors of catastrophes, like earthquakes and power outages, persist. Authorities prepare for human, not celestial, issues as crowds gather to view the event. Though there isn’t a connection between such natural events and disasters, superstitions and doomsday predictions thrive, exploiting public misunderstanding and religious sentiments.

It's not the actual events I'm scared of, it's the people who believe they're going to happen that are terrifying me.
I'm editing this webpage right now to add more to it because the BS is growing to epic proportions.

Eclipse Anxiety 2024
Amidst misinformation surrounding the April 8 solar eclipse, many in the US succumb to unfounded fears. While eclipses are natural, predictable phenomena, rumors of catastrophes, like earthquakes and power outages, persist. Authorities prepare for human, not celestial, issues as crowds gather to view the event. Though there isn’t a connection between such natural events and disasters, superstitions and doomsday predictions thrive, exploiting public misunderstanding and religious sentiments.

It's not the actual events I'm scared of, it's the people who believe they're going to happen that are terrifying me.
Nice article on your website. Well written as well and very clear.

One of the things that some Christians are going on about is the path of the eclipse will pass over 7 towns in the US called Nimiveh ( I think that's the spelling ) and also one in Canada with the same name. It also passes over several towns called Salem, the old name for Jerusalem. (I forget what Jeru means).

In the Bible, Jonah, of the whale fame, was told by God to go to Nimiveh and deliver the people because they had become debauch and were, if my memory is correct, making human sacrifices, that included children, to Molech or Ba'al, I can't remember which. Jonah was afraid to do that so he fled across the Red Sea, I think, and was swallowed by the whale where he was stuck for 3 days, again my memory is failing. It could have been longer. Jonah after being regurgitated by the whale returned to Nimiveh and delivered the people and all was happy.

Some Christians say the US in it's life style has become debauch and that child sex trafficking and sacrifice to the same demons, Molech and Ba'al, is prolific, and along with pedophilia and the harvesting of adrenochrome and chronochrome from children, is likened to the Biblical version of Nimiveh and the eclipse is a signal of some type of change for the better to come about.

Remember, I am just the courier of the above. As with many theories like this, I have no real opinion one way or the other.
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Nice article on your website. Well written as well and very clear.

One of the things that some Christians are going on about is the path of the eclipse will pass over 7 towns in the US called Nimiveh ( I think that's the spelling ) and also one in Canada with the same name. It also passes over several towns called Salem, the old name for Jerusalem. (I forget what Jeru means).

In the Bible, Jonah, of the whale fame, was told by God to go to Nimiveh and deliver the people because they had become debauch and were, if my memory is correct, making human sacrifices, that included children, to Molech or Ba'al, I can't remember which. Jonah was afraid to do that so he fled across the Red Sea, I think, and was swallowed by the whale where he was stuck for 3 days, again my memory is failing. It could have been longer. Jonah after being regurgitated by the whale returned to Nimiveh and delivered the people and all was happy.

Some Christians say the US in it's life style has become debauch and that child sex trafficking and sacrifice to the same demons, Molech and Ba'al, is prolific, and along with pedophilia and the harvesting of adrenochrome and chronochrome from children, is likened to the Biblical version of Nimiveh and the eclipse is a signal of some type of change for the better to come about.

Remember, I am just the courier of the above. As with many theories like this, I have no real opinion one way or the other.
Have added that item to the piece as part of the update. I can hardly keep up with all the stuff bubbling up. I'm going to have to quit trying just for my own sanity.
Nice article on your website. Well written as well and very clear.

One of the things that some Christians are going on about is the path of the eclipse will pass over 7 towns in the US called Nimiveh ( I think that's the spelling ) and also one in Canada with the same name. It also passes over several towns called Salem, the old name for Jerusalem. (I forget what Jeru means).

In the Bible, Jonah, of the whale fame, was told by God to go to Nimiveh and deliver the people because they had become debauch and were, if my memory is correct, making human sacrifices, that included children, to Molech or Ba'al, I can't remember which. Jonah was afraid to do that so he fled across the Red Sea, I think, and was swallowed by the whale where he was stuck for 3 days, again my memory is failing. It could have been longer. Jonah after being regurgitated by the whale returned to Nimiveh and delivered the people and all was happy.

Some Christians say the US in it's life style has become debauch and that child sex trafficking and sacrifice to the same demons, Molech and Ba'al, is prolific, and along with pedophilia and the harvesting of adrenochrome and chronochrome from children, is likened to the Biblical version of Nimiveh and the eclipse is a signal of some type of change for the better to come about.

Remember, I am just the courier of the above. As with many theories like this, I have no real opinion one way or the other.
IIRC, it's Nineveh, rather than Nimiveh.