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death rays

  1. rynner2

    History Rewritten: Myths Busted & New Truths Uncovered

    http/tinyurl.com/yqr5sy (Mod Edit: Original link is broken. Archived version found via The Wayback Machine here: https://web.archive.org/web/20090130100439/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1545177/Caravaggio-was-actually-Merisi-of-Milan.html) rynner the ubiquitous
  2. A

    The Nikola Tesla Thread

    Tesla's "Death Ray" Below is a link to a document which contains half of the FBI declassified files on Nikola Tesla, which is mostly addressing requests from learned fellows trying to get hold of his research after he kicked the bucket, only to get the stock answer "That's not out department."...